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piglit: Changes to 'refs/tags/debian/0_git20140914-b0c65ba-1'

Tag 'debian/0_git20140914-b0c65ba-1' created by Jordan Justen <jordan.l.justen@intel.com> at 2014-09-15 17:25 +0000

piglit Debian release 0~git20140914-b0c65ba-1

Changes since the dawn of time:
Aaron Watry (76):
      cmake: Fix piglit build when BUILD_GLX_TESTS=True
      cl: Add build test for macro definitions without values
      cl: Add build test for macro definitions with values specified
      cl: Add build test for mixed macro definitions.
      cl: Add build test for specified include directories
      cl: Add build test for specified math intrinsics
      cl: Add build test for optimizations options
      cl: Add build test for disabling warnings
      cl: Add build test for specifying CL version
      cl: Add build test for -Werror
      cl: Add build test for invalid CL version declarations
      cl: Remove TODO item from build-program.c
      Fix test macro-definitions.cl
      Fix MacOS build for OpenCL tests
      Fix discovery of OpenCL framework on MacOS.
      cl: Fix a bunch of CL tests on MacOS.
      cl: Add vector conversion tests.
      cl: Remove clc_version_min requirement on scalar-load-[float|uchar].cl tests
      cl: Remove clc_version_min from gegl-rgb-gamma-u8-to-ragabaf.cl
      cl: Add a CL test for kernel names which match iso646.h definitions.
      cl: These tests were failing to compile on Nvidia CL runtime on *NIX.
      cl: Don't attempt to execute vector-arithmetic-[floating|integer].cl include files.
      cl: Fix warnings-as-errors CL test.
      cl: Replace scalar-load-[float|uchar] with more comprehensive tests.
      Only specify -cl-std when test hasn't explicitly overridden -cl-std
      Add a python generator for integer builtin function tests [v2]
      Plug the built-in test generator to the CL test list [v2]
      CL Builtins: Fix sign-extension bug in rotate
      CL Builtin: Remove an invalid mad24 test
      [CL]: Fix mul24 test and add mad24/mul24 uint tests
      cl: Fix char/short test names
      cl: Add test of get_global_size(dim)
      cl: Test get_work_dim function
      CL: Add int2 stack and int2/int4 constant load tests
      CL: Fix illegal character in scalar-arithmatic-short test name
      CL: Fix other-data-types image tests
      CL: Fix scalar-data-types double test
      CL: Basic test of bitselect builtin
      CL: Add vload/vstore with/without offset tests for int data types.
      CL: Add get_num_groups tests
      CL: Add get_local_id tests
      CL: Add int min/max tests
      CL: Add int* vload*(constant/local/private) tests
      CL: Add atomic_add/inc uint threaded tests
      CL: Add atomic_sub/atomic_dec tests
      CL: Add global memory read/write and barrier tests
      CL: Fix memory leak in program-tester.c
      CL: Add basic mapped memory tests
      cl/api: Fix uninitialized read in cl/api/create_buffer.c
      cl: Add TRUE definition with type dependent value for generated tests
      cl: Add isgreater(float, float) relational tests
      cl: Add isgreaterequal(float, float) relational tests
      cl: Add isnotequal(float, float) relational tests
      cl: Add isequal(float) relational tests
      cl: Add 3-arg TTS kernel type
      cl: Add mix tests
      cl: Add signbit(float) relational tests
      cl: Add __attribute__(work_group_size_hint(..)) test
      cl/relational: Add isless tests
      cl/relational: Add islessequal tests
      cl/relational: Add islessgreater tests
      cl/relational: Add isfinite tests
      cl/relational: Fix isnan TRUE value
      cl/relational: Add isinf tests
      cl/relational: Add isnormal tests
      cl/relational: Add isordered tests
      cl/relational: Add isunordered tests
      glsl-1.10/glsl-1.20: Rename tests to make case-insensitive filesystems work
      cl: Add floating point rounding tests
      cl: Add sqrt tests
      cl: Add acos tests
      cl: Add atan2 tests
      cl: Add asin tests
      cl: Add fabs tests
      cl: Add tan tests
      cl: Add fmod tests

Abdiel Janulgue (1):
      builtin tests: Add negation source modifer test for logical instructions

Adam Jackson (38):
      glx/pixmap-life: New test
      glx-pixmap-life: Add missing return statement
      util: Include glxproto.h in piglit-glx-util.h
      util: Add piglit_glx_get_fbconfig_from_visinfo
      util: Add piglit_glx_get_error
      glx-window-life: new test
      glx-pixmap-multi: New test
      glx-pixmap13-life: New test
      glx-pixmap-life: warning fix
      glx-pixmap-multi: Test GLX 1.3 pixmaps too
      Make piglit_glx_get_error a bit more useful
      glx-pixmap-crosscheck: New test
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Relax (remove) checks on GLX_PIXMAP_BIT
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Verify fbconfig depth versus visual depth
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Check GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS is in {0, 1}
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Be more strict about GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Check GLX_RENDER_TYPE value
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Check GLX_X_RENDERABLE value
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Validate GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Validate GLX_CONFIG_CAVEAT
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Verify that {True,Direct}Color is not color-index
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Report visual ids in hex, consistent with xdpyinfo
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Validate GLX_TRANSPARENT_TYPE
      glx-fbconfig-sanity: Update some comments
      glx-fbconfig-compliance: New test
      glx-fbconfig-compliance: Check color-index fbconfigs too
      glx-copy-sub-buffer: test GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer
      fbo-sys-blit: Remove a bogus glFinish
      fbo-sys-sub-blit: new test
      glx-swap-pixmap: Fix test to do something legal
      glx-swap-pixmap-bad: New test
      glx-query-drawable: Require GLX 1.3
      glx-query-drawable: Add cases for all drawable types
      glx: Add GLX 1.3 variants of glx-query-drawable to all.tests
      glx_arb_create_context: Add current-no-framebuffer test
      util: Fix rgb9e5's big-endian test
      glx-query-drawable: Add test for GLX_FBCONFIG_ID
      glx-query-drawable: Add test for GLX_PRESERVED_CONTENTS

Adel Gadllah (1):
      glx: Add a testcase for GLX_EXT_buffer_age

Adrian Marius Negreanu (2):
      cmake: Add a PIGLIT_BUILD_GL_TESTS option
      cmake: Request GLUT only when Waffle is not used

Alan Hourihane (1):
      tests/all.py: Fix built-in-constants* tests to use fullpath to shaders.

Alex Corscadden (1):
      Make piglit work on OpenSUSE 11.1.

