xorg-server: Changes to 'debian-unstable'
Xext/vidmode.c | 212 ++---
configure.ac | 6
debian/changelog | 7
debian/patches/glamor-swizzle-red-to-0-for-alpha-textures.diff | 31
debian/patches/make-sure-hw-cursor-is-hidden-when-it-should.diff | 36
debian/patches/present-only-requeue-for-next-msc-after-flip-fail.diff | 35
debian/patches/series | 7
debian/patches/vidmode-reduce-verbosity-of-getmodeline.diff | 372 ----------
glamor/glamor_fbo.c | 4
hw/vfb/Makefile.am | 1
hw/xfree86/dri2/pci_ids/radeonsi_pci_ids.h | 10
hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c | 6
hw/xwayland/xwayland-cvt.c | 4
hw/xwayland/xwayland-vidmode.c | 19
present/present.c | 2
15 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 598 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 028e14472e5311ba1d961080ded843e34887453c
Author: Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@debian.org>
Date: Tue Apr 5 09:13:00 2016 +0300
release to unstable
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index c6fe4ee..ec0468a 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-xorg-server (2:1.18.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+xorg-server (2:1.18.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
* Drop patches included upstream.
- -- Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@debian.org> Tue, 05 Apr 2016 07:46:11 +0300
+ -- Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@debian.org> Tue, 05 Apr 2016 09:12:50 +0300
xorg-server (2:1.18.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium
commit 995268add6347bf32657444d0ba251536c29d888
Author: Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@debian.org>
Date: Tue Apr 5 09:12:45 2016 +0300
Drop patches included upstream.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 198ed64..c6fe4ee 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
xorg-server (2:1.18.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
+ * Drop patches included upstream.
-- Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@debian.org> Tue, 05 Apr 2016 07:46:11 +0300
diff --git a/debian/patches/glamor-swizzle-red-to-0-for-alpha-textures.diff b/debian/patches/glamor-swizzle-red-to-0-for-alpha-textures.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index e7220a9..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/glamor-swizzle-red-to-0-for-alpha-textures.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-commit a288cf58a0dc0f965a6f964c76bb86bb1989d797
-Author: Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed Mar 16 10:45:54 2016 +1000
- glamor: swizzle RED to 0 for alpha textures
- I'm pretty sure Eric suspected this could cause a problem, and we
- couldn't find a test. Well loading feedly in firefox seems to trigger
- badness that this solves.
- bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94554
- Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
- Signed-off-by: Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com>
- Tested-by: Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@ubuntu.com>
-diff --git a/glamor/glamor_fbo.c b/glamor/glamor_fbo.c
-index a531f60..f4f8749 100644
---- a/glamor/glamor_fbo.c
-+++ b/glamor/glamor_fbo.c
-@@ -352,8 +352,10 @@ _glamor_create_tex(glamor_screen_private *glamor_priv,
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
-- if (format == glamor_priv->one_channel_format && format == GL_RED)
-+ if (format == glamor_priv->one_channel_format && format == GL_RED) {
-+ }
- glamor_priv->suppress_gl_out_of_memory_logging = true;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, w, h, 0,
diff --git a/debian/patches/make-sure-hw-cursor-is-hidden-when-it-should.diff b/debian/patches/make-sure-hw-cursor-is-hidden-when-it-should.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e1b26b..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/make-sure-hw-cursor-is-hidden-when-it-should.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-commit 418fe365b45a143680d3b4143dc60f7cdc5a3507
-Author: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com>
-Date: Thu Mar 24 17:34:23 2016 +0900
- xfree86/modes: Make sure the HW cursor is hidden when it should be
- When the HW cursor is hidden (e.g. because xf86CursorResetCursor
- triggers a switch from HW cursor to SW cursor), the driver isn't
- notified of this for disabled CRTCs. If the HW cursor was shown when the
- CRTC was disabled, it may still be displayed when the CRTC is enabled
- again.
