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egl libraries and binary drivers

Hi X people (keep me cc:ed, I'm not on this list)

I am confused about X dependencies, and am hoping you can clarify or
point me at some docs. I know very little about X, despite having just
packaged the mali drivers.

My confusion is around libegl and how the dependencies should work,
especially the virtual package libegl-x11.

We have:
libegl1-x11 (virtual package)
libegl1 (from libglvnd). Vendor neutral GL dispatch library

this latter depends on libegl-mesa0 | libegl-vendor

The binary mali userspace driver (source:mali-midgard-driver) provides a 
which conflicts with libegl1

currently that package conflicts with libegl1-x11, which I think was
correct until recently, but it looks like it should conflict with
libegl1 now instead. Is that right? 

AIUI the binary driver _could_ provide libegl-vendor, but that
requires it to provide a libEGL_${VENDOR}.so.1 instead of libegl1.so.1
(and do the right things internally). It doesn't yet do that, and I
don't know when it will. It's not just a matter of renaming, right?
I found this explanation which helped: https://lwn.net/Articles/518394/
and this may be more up-to-date: 

So, for the time being the mali driver is an old-fashion
'one-EGL-implementation-at-a-time' driver. What should it provide and
conflict with?

(And is this different on arches that support OPenGL rather than openGLES?)

Apologies for my very vague understanding of this area. Any advice
gratefully received.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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