Anuj Phogat (108):
      Test case for glTexImage2D with depth cube map
      Test case for glTexImage2D with depth cube map
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/piglit
      util: Add functions to probe int, uint rgba buffer data
      texturing: Add test case for samplerCubeShadow support in GL 3.0
      Add test case for glClearBuffer in mixed format color buffers
      Add test case to verify glClearBuffer support in display lists
      Add test verifying glDrawBuffer with different buffer modes
      Fix clearbuffer-display-lists test case
      Add test to verify large textures are handled correctly in mesa
      Add test to verify glCopyPixels()
      Add utility function piglit_draw_triangle
      Rewrite copyteximage to test all texture targets and internal formats
      Add test to verify glDrawPixels with allowed pixel formats and data types
      Split accuracy test to allow new multisample tests utilize this code
      Add test to turn on/off MSAA in a FBO
      Add new classes to draw points and lines in to multisample FBO
      Add test to draw multisample lines with GL_LINE_SMOOTH enabled
      Add test to draw multisample points with GL_POINT_SMOOTH enabled
      Add test to draw multisample polygons with GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH enabled
      Add test to verify glBlitFramebuffer with non-matching sample count
      Add test to verify glBlitFramebuffer with non-matching buffer sizes
      Add test to verify glBlitFramebuffer with non-matching buffer formats
      Add test to verify glSampleCoverage with multisample fbo
      Add test to verify sample alpha to coverage with multisample fbo
      Add test to verify sample alpha to one with multisample fbo
      Add test to verify the functionality of glBitmap() with multisample FBO
      Add test to verify the functionality of polygon stipple with multisample FBO
      ext_framebuffer_multisample: fix turn-on-off test
      msaa: Share visualize_image function by moving it to common.cpp
      msaa: Add files containing the shared code to test multiple draw buffers
      msaa: Add test to verify sample-alpha-to-one with multiple draw buffers
      msaa: Add test to verify sample-alpha-to-coverage with multiple draw buffers
      msaa: Add test to verify sample-alpha-to-one with integer draw buffers
      msaa: Add test to verify sample-alpha-to-coverage with integer draw buffers
      msaa: Add test to verify sample-alpha-to-one with GL_MULTISAMPLE disabled
      msaa: Add test to verify sample-alpha-to-one with single sample FBO
      msaa: Rewrite sample-alpha-to-coverage test to utilize the shared code
      msaa: Rewrite sample-alpha-to-one test to utilize shared code
      msaa: Add depth buffer testing support in draw-buffer-common.cpp
      msaa: Add depth buffer testing to sample-alpha-to-coverage test case
      draw-buffers-common.cpp: don't use dynamically sized array
      msaa: Make few changes to shared code to accomodate no-draw-buffer-zero test
      msaa: Add test to verify alpha-to-coverage when nothing is bound to draw buffer zero
      msaa: Make changes in shared code to accomodate dual-src-blending test cases
      msaa: Add test to verify alpha to coverage with dual source blending
      msaa: Add test to verify sample-alpha-to-one with dual source blending
      Allow testing of generic compressed texture formats with 1D/3D textures
      copyteximage: Fix the test to eliminate GL_TEXTURE_1D failures on NVIDIA
      msaa: Avoid undefined behavior in visualize_image function
      Skip testing textures with depth-stencil formats in glGenerateMipmap
      Add test to verify GL errors in glGenerateMipmap
      etc2: Add test to verify texturing with etc2 miptree
      Enable etc2 tests on gl contexts that support GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility extension
      Fix etc2 test for format=COMPRESSED_R11_EAC
      Add functionality to create a FBO with multisample texture attachment
      Add test to verify the accuracy of multisample scaled blitting
      Add test to verify the error conditions in ext_multisample_framebuffer_blit_scaled
      Make the functions in ext_framebuffer_multisample/common.cpp available globally
      Add test to verify the accuracy of scaled blitting with GL_LINEAR filter
      Add test to verify scaled blitting of {texture, renderbuffer} attachments produce same output
      Move visualize_image function to util/piglit-util-gl.c
      Add utility functions to convert a color value to srgb or linear color space
      Use utility function piglit_srgb_to_linear()
      Use global function piglit_linear_to_srgb() to avoid code duplication
      Use global function piglit_srgb_to_linear() to avoid code duplication
      glsl: Add precision qualifier tests for sampler types in GLSL and GLSL ES
      ARB_sample_shading: Add test to verify new functions and enums
      ARB_sample_shading: Add test to verify the functionality of gl_NumSamples
      ARB_sample_shading: Add test to verify the functionality of gl_SampleID
      ARB_sample_shading: Add test to verify the functionality of gl_SampleMask[]
      ARB_sample_shading: Add test to verify the functionality of gl_SamplePosition
      ARB_sample_shading: Add compiler tests for new builtins
      Move multisample blit scaled tests to spec/ext_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled
      Use piglit_vertex to properly interface with piglit_draw_rect()
      glslparsertest: Support geometry and compute shader in {compile, link} status
      piglit-fbo: Add variable color_format to configure non-multisample fbo
      arb_sample_shading: Use integer texture to simplify the test
      builtin-gl-sample-id: Add testing for fbo with renderbuffer attachment
      builtin-gl-sample-mask: Add testing for fbo with renderbuffer attachment
      Add test to verify interpolation at sample position
      Add test to verify 'centroid' qualifier is ignored in case of persample shading
      glsl-1.50: Add shader tests to verify gl_FragCoord layout qualifiers
      glsl-1.50: Add compiler tests to verify gl_FragCoord layout qualifiers
      arb_gpu_shader5: Add shader tests to verify 'invocations' layout qualifier
      arb_gpu_shader5: Add compiler tests to verify 'invocations' layout qualifier
      teximage-errors: Run all the tests before returning result
      teximage-errors: Test the combinations of depth and depth-stencil formats
      teximage-errors: Make changes to support core profile
      Fix expected behavior of glBlitFramebuffer() with conditional rendering
      Add test to verify the values of gl_VertexID captured by transform feedback
      ext_framebuffer_multisample: Add testing for fast clear color path
      glsl-1.50: Add shader tests to verify gl_FragCoord redeclarations
      glsl-1.50: Add compiler tests to verify gl_FragCoord redeclarations
      Add test to verify overlapping locations of vertex input attributes
      Add compiler tests for overlapping attribute locations
      fbo-drawbuffers-none: Add the instructions for running subtests
      fbo-drawbuffers-none: Move the drawing code to piglit_display()
      fbo-drawbuffers-none: Refactor the code to add a sub test
      fbo-drawbuffers-none: Add a sub test for fragment shader out variables
      fbo-drawbuffers-none: Use util function streq() in place of strcmp()
      Add test to verify glTexSubImage2D() with depth formats
      Add texsubimage-depth-formats test to all.py
      piglit-fbo: Move color buffer initialization code in to separate functions
      piglit-fbo: Add new variables to track multiple color attachments
      piglit-fbo: Enable the tests to create FBO with multiple color attachments
      Add test to verify blitting to multiple render targets
      Add test to verify transform feedback values of few builtin variables