- Prevent this by explicitly hiding the HW cursor again after setting a
- mode if it's currently supposed to be hidden.
- Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94560
- Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
- Signed-off-by: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com>
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c b/hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c
-index 2639a30..6091b5e 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c
-@@ -368,6 +368,12 @@ xf86CrtcSetModeTransform(xf86CrtcPtr crtc, DisplayModePtr mode,
- xf86CrtcSetScreenSubpixelOrder(scrn->pScreen);
- if (scrn->ModeSet)
- scrn->ModeSet(scrn);
-+ /* Make sure the HW cursor is hidden if it's supposed to be, in case
-+ * it was hidden while the CRTC was disabled
-+ */
-+ if (!xf86_config->cursor_on)
-+ xf86_hide_cursors(scrn);
- }
- else {
- crtc->x = saved_x;
diff --git a/debian/patches/present-only-requeue-for-next-msc-after-flip-fail.diff b/debian/patches/present-only-requeue-for-next-msc-after-flip-fail.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 6794fc7..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/present-only-requeue-for-next-msc-after-flip-fail.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-commit 3b385105b2d19a1c55e9779ae88d775185eea231
-Author: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com>
-Date: Thu Mar 24 17:42:47 2016 +0900
- present: Only requeue for next MSC after flip failure
- This code was added to deal with the driver present hook failing, in
- which case we need to wait for the next MSC before executing the
- presentation.
- However, it could also take effect in cases where the driver incorrectly
- thinks the current MSC matches the target one (e.g. due to the kernel
- interface only supporting 32-bit MSC values), in which case it could
- result in the presentation getting requeued over and over.
- To prevent such issues, check specifically for the target MSC
- immediately following the current MSC.
- Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94596
- Signed-off-by: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com>
- Reviewed-by: Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
-diff --git a/present/present.c b/present/present.c
-index 55f6aa7..105e2bf 100644
---- a/present/present.c
-+++ b/present/present.c
-@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ present_execute(present_vblank_ptr vblank, uint64_t ust, uint64_t crtc_msc)
- }
- /* If present_flip failed, we may have to requeue for the target MSC */
-- if (msc_is_after(vblank->target_msc, crtc_msc) &&
-+ if (vblank->target_msc == crtc_msc + 1 &&
- Success == present_queue_vblank(screen,
- vblank->crtc,
- vblank->event_id,
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 4429400..ad64e66 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -5,11 +5,4 @@
-# 1.18.2 regression fixes/workarounds
diff --git a/debian/patches/vidmode-reduce-verbosity-of-getmodeline.diff b/debian/patches/vidmode-reduce-verbosity-of-getmodeline.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 2568262..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/vidmode-reduce-verbosity-of-getmodeline.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-commit 75eecf28ae3709181a51571132b0accd9cae316e
-Author: Chris Wilson <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk>
-Date: Sun Mar 13 13:54:01 2016 +0000
- Xext/vidmode: Reduce verbosity of GetModeLine debug messages
- In commit f175cf45aebcdda53f3ae49c0eaf27da1f194e92
- Author: Olivier Fourdan <ofourdan@redhat.com>
- Date: Wed Feb 10 09:34:34 2016 +0100
- vidmode: move to a separate library of its own
- the verbosity of some old debug messages (which print the reply to every
- GetModeLine client request and others) was increased leading to lots of
- log spam. Downgrade the logging back to DebugF.
- [ajax: Fix a typo so it compiles.]
- Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
- References: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94515
- Signed-off-by: Chris Wilson <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk>
- Cc: Olivier Fourdan <ofourdan@redhat.com>
-diff --git a/Xext/vidmode.c b/Xext/vidmode.c
-index 7c838f4..0cbbdc3 100644
---- a/Xext/vidmode.c
-+++ b/Xext/vidmode.c
-@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ typedef struct {
- dixSetPrivate(&(c)->devPrivates, VidModeClientPrivateKey, p)
- #ifdef DEBUG
--#define DEBUG_P(x) LogMessage(X_INFO, x"\n");
-+#define DEBUG_P(x) DebugF(x"\n")
- #else
- #define DEBUG_P(x) /**/
- #endif
-@@ -267,13 +267,13 @@ ProcVidModeGetModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- rep.vtotal = VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_TOTAL);
- rep.flags = VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_FLAGS);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "GetModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-- stuff->screen, (unsigned long) rep.dotclock);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "GetModeLine - hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-- rep.hdisplay, rep.hsyncstart, rep.hsyncend, rep.htotal);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-- rep.vdisplay, rep.vsyncstart, rep.vsyncend,
-- rep.vtotal, (unsigned long) rep.flags);
-+ DebugF("GetModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-+ stuff->screen, (unsigned long) rep.dotclock);
-+ DebugF("GetModeLine - hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ rep.hdisplay, rep.hsyncstart, rep.hsyncend, rep.htotal);
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-+ rep.vdisplay, rep.vsyncstart, rep.vsyncend,
-+ rep.vtotal, (unsigned long) rep.flags);
- /*
- * Older servers sometimes had server privates that the VidMode
-@@ -483,23 +483,23 @@ ProcVidModeAddModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- stuff->after_vtotal = oldstuff->after_vtotal;
- stuff->after_flags = oldstuff->after_flags;
- }
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "AddModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-- (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "AddModeLine - hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-- stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-- stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-- stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend,
-- stuff->vtotal, (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " after - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-- (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->after_dotclock);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-- stuff->after_hdisplay, stuff->after_hsyncstart,
-- stuff->after_hsyncend, stuff->after_htotal);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-- stuff->after_vdisplay, stuff->after_vsyncstart,
-- stuff->after_vsyncend, stuff->after_vtotal,
-- (unsigned long) stuff->after_flags);
-+ DebugF("AddModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-+ (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
-+ DebugF("AddModeLine - hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-+ stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-+ stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend,
-+ stuff->vtotal, (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
-+ DebugF(" after - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-+ (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->after_dotclock);
-+ DebugF(" hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ stuff->after_hdisplay, stuff->after_hsyncstart,
-+ stuff->after_hsyncend, stuff->after_htotal);
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-+ stuff->after_vdisplay, stuff->after_vsyncstart,
-+ stuff->after_vsyncend, stuff->after_vtotal,
-+ (unsigned long) stuff->after_flags);
- if (ver < 2) {
- REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xXF86OldVidModeAddModeLineReq);
-@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ ProcVidModeAddModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- VidModeSetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_FLAGS, stuff->flags);
- if (stuff->privsize)
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "AddModeLine - Privates in request have been ignored\n");
-+ DebugF("AddModeLine - Privates in request have been ignored\n");
- /* Check that the mode is consistent with the monitor specs */
- switch (pVidMode->CheckModeForMonitor(pScreen, mode)) {
-@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ ProcVidModeAddModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- pVidMode->AddModeline(pScreen, mode);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "AddModeLine - Succeeded\n");
-+ DebugF("AddModeLine - Succeeded\n");
- return Success;
- }
-@@ -640,14 +640,14 @@ ProcVidModeDeleteModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- stuff->flags = oldstuff->flags;
- stuff->privsize = oldstuff->privsize;
- }
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "DeleteModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-- (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-- stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-- stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-- stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend, stuff->vtotal,
-- (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
-+ DebugF("DeleteModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-+ (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
-+ DebugF(" hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-+ stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-+ stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend, stuff->vtotal,
-+ (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
- if (ver < 2) {
- REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xXF86OldVidModeDeleteModeLineReq);
