Bug#819877: xserver-xorg-video-intel: mixxx application crashes with error "i915BindProgram: Assertion `p->on_hardware == 0' failed"
On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 13:46:34 +0200, David Nadasi wrote:
> Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel
> Version: 2:2.99.917-2~bpo8+1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> The application "mixxx" crashes on startup with the following message :
> mixxx: ../../../../../../../src/mesa/
> drivers/dri/i915/i915_fragprog.c :1273 : i915BindProgram: Assertion
> `p->on_hardware == 0' failed
> I've compiled the last stable source code of mixxx and tried to run it, the
> same crash occurs.
> Searching on the mixxx forums lead me to try the following command :
> In this case, the application starts well, but the interface remains buggy
> : trying to start 2 tracks on same time and the app crash again with the
> same message.
> In mixxx forums, ubuntu users seems to correct this with the installation
> of the intel i915 driver. This is why I report the bug here.
> I've also installed the jessie-backport package wich doesn't resolve the
> problem.
That sounds like a GL issue rather than an X issue...
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