Ben Holmes (17):
      vbo-map-remap: Test that glMapBuffer of a VBO doesn't impact previous drawing.
      added test fdo22540 which draws using a vbo, then maps the vbo and checks for a GL error.
      Point-sprite test
      provoking-vertex: New test for proper function of glProvokingVertexEXT.
      bgra-vert-attrib-pointer: new test for using vertex attribute and BGRA data.
      bgra-sec-color-pointer test: New test forsecondary color array and BGRA data.
      adds test for glsl derivative functions.
      adds test using glsl derivative functions on varyings.
      adds test using the glsl function fwidth().
      adds a test using the optional lod bias in texture sampling.
      adds a test using a vertex program that ignores inputs and simply writes a constant to gl_Position.
      added test depth-tex-modes. Tests drawing depth textures in LUMINANCE, INTENSITY, and ALPHA modes as 2d textures and texture rectangles.
      added glsl version of depth-tex-modes test.
      added depth-tex-compare test.
      glsl-useprogram-displaylist: New test for bug #23746
      tex-swizzle: New test for GL_EXT_texture_swizzle.
      adds rg texture test using glDrawPixels with formats of GL_RED and GL_RG

Ben Widawsky (2):
      spec/arb_copy_buffer: Add a new test for copy_buffer.
      spec: functional map_buffer_range test

Blaž Tomažič (14):
      util: Move piglit-util to piglit-util-gl-common
      util: Move API-independent code to piglit-util
      util: Rename piglit-util-enum.c
      util: Move file reading function to piglit-util
      cmake: Move piglitutil library to piglitutil_gl
      cmake: Build API-independent piglitutil library
      util-cl: Add utilities to support OpenCL tests
      util-cl: Add OpenCL testing framework
      cmake: Build OpenCL utilities and framework
      cl: Add OpenCL tests
      cmake: Build OpenCL tests
      cl: Add all_cl.tests test set
      doc: Add cl tests documentation
      README: Include OpenCL information