-@@ -662,11 +662,11 @@ ProcVidModeDeleteModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- bytes_to_int32(sizeof(xXF86VidModeDeleteModeLineReq));
- }
- if (len != stuff->privsize) {
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "req_len = %ld, sizeof(Req) = %d, privsize = %ld, "
-- "len = %d, length = %d\n",
-- (unsigned long) client->req_len,
-- (int) sizeof(xXF86VidModeDeleteModeLineReq) >> 2,
-- (unsigned long) stuff->privsize, len, stuff->length);
-+ DebugF("req_len = %ld, sizeof(Req) = %d, privsize = %ld, "
-+ "len = %d, length = %d\n",
-+ (unsigned long) client->req_len,
-+ (int) sizeof(xXF86VidModeDeleteModeLineReq) >> 2,
-+ (unsigned long) stuff->privsize, len, stuff->length);
- return BadLength;
- }
-@@ -681,46 +681,46 @@ ProcVidModeDeleteModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- if (!pVidMode->GetCurrentModeline(pScreen, &mode, &dotClock))
- return BadValue;
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "Checking against clock: %d (%d)\n",
-+ DebugF("Checking against clock: %d (%d)\n",
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_CLOCK), dotClock);
-+ DebugF(" hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_DISPLAY),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCSTART),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCEND),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_TOTAL));
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %d\n",
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_DISPLAY),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCSTART),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCEND),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_TOTAL),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_FLAGS));
-+ if ((pVidMode->GetDotClock(pScreen, stuff->dotclock) == dotClock) &&
-+ MODEMATCH(mode, stuff))
-+ return BadValue;
-+ if (!pVidMode->GetFirstModeline(pScreen, &mode, &dotClock))
-+ return BadValue;
-+ do {
-+ DebugF("Checking against clock: %d (%d)\n",
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_CLOCK), dotClock);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ DebugF(" hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_DISPLAY),
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCSTART),
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCEND),
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_TOTAL));
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %d\n",
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %d\n",
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_DISPLAY),
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCSTART),
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCEND),
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_TOTAL),
- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_FLAGS));
-- if ((pVidMode->GetDotClock(pScreen, stuff->dotclock) == dotClock) &&
-- MODEMATCH(mode, stuff))
-- return BadValue;
-- if (!pVidMode->GetFirstModeline(pScreen, &mode, &dotClock))
-- return BadValue;
-- do {
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "Checking against clock: %d (%d)\n",
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_CLOCK), dotClock);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_DISPLAY),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCSTART),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCEND),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_TOTAL));
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %d\n",
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_DISPLAY),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCSTART),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCEND),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_TOTAL),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_FLAGS));
- if ((pVidMode->GetDotClock(pScreen, stuff->dotclock) == dotClock) &&
- MODEMATCH(mode, stuff)) {
- pVidMode->DeleteModeline(pScreen, mode);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "DeleteModeLine - Succeeded\n");
-+ DebugF("DeleteModeLine - Succeeded\n");
- return Success;
- }
- } while (pVidMode->GetNextModeline(pScreen, &mode, &dotClock));
-@@ -761,12 +761,12 @@ ProcVidModeModModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- stuff->flags = oldstuff->flags;
- stuff->privsize = oldstuff->privsize;
- }
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "ModModeLine - scrn: %d hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-- (int) stuff->screen, stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-- stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-- stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend,
-- stuff->vtotal, (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
-+ DebugF("ModModeLine - scrn: %d hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ (int) stuff->screen, stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-+ stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-+ stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend,
-+ stuff->vtotal, (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
- if (ver < 2) {
- REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xXF86OldVidModeModModeLineReq);
-@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ ProcVidModeModModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- VidModeSetModeValue(modetmp, VIDMODE_FLAGS, stuff->flags);
- if (stuff->privsize)
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "ModModeLine - Privates in request have been ignored\n");
-+ DebugF("ModModeLine - Privates in request have been ignored\n");
- /* Check that the mode is consistent with the monitor specs */
- switch (pVidMode->CheckModeForMonitor(pScreen, modetmp)) {
-@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ ProcVidModeModModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- pVidMode->SetCrtcForMode(pScreen, mode);
- pVidMode->SwitchMode(pScreen, mode);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "ModModeLine - Succeeded\n");
-+ DebugF("ModModeLine - Succeeded\n");
- return Success;
- }
