Bug#505893: x11-utils: xmessage ignores locale encoding
Control: found -1 x11-utils/7.7+2
Control: tags -1 patch
For the record:
1) xmessage 1.0.4 was included in 7.7+1
2) ...however, as of jessie, xmessage seems still broken;
3) I've found workaround:
python -c 'print u"aix\xf2".encode("utf-8")' | \
xmessage -xrm '*international:true' -file -
(assuming LANG=en_US.UTF-8 or other utf-8 locale).
(No idea why/how it worked for James Cloos; I don't see any relevant
change in upstream xmessage repo, and there are no patches or
customizations in gentoo xmessage package either; maybe something sets
this xresource system-wide? or some libxaw change affects this?).
Patch attached.
--- x11-utils-7.7+3/xmessage/app-defaults/Xmessage.orig 2013-07-09 19:03:18.000000000 +0400
+++ x11-utils-7.7+3/xmessage/app-defaults/Xmessage 2016-04-20 02:43:33.000000000 +0300
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
*message.scrollHorizontal: Never
*Command.shapeStyle: oval
*Command.highlightThickness: 1
+*international: true
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