Brian Paul (537):
      update all.tests ignoreErrors list with "compression/decompression available"
      import latest glsl1, vertprog1, fragprog1 sources from Glean
      more debug/fail info, added comment
      sync tglsl1.cpp with Glean again to get latest #includes
      function pointer changes for MacOS
      Add occlusion_query to all.tests
      check for GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp before testing mirror clamp modes
      fflush(stderr) and fflush(stdout) to ensure we see printf() output on Windows.
      texredefine: better error msg, set texture mag filter
      glsl-reload-source: use gl_Vertex instead of generic position attribute
      glslparsertest: added #version directive for uniform initializer test
      fbo-readpixels: added comments
      draw-elements-vs-inputs: glDraw[Range]Elements regression test
      texunits: a new test to exercise the various texture unit limits
      texunits: add the test to all.tests
      vp-address-0x: fix GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB queries
      glsl-arb-fragment-coord-conventions-define: fix up the fragment shader
      piglit-util: add debug code to examine info logs upon success
      util: added piglit_compile_shader_text()
      glsl-arb-fragment-coord-conventions: test GLSL for this extension
      all.tests: added glsl-arb-fragment-coord-conventions
      copytexsubimage: fix window title string
      util: allow single shader in piglit_link_simple_program()
      array-texture: new test for GL_EXT_texture_array
      fbo-blit: asst. clean-ups
      fbo-blit: use POT texture size
      fbo-blit: also test glCopyPixels and glRead/DrawPixels()
      fbo-blit: enable the new tests, plus asst fixups
      fbo-blit: remove check for GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
      piglit: ignore gallium debug messages
      piglit: be smarter about finding/removing -auto from argv
      fbo-blit: remove glCopy/Read/DrawPixels code
      fbo-copypixels: a varient of fbo-blit.c
      fbo-readdrawpix: a varient of fbo-blit.c
      add fbo-copypix and fbo-readdrawpix to CMakeLists.txt
      fbo-drawbuffers: fix comment
      fbo-drwabuffers*: use 128x128 (POT) window/texture size
      point-line-no-cull: check that points/lines aren't accidentally culled
      fbo-3d: don't push matrices in piglit_ortho_projection() call
      fbo-readpixels: don't push matrices in piglit_ortho_projection() call
      fbo-pbo-readpixels-small: don't push matrices in piglit_ortho_projection() call
      fbo-3d: fix, add comments
      mipmap-setup: exercise setting up mipmaped textures in different orders
      trinity-fp1: fix invalid glMultiTexCoord2f() calls
      s3tc-texsubimage: fix numerous bugs in the test and add some comments
      all.tests: add another gallium debug string to ignore
      texture-integer: new test for GL_EXT_texture_integer
      glsl-max-varying: use MAX_VARYING instead of 32
      primitive-restart: new test to exercise primitive restart (NV and GL 3.1)
      primitive-restart: add compile-time tests for GL 3.1
      glsl-routing: call glSecondaryColorPointer with size = 3, not 4
      bgra-sec-color-pointer: call glSecondaryColorPointer with size = 3, not 4
      primitive-restart: added piglit_ortho_projection() call
      line-aa-width: more descriptive error output
      glsl-vs-sqrt-zero: check pixel (14,14) to catch an llvmpipe bug
      glsl-bug-22603: move glUniform() call to after glUseProgram()
      glsl-fs-pointcoord.c: clamp point_size to window size
      piglit-glx-framework: need int piglit-automatic declaration/definition
      texline: needs libm
      glsl-bug-22603: comments and s/1/GL_TRUE/
      array-texture: fix out of bounds array read
      glsl-function-prototype: test GLSL shader prototypes
      glsl-getattriblocation: test glGetAttribLocation()
      glsl-bindattriblocation: test glBindAttribLocation w/ non-zero location
      glsl-novertexdata: test if we can draw using a vertex shader but no vertex data
      fbo-blit-d24s8: fix comment
      glsl1: add another variable-indexed array test
      fragProg1: add a few more tests (DP3, ADD w/ immediates)
      glsl1: added some casts, #version 1.20 to fix compilation warnings/errors
      glsl1: added some new negation tests
      glsl1: need GLSL 1.30 for precision qualifiers test
      glsl1: added function prototype test
      tglsl1: better version checking code
      glsl1: fix the texcoord varying test
      pointAtten: improve measureSize() function
      fbo: tweak vertex pos for line drawing
      tri-tex-crash: new test for a specific bug in Mesa/Gallium/LLVMpipe
      primitive-restart: also test glDrawArrays()
      rg-teximage: fix typo in comments
      texture-rg: another test of GL_ARB_texture_rg
      texture-integer: additional tests for GL error generation
      fbo-texture: test render to texture with GL_EXT_texture_integer
      texture-integer: additional testing
      gpu_shader4_attribs: test vertex attributes and uniforms for GL_EXT_gpu_shader4
      fbo-integer: do some polygon rendering tests
      fbo-pbo-readpixels-small: clear the color buffer to silence valgrind
      isbufferobj: test the glIsBuffer() function
      glsl-fs-texturelod-01: move declarations before code
      tex3d-maxsize: use proxy texture to determine max 3D texture size
      fbo-maxsize: use proxy texture, run faster
      teximage-errors: test that glTexImage functions catch expected errors
      add teximage-errors to all.tests
      piglit: new piglit_get_glx_context_share() function
      glx-shader-sharing: test shaders shared between two contexts
      glx-shader-sharing: move context creation into draw()
      tex-swizzle: fix up function prototypes
      longprim: simple test of drawing long primitive strips
      longprim: tweaks to run a bit faster w/ software rendering
      draw-instanced: test GL_ARB_draw_instanced
      draw-instanced-divisor: test GL_ARB_instanced_arrays
      fbo-draw-buffers-blend: test GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend
      add compile-time checks for GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility
      fbo-fragcoord2: test gl_FragCoord, gl_FrontFacing, culling
      glx-swap-event: test for GLX_MESA_swap_control at compile time
      fbo-storage-formats: test glRenderbufferStorage(internalFormat)
      fbo-depth-sample-compare: compare depth texture sampling vs. fragment.z
      vbo-buffer-unmap: exercise a VBO buffer unmap issue
      gl30basic: test basic GL 3.0 features
      re-alphabetize tests lists
      glsl1: better comments for shadow2D() tests
      glsl1: add GLSL version checking code for single test case
      vao-01: use piglit_require_extension()
      sampler-objects: test for GL_ARB_sampler_objects
      polygon-mode: test glPolygonMode
      texture-float-formats: a simple GL_ARB_texture_float test
      fbo-alphatest-formats: add some comments
      texture-float-formats: added support for RG textures
      piglit-util: improve shader enum->string conversion
      pos-array: test glDrawArray() with different types of vertex position arrays
      piglit_util: return 0 when piglit_compile_shader_text() fails
      fbo-mipmap-copypix: Test glRead/Draw/CopyPixels accessing mipmap levels
      getuniform-02: more gl[Get]Uniform tests
      dlist-fdo31590: regression test for some display list bugs
      array-stride: test unusual vertex array strides
      glx-fbo-binding: test FBO binding state across glXMakeCurrent() calls
      longprim: fix comments
      fp-generic: fix int/long warning in fprintf()
      draw-elements-base-vertex-neg: check for GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex
      dlist-clear: call piglit_ortho_projection() in piglit_display()
      depthrange-clear: call piglit_ortho_projection() in piglit_display()
      fdo23670-drawpix_stencil: move piglit_ortho_projection() to piglit_display()
      pbo-drawpixels: move piglit_ortho_projection() to piglit_display()
      read-front: move piglit_ortho_projection() to piglit_display()
      scissor-copypixels: move piglit_ortho_projection() to piglit_display()
      stencil-drawpixels: move piglit_ortho_projection() to piglit_display()
      draw-batch: move piglit_ortho_projection() to piglit_display()
      glsl-fs-uniform-array-7.shader_test: bump min uniform components to 129
      glsl-fs-uniform-array-5.shader_test: add requirement of 1024 uniform components
      texture-packed-formats: test packed texture formats
      fbo-stencil: assorted fixes to account for rasterization variance
      fbo-bind-renderbuffer: test error detection for renderbuffer binding
      copyteximage-clipping: test clipping of glCopyTexImage2D()
      Add ARB_shader_objects wrapper for glGetAttribLocation()
      pos-array: use shader object wrapper functions
      shader_runner: add cases for other shadow compare funcs
      copyteximage: basic test of glCopyTexImage2D()
      texture-integer: disable assertion
      fbo-integer: test for GLSL version 1.30 or later
      arb_color_buffer_float/render: rewrap up very long line
      fbo-formats: add f/F key to choose next/prev test, test set
      clip-flag-behavior: remove unused var
      arb_texture_compression: add cast to silence warning
      fs-texelFetchOffset-2D: remove unused vars
      draw-arrays-colormaterial: test glDrawArrays with glColorMaterial
      glsl-sin, glsl-cos: move piglit_ortho_projection() calls to display() func
      arb_color_buffer_float/render: refactor code for easier debugging
      texsubimage: test glTexSubImage()
      getteximage-formats: test glGetTexImage() with various texture formats
      glsl-fs-fragcoord-zw-ortho/perspecive: tests of gl_FragCoord.zw components
      fbo-blit-d24s8: add GLUT_DEPTH to piglit_window_mode
      shader_runner: check for argc > 1 before accessing argv[1]
      glsl-fs-fragcoord: incr loops by 16 to probe fewer pixels
      piglit-shader: report full path name in err msg if we can't open the file
      two-sided-lighting: a pair of simple tests of two-sided lighting
      ext_timer_query/time-elapsed: only build on unix
      primitive-restart: set const dx = 20 in one place
      primitive-restart: use piglit_present_results()
      primitive-restart: fix breakage from previous commit (grrr)
      1-1-linear-texture: use rand() instead of random(), fixes mingw32
      fbo-depth-sample-compare: added debug code, misc clean-ups
      glew: update to version 1.7.0
      texture-storage: test GL_ARB_texture_storage
      texture-storage: misc clean-ups suggested by Ian
      output-type: use malloc() instead of alloca() to fix MSVC build
      glew: fix broken GL_ARB_draw_instanced setup code
      glx-query-drawable: fix bad string declarations