-@@ -896,14 +896,14 @@ ProcVidModeValidateModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- stuff->privsize = oldstuff->privsize;
- }
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "ValidateModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-- (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-- stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-- stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-- stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend, stuff->vtotal,
-- (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
-+ DebugF("ValidateModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-+ (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
-+ DebugF(" hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-+ stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-+ stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend, stuff->vtotal,
-+ (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
- if (ver < 2) {
- REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xXF86OldVidModeValidateModeLineReq);
-@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ ProcVidModeValidateModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- VidModeSetModeValue(modetmp, VIDMODE_V_TOTAL, stuff->vtotal);
- VidModeSetModeValue(modetmp, VIDMODE_FLAGS, stuff->flags);
- if (stuff->privsize)
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "ValidateModeLine - Privates in request have been ignored\n");
-+ DebugF("ValidateModeLine - Privates in request have been ignored\n");
- /* Check that the mode is consistent with the monitor specs */
- if ((status =
-@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ ProcVidModeValidateModeLine(ClientPtr client)
- swapl(&rep.status);
- }
- WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xXF86VidModeValidateModeLineReply), &rep);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "ValidateModeLine - Succeeded (status = %d)\n", status);
-+ DebugF("ValidateModeLine - Succeeded (status = %d)\n", status);
- return Success;
- }
-@@ -1046,14 +1046,14 @@ ProcVidModeSwitchToMode(ClientPtr client)
- stuff->privsize = oldstuff->privsize;
- }
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "SwitchToMode - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-- (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-- stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-- stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-- stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend, stuff->vtotal,
-- (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
-+ DebugF("SwitchToMode - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
-+ (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
-+ DebugF(" hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
-+ stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
-+ stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend, stuff->vtotal,
-+ (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
- if (ver < 2) {
- REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xXF86OldVidModeSwitchToModeReq);
-@@ -1089,19 +1089,19 @@ ProcVidModeSwitchToMode(ClientPtr client)
- return BadValue;
- do {
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "Checking against clock: %d (%d)\n",
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_CLOCK), dotClock);
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_DISPLAY),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCSTART),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCEND),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_TOTAL));
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %d\n",
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_DISPLAY),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCSTART),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCEND),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_TOTAL),
-- VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_FLAGS));
-+ DebugF("Checking against clock: %d (%d)\n",
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_CLOCK), dotClock);
-+ DebugF(" hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_DISPLAY),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCSTART),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_SYNCEND),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_H_TOTAL));
-+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %d\n",
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_DISPLAY),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCSTART),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_SYNCEND),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_TOTAL),
-+ VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_FLAGS));
- if ((pVidMode->GetDotClock(pScreen, stuff->dotclock) == dotClock) &&
- MODEMATCH(mode, stuff)) {
-@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ ProcVidModeSwitchToMode(ClientPtr client)
- if (!pVidMode->SwitchMode(pScreen, mode))
- return BadValue;
-- LogMessage(X_INFO, "SwitchToMode - Succeeded\n");
-+ DebugF("SwitchToMode - Succeeded\n");
- return Success;
- }
- } while (pVidMode->GetNextModeline(pScreen, &mode, &dotClock));
commit 01efb38d33a0c392e6a344a8eab3b5aea320d2f2
Author: Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@debian.org>
Date: Tue Apr 5 07:46:31 2016 +0300
bump version
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 9169531..198ed64 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+xorg-server (2:1.18.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@debian.org> Tue, 05 Apr 2016 07:46:11 +0300
xorg-server (2:1.18.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* regression fixes part2:
commit 9454cd51da9b38b974cff7c8b7125901f6403848
Author: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
Date: Mon Apr 4 14:39:36 2016 -0400
xserver 1.18.3
Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 612fff4..77cf234 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ dnl
dnl Process this file with autoconf to create configure.