      glx-swap-pixmap-bad: add missing return statement, remove unused var
      arb_framebuffer_object: add missing return statement
      draw-pixel-with-texture: fix MSVC compilation failure
      getactiveattrib: fix jumbled for-loop test
      fbo-blit-d24s8: fix indentation
      fbo-blit-d24s8: don't try to blit betweendifferent Z/stencil depths
      copybuffersubdata: test GL_ARB_copy_buffer extension
      incomplete-texture: test sampling from an incomplete texture object
      copybuffersubdata: use bool, piglit_require_extension()
      polygon-mode: replace memcmp() with better pixel probing
      shader_runner: move declaration before code
      texture_integer-api-teximage: fix / add error checks
      tex3d-maxsize: remove unused NVIDIA hack code
      getteximage-formats: add debug code to disable blending
      getteximage-luminance: test readback of GL_LUMINANCE textures
      point-line-no-cull: probe two pixels instead of one
      fbo-alphatest-formats: correct the expected intensity/luminance values
      fbo-blending-formats: fix expected result for intensity and luminance textures
      fbo-luminance-alpha: fix expected result colors
      glsl-{fs|vs}-loop-300.shader_test: test simple loops of 300 iterations
      sampler-incomplete: test texture (in)completeness with sampler objects
      draw-elements-base-vertex-bounds: s/NV/ARB/ and add comments
      copyteximage: fix the test for legal texture formats
      dlist-color-material: test glMaterial in dlist with glColorMaterial
      fbo-viewport: exercise glViewport with FBOs
      integer-errors: check error detection for integer-related images
      texture-integer: move/improve the integer texture test to spec/gl-3.0/
      readpix-z: test glReadPixels(GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT)
      drawpix-z: test glDrawPixels(GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT)
      util: fix broken depth/stencil FBO setup
      security/initialized-texmemory - test contents of unitialized texture memory
      security/initialized-fbo: test contents of uninitialized renderbuffers
      security/initialized-vbo: test contents of uninitialized VBOs
      security: fix build breakage from recent infrastructure changes
      depthstencil-render-miplevels: remove stray semicolon
      depthstencil-render-miplevels: check GL_ARB_depth_texture_extension
      remove glsl-fs-sqrt-zero test
      remove glsl-vs-sqrt-zero test
      util: check for valid file type in piglit_load_text_file()
      util: fix MSVC build failure in piglit_ktx.c
      GL_ARB_ubo/maxblocks: don't use dynamically sized array
      GL_ARB_ubo/maxblocks: fix writing to zero-length string
      proxy-texture: test proxy texture error checking
      copyteximage: add more red/rg formats in supported_format()
      copyteximage: refactor the code for readability and debugging
      egl_khr_create_context: add extension #defines to common.h
      copyteximage: loosen the tolerance for compressed formats
      tex3d-depth1: test that a 3D texture w/ depth=1 works properly
      max-texture-size-level: test per-level max texture size error checking
      max-texture-size-level: don't try to create maxSize x maxSize textures
      max-texture-size: asst. formatting, etc. fixes
      texture-storage: fix internal format mistakes in the test
      texture-storage: do more thorough testing of internal format values
      max-texture-size: remove unnecessary GL calls
      copytexsubimage: print GL enum strings instead of hex values
      fbo-blit-stretch: add cast to silence signed/unsigned comparison warning
      shader_runner: add casts to silence char** vs const GLchar** warnings
      arb_texture_cube_map_array: fix assorted compiler warnings
      piglit: add piglit_rgbw_image() helper
      s3tc-errors: test GL error checking with s3tc textures
      util: add a comment to explain piglit_depth_texture()
      teximage-errors: use piglit_check_gl_error() helper
      teximage-errors: fix a couple mistakes, add two new test cases
      piglit: add compressed texture helper functions
      s3tc-errors: use new piglit compressed texture helpers
      compressedteximage: use new piglit compressed texture helpers
      s3tc-errors: add additional texture size checks
      piglit: add const qualifier for filename param for piglit_compile_shader()
      piglit: rename FindLine() to piglit_find_line()
      piglit: put 'void' in piglit_is_gles() and piglit_get_gl_version() decls
      tests/fbo: remove unused err, error vars
      fbo-missing-attachment-clear: remove unused err var
      piglit: fix crashes when using original GLUT
      readpix-z: asst. test improvements
      texgrad: use glFrustum() instead of gluPerspective()
      clip-flag-behavior: use piglit_check_gl_error() function instead of local code
      fp-fragment-position: use auto mipmap generation instead of gluBuild2DMipmaps()
      draw-vbo-bounds: fix comment typo
      point-line-no-cull: fix array index typo
      util/gl: add default window config of 150 x 150 pixels
      general: remove config.window_width/height = 100 lines
      general: remove more config.window_width/height lines
      lodclamp-between: set window size to 200x200
      texturing: remove config.window_width/height assignments
      fbo: remove config.window_width/height assignments
      fbo-gl_pointcoord: remove config.window_width/height and fix asst. bugs
      security/initialized-vbo: remove config.window_width/height
      shaders: remove config.window_width/height = 100 lines
      shaders: remove config.window_width/height = 100 lines
      bugs: remove config.window_width/height lines
      arb_copy_buffer: remove config.window_width/height lines
      arb_map_buffer_range: remove config.window_width/height lines
      arb_texture_float: remove config.window_width/height lines
      ext_fog_coord: remove config.window_width/height lines
      arb_texture_storage: remove config.window_width/height lines
      arb_sampler_objects: remove config.window_width/height lines
      ext_texture_array: remove config.window_width/height lines
      push-pop-texture-state: a replacement for the fdo9833 test
      glsl-kwin-blur: fix regressions after default window size change
      glsl-orangebook-ch06-bump: fix regression after default window size change
      glsl-arb-fragment-coord-conventions: fix window size regression
      arb_sampler_objects: prefix all tests with "arb_sampler_objects-"
      framework: log output of wglinfo on Windows and Cygwin
      piglit-print-commands: add more info, fix incorrect examples
      vbo-map-unsync: test unsynchronized buffer mapping
      teximage-errors: remove config.window_width/height lines
      glsl-uniform-out-of-bounds-2: remove unused variable j
      shader_runner: fix MSVC build
      getteximage-formats: print keyboard usage when not running in auto mode
      arb_internalformat_query: move this_test declaration before code
      masked-clear: port of Glean's maskedClear test to piglit
      test/shaders: remove explicit 100x100 window sizes
      arb_uniform_buffer_object: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      arb_debug_output: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      arb_map_buffer_alignment: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      glsl: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      arb_es2_compatibility: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      arb_blend_func_extended: remove explicit 100 x 100 window size
      gl-3.0: remove explit 100 x 100 window size
      gl-2.0: remove explicit 100 x 100 window size
      clipflat: glean clipFlat test ported to piglit
      glean/clipflat: remove (replaced by new piglit test)
      glean/maskedclear: remove (replaced by new piglit test)
      ext_transform_feedback: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      ext_texture_integer: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      arb_shader_objects: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      ext_packed_float: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      glsl-1.30: remove explicit 100x100 window size
      depth_texture_mode_and_swizzle: request alpha channel
      ext_framebuffer_multisample: check for GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample
      arb_framebuffer_srgb/blit: check requested samples against GL_MAX_SAMPLES
      framebuffer-srgb: minor comment fix-ups
      generated_tests: fix comment errors (int->float, ivec->vec)
      framebuffer-srgb: refactor and clean up the code
      scissor-polygon: a replacement for the glean scissor test
      remove glean scissor test
      piglit: add piglit_get_prim_name() helper
      longprim: use piglit_get_prim_name() function
      shader_runner: use piglit_get_prim_name()
      degenerate-prims: test that prims with too few vertices don't draw anything
      polygon-mode-offset: test glPolygonMode + glPolygonOffset
      framework: add a few more stderr strings to ignore
      framework: document return value of ExecTest::run()
      fbo-maxsize: minor test improvements
      fbo-maxsize: use piglit_get_gl_enum_name()
      add Python Mako module to the list of prerequisites
      texunits: increase size of arrays to fix crash
      texunits: clean-up GL error checking code
      rg-teximage: remove large stack allocations
      fbo-clear-formats: clean up error handling
      util: move #define GLXBadProfileARB from .c file to .h file
      provoking-vertex: also test clockwise triangles
      lodbias: increase window size to fix test on Windows
      arb_sampler_objects: use default window size to fix Windows run
      arb_shader_objects: use default window size to fix Windows run
      arb_framebuffer_object: use default window size to fix Windows run
      arb_vertex_buffer_object: use default window size to fix Windows run
      gl-1.0: use default window size to fix Windows run
      draw-pixels: whitespace fixes, remove unneeded parenthesis
      draw-pixels: display results when there's a failure
      draw-pixels: use better test values
      draw-pixels: use default window size, for Windows
      add a simple glinfo "test" program
      add new piglit-summary.py script for printing summaries of results file(s)
      piglit-summary.py: remove unused imports
      gl-1.0-dlist-shademodel: test glShadeModel() inside a display list
      dlist-beginend: test some tricky glBegin/glEnd display list corner cases
      gl-1.0-begend-coverage: remove unneeded #include "minmax-test.h"
      gl-1.0-beginend-coverage: fix FBO-related failures when using GLUT
      s3tc-errors: add more glTex[Sub]Image2D() error checking tests
      ext_texture_array-gen-mipmap: test texture array mipmap generation
      arb_texture_view: fix array size
      glean/tstencil2: check for extension before calling getProcAddress()
      arb_internalformat_query-minmax: add more version/ext checking
      ext_texture_array/compressed: check for GL_EXT_texture_array
      builtin_functions.py: tweak integer constants
      texsubimage: use piglit_get_gl_enum_name()
      piglit: silence piglit_report_subtest_result() format warnings
      fbo-gl_pointcoord: clean up shader formatting
      glean: silence unused var compiler warning
      layered-2d-texture-render: add const qualifiers to silence warnings
      max-texture-size: improve error message info
      arb_texture_storage: add some cube map error tests
      glx-query-drawable: change piglit_id to signed
      piglit-summary.py: add missing space in help text
      textureGather: rename enums to fix MingW, MSVC build
      cubemap-getteximage-pbo: Tests reading cube faces into a PBO
      arb_texture_view-getteximage-srgb: test sRGB texture views
      update the HACKING file's Coding style section
      arb_occlusion_query: remove unused variable
      arb_uniform_buffer_object: silence asprintf() warning
      arb_separate_shader_objects: silence string format warning
      glsl-1.10: test that redeclaring a variable with a different type is illegal
      fbo-drawbuffers-maxtargets: use different colors for different buffers
      ARB_viewport_array: rename 'near' and 'far' vars for Windows
      ARB_viewport_array: declare array with constant size
      piglit: don't report fail for WAFFLE_ERROR_BUILT_WITHOUT_SUPPORT
      genmipmap-errors: fix/add extension checks
      arb_viewport_array: add test to check for a MacOS AMD bug
      s3tc-errors: fix bad call to glPixelStorei()
      rendermode-feedback: add static, const qualifiers
      glean/blendFunc: use larger test stride for --quick option
      glean/pixelformats: use test stride of 13 for --quick option
      glean/pointatten: use test stride of 5 for --quick option
      shader_runner: add missing 'void' in function declarations
      shader_runner: check for no GLSL program in setup_ubos()
      gl-1.0/long-dlist: add test of long display lists
      Revert "util: Do not define asprintf for MinGW."
      gl-3.2-depth-tex-sampling: test OpenGL 3.2 core depth texture sampling
      gl-3.2-depth-tex-sampling: fix the test to expect "red" depth samples
      line-flat-clip-color: test flat-shaded line clipping color
      max-texture-size: test glTexSubImage2D() for GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE too
      max-texture-size: fix size reported in error message
      packed_depth_stencil: fix comments
      packed_depth_stencil: add a glGetTexImage test
      fbo-tex-rgbx: test rendering to and texturing from an RGBx texture
      dlist-multidrawarrays: test that glMultiDrawArrays works in a display list
      getteximage-targets: use MAX2() macro instead of hand-rolled max()
      fbo-generatemipmap-formats: skip integer textures
      normal3b3s-invariance: test GLbyte[3] and GLshort[3] normal vec invariance
      swapbuffers-behavior: check if swapbuffers swaps or copies
      fbo-readpixels: use piglit_get_gl_enum_name() for info/error messages
      implement new texture swizzle test
      add new texture swizzle API test
      remove old tex-swizzle test
      remove glean texSwizzle test
      fbo: use default window size for fbo tests
      early-z: use default window size
      framebuffer-srgb: use default window size
      linestipple use default window size
      texgen: use default window size
      texunits: use default window size
      quad-invariance: use default window size
      varray-disabled: use default window size
      ati-fs-bad-delete: use default window size
      glsl-fs-texturecube: use default window size
      vp-bad-program: use default window size
      incomplete-texture: use default window size
      proxy-texture: use default window size
      tex-srgb: use default window size
      tex3d-maxsize: use default window size
      texredefine: use default window size
      texture-rg: use default window size
      fragment-and-vertex-texturing: use default window size
      texture-al: use default window size
      fbo-drawbuffers: use default window size
      timer_query: use default window size
      texsubimage: use default window size
      point-line-no-cull: use default window size
      tex3d: assorted clean-ups
      tex3d-npot: assorted clean-ups
      util: use piglit_load_text_file() in piglit_compile_shader()
      arb_seamless_cube_map/three-faces-average: remove hard-coded window/probe coords
      arb_viewport_array-render_scissor: fix probing for any window size
      glsl-1.50/execution/geometry: fix pixel probing for arbitrary window size
      util: change default window size to 160 x 160
      etc1/etc2: move glViewport call to piglit_display(), use default window size
      nv_conditional_render/blitframebuffer: remove unused 'red' variable
      nv_conditional_render: use default window size
      ext_framebuffer_multisample: use default window size
      arb_texture_buffer_object: use default window size
      ext_transform_feedback: use default window size
      arb_texture_buffer_range: use default window size
      arb_separate_shader_objects: use default window size
      arb_transform_feedback2: use default window size
      arb_draw_elements_base_vertex: use default window size
      arb_draw_instanced: use default window size
      arb_es2_compatibility: use default window size
      arb_fragment_program: use default window size
      arb_framebuffer_srgb: use default window size
      arb_multisample: use default window size
      arb_texture_cube_map_array: use default window size
      arb_uniform_buffer_object: use default window size
      arb_vertex_array_object: use default window size
      arb_vertex_program: use default window size
      gl-2.0: use default window size
      gl-2.1: use default window size
      gl-3.0: use default window size
      gl-3.1: use default window size
      ext_texture_integer: use default window size
      arb_uniform_buffer_object: use default window size
      arb_occlusion_query: use default window size
      gl-3.2/layered-rendering_blit: use default window size
      gl-1.0/front-invalidate-back: use default window size
      glsl-1.10/execution/glsl-render-after-bad-attach: use default window size
      nv_texture_barrier: use default window size
      ati_draw_buffers: use default window size
      arb_occlusion_query2: use default window size
      ext_packed_float: use default window size
      ext_timer_query: use default window size
      ext_packed_depth_stencil: use default window size
      arb_vertex_program: use default window size
      arb_timer_query: use default window size
      arb_texture_buffer_object: use default window size
      arb_occlusion_query: restore window size specification
      arb_texture_compression/internal-format-query: use piglit_get_gl_enum_name()
      arb_draw_instanced: use default window size, set viewport
      arb_draw_instanced: move and rename drawarrays test
      arb_instanced_arrays: move and rename test
      arb_instanced_arrays: put extension prefix on executables
      arb_draw_elements_base_vertex: rename dlist test
      arb_draw_elements_base_vertex: rename instanced drawelements test
      arb_draw_elements_base_vertex: rename drawrangeelements test
      arb_draw_elements_base_vertex: rename multidrawelements test
      arb_draw_elements_base_vertex: move bounds checking test
      arb_draw_elements_base_vertex: move the drawelements test
      arb_draw_elements_base_vertex: rename/move negative index test
      vertexid: use default window size for gl_VertexID tests
      glslparsertest: s/vesion/version/
      arb_instanced_arrays: fix typo: s/istnanced/instanced/
      asmparsertest: print error if unable to open file
      util: add a simple set of matrix functions
      arb_base_instance: add glDrawArrays test for this extension
      gl-2.0/vertexattribpointer: new test for glVertexAttribPointer
      all.py: check if running in cygwin, use Windows-style path for testsDir
      all.py: use os.path.join() and string.split() to fix things for cygwin
      all.py: minor formatting/indentation change to improve readability
      all.py: use os.path everywhere for consistency
      piglit-matrix: include stdio.h
      ext_transform_feedback: use default window size for interleaved test
      ext_transform_feeback: use default window size for position test
      ext_transform_feedback: use default window size
      gl-3.0: add new test for glVertexAttribIPointer()
      fp-abs-01: use default window size
      tex-skipped-unit: use default window size
      pbo-readpixels-small: use default window size
      depth-tex-modes-rg: fix initial window size
      remove glean/tbufferobject test
      ext_packed_depth_stencil: new errors test
      ext_packed_depth_stencil: new glRead/DrawPixels test
      remove glean depthstencil test
      ARB_shader_bit_encoding: add a test which exercises an nvidia bug
      arb_uniform_buffer_object: add new rendering test
      gl-3.0-render-integer: add a new test for rendering to integer textures
      arb_uniform_buffer_object/maxblocks: minor whitespace fix
      arb_texture_buffer_object-get: use piglit_get_gl_enum_name() in error msg
      arb_uniform_buffer_object-minmax: divide block size by 4 to get components
      shader_runner: s/GLint/GLuint/ to silence sign warning
      piglit-dispatch: fix get_core_proc_address() for Windows
      util/framework/glut: do more core/compat profile checking
      arb_uniform_buffer_object/maxuniformblocksize: fix printf message
      arb_blend_func_extended: require GL 3.0
      arb_provoking_vertex/xfb-before-flatshading: use default window size
      clipflat: fix 0/2 index typo
      arb_texture_multisample: add new texelFetch() test
      texwrap: minor assorted changes
      polygon-offset: limit line width to 12 pixels
      framework: fix duplicated TEST_BIN_DIR for cygwin
      shader_runner: wrap strtod() to parse "inf" with MSVC
      tex-miplevel-selection: stop after 100 failures
      vertex-attrib-pointer-type-size-match: use a VAO for core profiles
      arb_uniform_buffer_object/maxblocks: use larger window, set viewport
      lineloop: fix #include
      util: add piglit_array_texture() function
      shader_runner: add support for rgbw 1D/2DArray texture setup
      ext_texture_array: add simple 1D/2D array rendering tests
      util: don't minify height for 1D textures in piglit_depth_texture()
      shader_runner: fix 1D array depth texture setup
      glsl-1.10/fragdepth: add new, simple test of gl_FragDepth
      maxuniformblocksize: fix vs/fsexceed test index

Carl Worth (25):
      Add simple test using the unary-plus operator.
      glean: Set window-manager hint to avoid test window from stealing input focus.
      Add missing "#version 120" to tests expecting implicit int->float conversion
      Sort tests within a group before running them.
      Add -x|--exclude-tests= option to specify tests not to run.
      Add valgrind-based testing.
      Remove CorrectPreprocess11.frag test from glslparser.tests
      Fix return type mismatch (int vs. float) in two tests.
      Force evaluation of the #elif condition being tested.
      Require OpenGL 3.0 or greater for GLSL 1.30 usampler tests.
      Remove commen-continuation test.
      Make new tests/spec/arb_occlusion_query directory
      Cleanup occlusion-query test to not require function pointers.
      Add new test: occlusion_query_lifetime
      Add new test: ext_timer_query-lifetime
      Add new test: occlusion_query_order
      Add occlusion-query tests for various meta operations.
      fbo-blending-formats: Enable testing for channels with 0 bits of data.
      fbo-blending-formats: Test DST_ALPHA blending when destination has no alpha
      fbo-blending-formats: Fix expected color values for DST_ALPHA blending
      fbo-blending-formats: Fixup expected Luminance value for DST_ALPHA blending
      fbo-alphatest-formats: Skip testing for ALPHA-only formats
      Change expected behavior for #if with undefined macros.
      Add new test for calling glGenQueries/glDeleteQueries with an active query.
      glean: Fix occlusion query test: expect Gen/DeleteQueries while active to work

Cedric Vivier (1):
      function-12.vert: New test for bug #29608.

Chad Versace (395):
      glslparsertest: Add diagnostic messages for when tests are skipped
      glslparsertest: Rename test bitwise-01.frag -> bit-not-01.frag
      glslparsertest: Add test for bit-not in GLSL 1.20
      glslparsertest: Add tests for bit-not in GLSL 1.30
      glslparsertest: Add tests for bit shifts in GLSL 1.30
      glslparsertest: Add tests for bit logic ops in GLSL 1.30
      glslparsertest: Fix test bit-shift-06.frag
      glslparsertest: Add tests for bit shift assignments in GLSL 1.30
      glslparsertest: Add tests for bit-logic assignments in GLSL 1.30
      glslparsertest: Fix comments in some bit-logic tests
      Add a new test for GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod.
      examples: Add example test files for GLSLParserTest
      framework: Add class GLSLParserTest
      glslparsertest: Prepend GLSLParserTest comment block to existing tests
      glslparsertest: Rename TestInclude.frag to IncludeDirective.inc
      all.tests: Modify ValgrindExecTest to support GLSLParserTest
      glslparsertest: Replace manual listing of tests with auto-discovery
      glslparsertest: Remove near duplicate test of gst-gl-hconv9.frag
      glsl-struct-constructor-01: New test for unary struct ctor
      glsl-inout-struct-01: Append '-01' to test name
      glsl-inout-struct-02: New test for inout struct params
      glsl-1.30: Add new test group 'spec/glsl-1.30'
      glsl-1.30: Fix some tests by appending 'u' to uint literals
      glsl-1.30: Rename incorrectly named test
      glsl_parser_test.py: Fix minor typo
      glsl_parser_test.py: Document import_glsl_parser_tests()
      glsl-1.00: Add tests for precision qualifiers
      glsl-1.xx: Fix default precision tests
      glsl-1.30: Test for built-in macro GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH
      glsl-1.00: Eliminate occurences of highp in FS tests
      glsl-1.00: Test for availability of highp in VS
      glsl-1.00: Add tests for highp in FS
      glsl-1.00: Enable test group spec/glsl-1.00
      glsl-1.00, glsl-1.30: Add tests for precision qualifiers on bvec2
      glsl-1.00: Fix test where global 'in' was accidentally used
      glsl-1.xx: Check that global inputs cannot be written to
      glsl_parser_test: Rewrite GLSLParserTest
      glsl_parser_test: Rename config opt 'extension' to 'require_extensions'
      glsl_parser_test: Add config opt 'override_extensions'
      AMD_conservative_depth: Add tests
      AMD_conservative_depth: Rename incorrectly named test
      Revert "glsl_parser_test: Add config opt 'override_extensions'"
      AMD_conservative_spec: Remove option 'override_extensions' from test files
      glslparsertest: Add tests for division by zero
      glslparsertest: Fix #version directive in modulus-zero-01.frag
      glsl-1.xx: Move some tests from glslparsertest into spec directory
      glsl-1.xx: Add more division-by-zero tests for float and int
      glsl-1.xx: Test that operator '%' is reserved
      glsl-1.xx: Test that operator '%=' is reserved
      glsl_parser_test: Add test instances to thread pool 'gpu-not-used'
      util: Place include guards in headers
      cmake: Find GLES2 library
      cmake: Replace awkward package inclusions with the natural CMake idiom
      cmake: Move output paths from piglit_SOURCE_DIR to piglit_BINARY_DIR
      cmake: Don't add source dirs as link dirs
      cmake: Temporarily disable building GLES2 targets
      cmake: Prepare CMake for GL and GLES2 builds
      piglit: Add header <piglit/gl_wrap.h>
      piglit: Add header <piglit/glut_wrap.h>
      util: Use gl_wrap.h and glut_wrap.h
      cmake: Add function piglit_include_target_api
      cmake: Each CMakeLists.txt that produces a target, rename to CMakeLists.gl.txt
      cmake: Enable building GLES2 targets
      glut_egl: Move from tests/util/glut_egl to src/glut_egl
      glut_egl: Build library glut_egl
      glut_egl: Impose uniform naming scheme on functions
      glut_egl: Replace relative #includes with absolute #includes
      glut_egl: Impose uniformity on include guards
      util: Split piglit-shader.c into GL and GLES2 versions
      util: Add function piglit_get_gl_version()
      util: Add function piglit_is_extension_supported()
      util: Add function piglit_glutInit()
      util: Remove near-duplicate files
      util: Impose uniform naming scheme onto API-specific files
      util: Build library piglitutil_gles2
      glslparsertest: Build executable glslparsertest_gles2
      gles2parsertest: Purge it
      util: Move some forgotten things into piglit-util.h
      gles2_shader_runner: Re-enable build of executable
      cmake: Do not add GLES2 targets if OPENGL_gles2_LIBRARY is not found
      cmake: Do not add target glut_egl if OPENGL_egl_LIBRARY is not found
      framework: Support running Piglit with an out-of-tree build
      all.tests: Automatically import all shader runner tests in /tests/shaders
      all.tests: Blacklist some shader tests that cause memory explosions
      util: Remove duplicate definitions of piglit_set_tolerance()
      util: Change signature of piglit_get_gl_version()
      util: Add function piglit_get_glsl_version()
      shader_runner: Implicity determine shader path from script filepath
      shader_runner: Allow setting of GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE
      shader_runner: Allow setting of GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC
      shaders: Add tests for shadow2D()
      arb_texture_rg: Add execution tests for shadow2D()
      glsl-1.30: Add all shader_runner tests in spec/glsl-1.30/execution
      glsl-1.30: Add tests for texture(sampler2DShadow, vec3)
      hiz: Add utility functions for creating HiZ tests
      hiz: Add tests for depth tests when rendering to a window FB
      hiz: Add tests for depth tests when rendering to an FBO
      hiz: Add tests to all.tests
      git: Ignore build directory 'target_api'
      util: Aggregate identical GL/GLES2 versions of some functions
      hiz: Fix typo in extension requirement
      hiz: Fix return value of hiz_check_fbo_depth_test()
      hiz: Fix test description for hiz-depth-test-window-stencil0.c
      hiz: Factor out common code from hiz-depth-test-window*.c
      hiz: Rename hiz_check_fbo_depth_test() to hiz_run_test_depth_test_fbo()
      hiz: Eliminate hiz_draw_rects()
      hiz: Refactor hiz_probe_rects()
      hiz: Add tests for stencil test
      util: Add stencil probe functions
      hiz: Add tests for stencil buffer reads
      hiz: Add tests for depth and stencil test simulatnesouly enabled for various FBO's
      hiz: Fix hiz-depth-test-* to check just depth test and not depth reads
      hiz: Add tests for depth reads with various framebuffer configurations
      hiz: Rename hiz-depth-test-fbo-d24 -> hiz-depth-test-fbo-d24-s0
      fbo-depthtex: Fail early if FBO is incomplete
      glsl_parser_test: Make [end_config] synonymous with [end config]
      framework: Replace custom serialization format with json
      piglit-summary-html: Remove dead option --full
      framework: Raise informative error when parsing a result file in old format
      piglit-summary-html: Skip result files in old format and emit warning
      README: Document how to cross-compile on Linux
      framework: Add class JSONWriter
      framework: Write each test result to the result file as the test completes
      core: Add method TestrunResult.__checkFileIsNotInOldFormat
      framework: Repair result file if result file is incomplete or corrupt
      piglit-run: Add option to enable/disable concurrent test runs
      util: Add function piglit_get_gl_error_name
      util: Add function piglit_check_gl_error
      hiz: Use piglit_check_gl_error to check to GL errors
      egl: Add all EGL tests to all_egl.tests
      egl: Change each test to initialize egl_test with common function
      egl: Add fields egl_test::window_width,window_height
      util: Add piglit_expect_egl_error()
      egl: Test behavior of eglQuerySurface()
      glx: Test behavior of glXQueryDrawable()
      arb_framebuffer_object: Add tests to check GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT
      cmake: Move utility functions into piglit_util.cmake
      cmake: Define wrapper functions piglit_add_{executable,library}
      cmake: Replace calls to add_{executable,library} with wrappers
      cmake: Make each *.o depend on generated piglit_dispatch headers
      tests: Remove use of glutExtensionSupported
      crossbar: Convert test to use piglit framework

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