-AC_INIT([xorg-server], 1.18.2, [https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg], xorg-server)
+AC_INIT([xorg-server], 1.18.3, [https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg], xorg-server)
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2])
commit 082d5ea9a8f882c5ab7c30c481e2d9a5c5f11376
Author: Olivier Fourdan <ofourdan@redhat.com>
Date: Mon Mar 21 09:53:17 2016 +0100
xwayland: Pretend we support viewport in vidmode
Some games (namely openttd) will raise an XError and fail with a
BadValue if their request to XF86VidModeSetViewPort fails.
Support only the default zoom and viewport, fail for everything else.
Signed-off-by: Olivier Fourdan <ofourdan@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
(cherry picked from commit 44e1c97ca6fe992bbb6ef9ecb0b82a113adfa57e)
diff --git a/hw/xwayland/xwayland-vidmode.c b/hw/xwayland/xwayland-vidmode.c
index 6d70e39..0bcd114 100644
--- a/hw/xwayland/xwayland-vidmode.c
+++ b/hw/xwayland/xwayland-vidmode.c
@@ -208,15 +208,26 @@ xwlVidModeDeleteModeline(ScreenPtr pScreen, DisplayModePtr mode)
static Bool
xwlVidModeZoomViewport(ScreenPtr pScreen, int zoom)
- /* Unsupported for now */
- return FALSE;
+ /* Support only no zoom */
+ return (zoom == 1);
static Bool
xwlVidModeSetViewPort(ScreenPtr pScreen, int x, int y)
- /* Unsupported for now */
- return FALSE;
+ RROutputPtr output;
+ RRCrtcPtr crtc;
+ output = RRFirstOutput(pScreen);
+ if (output == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ crtc = output->crtc;
+ if (crtc == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Support only default viewport */
+ return (x == crtc->x && y == crtc->y);
static Bool
commit fcb89adb4a6cde585923e63d3c34df465aa78d1b
Author: Olivier Fourdan <ofourdan@redhat.com>
Date: Thu Mar 17 14:39:45 2016 +0100
xwayland: do not include frequency in mode name
Some applications (e.g. using lwjgl) try to parse the output of the
xrandr command and get confused with the mode name returned by Xwayland,
because it contains "@[frequency]" (e.g. "1024x640@60.0Hz").
Remove the @[frequency] part of the mode name to match what is found in
usual mode names on regular X servers to please those applications.
Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94589
Signed-off-by: Olivier Fourdan <ofourdan@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stone <daniels@collabora.com>
(cherry picked from commit 6e3a6e30a6ac66942a0756a5d079993181f02e34)
diff --git a/hw/xwayland/xwayland-cvt.c b/hw/xwayland/xwayland-cvt.c
index 3566559..9655e10 100644
--- a/hw/xwayland/xwayland-cvt.c
+++ b/hw/xwayland/xwayland-cvt.c
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ xwayland_cvt(int HDisplay, int VDisplay, float VRefresh, Bool Reduced,
if (Interlaced)
modeinfo.modeFlags |= RR_Interlace;
- snprintf(name, sizeof name, "%dx%d@%.1fHz",
- modeinfo.width, modeinfo.height, VRefresh);
+ snprintf(name, sizeof name, "%dx%d",
+ modeinfo.width, modeinfo.height);
modeinfo.nameLength = strlen(name);
return RRModeGet(&modeinfo, name);
commit b8f9fd83189bd5593793c1cfcbfedb5150d7c5a5
Author: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com>
Date: Thu Mar 24 17:34:23 2016 +0900
xfree86/modes: Make sure the HW cursor is hidden when it should be
When the HW cursor is hidden (e.g. because xf86CursorResetCursor
triggers a switch from HW cursor to SW cursor), the driver isn't
notified of this for disabled CRTCs. If the HW cursor was shown when the
CRTC was disabled, it may still be displayed when the CRTC is enabled
Prevent this by explicitly hiding the HW cursor again after setting a
mode if it's currently supposed to be hidden.
Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94560
Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com>
(cherry picked from commit 418fe365b45a143680d3b4143dc60f7cdc5a3507)
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c b/hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c
index 2639a30..6091b5e 100644
--- a/hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c
+++ b/hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c
@@ -368,6 +368,12 @@ xf86CrtcSetModeTransform(xf86CrtcPtr crtc, DisplayModePtr mode,
if (scrn->ModeSet)
+ /* Make sure the HW cursor is hidden if it's supposed to be, in case
+ * it was hidden while the CRTC was disabled
+ */
+ if (!xf86_config->cursor_on)
+ xf86_hide_cursors(scrn);
else {
crtc->x = saved_x;
commit 1211d483d4581ee5ccbd50c654d30cf3318fe7c6
Author: Sonny Jiang <sonny.jiang@amd.com>
Date: Mon Mar 28 16:36:50 2016 +0900
DRI2: add Polaris PCI IDs
Signed-off-by: Sonny Jiang <sonny.jiang@amd.com>
Reviewed-by: Alex Deucher <alexander.deucher@amd.com> (Polaris10)
Reviewed-by: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com> (Polaris11)
(Ported from Mesa commit f00c840578a70e479ffb99f6b64c73dc420179fa)
Signed-off-by: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com>
Reviewed-by: Alex Deucher <alexander.deucher@amd.com>
(cherry picked from commit 1c90797565385426ad63bd2108085c8466695c0b)
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/pci_ids/radeonsi_pci_ids.h b/hw/xfree86/dri2/pci_ids/radeonsi_pci_ids.h
index bcf15a1..4df8e9d 100644
--- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/pci_ids/radeonsi_pci_ids.h
+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/pci_ids/radeonsi_pci_ids.h
@@ -182,4 +182,14 @@ CHIPSET(0x9877, CARRIZO_, CARRIZO)
commit 07ad2fde78f07e98caaf3e9b6b67af15359fefe4
Author: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com>
Date: Thu Mar 24 17:42:47 2016 +0900
present: Only requeue for next MSC after flip failure
This code was added to deal with the driver present hook failing, in
which case we need to wait for the next MSC before executing the
However, it could also take effect in cases where the driver incorrectly
thinks the current MSC matches the target one (e.g. due to the kernel
interface only supporting 32-bit MSC values), in which case it could
result in the presentation getting requeued over and over.
To prevent such issues, check specifically for the target MSC
immediately following the current MSC.
Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94596
Signed-off-by: Michel Dänzer <michel.daenzer@amd.com>
Reviewed-by: Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
(cherry picked from commit 3b385105b2d19a1c55e9779ae88d775185eea231)
diff --git a/present/present.c b/present/present.c
index 55f6aa7..105e2bf 100644
--- a/present/present.c
+++ b/present/present.c
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ present_execute(present_vblank_ptr vblank, uint64_t ust, uint64_t crtc_msc)
/* If present_flip failed, we may have to requeue for the target MSC */
- if (msc_is_after(vblank->target_msc, crtc_msc) &&
+ if (vblank->target_msc == crtc_msc + 1 &&
Success == present_queue_vblank(screen,
commit e8f785f82ec8d3a76ae377c7430b1945180cba00
Author: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
Date: Wed Mar 23 14:42:08 2016 -0400
Accidentally removed, breaks Xvfb on cygwin.
Reviewed-by: Yaakov Selkowitz <yselkowitz@users.sourceforge.net>
Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
(cherry picked from commit 8ac0e05cc6c6e87b223ba7cb31d8856771c5d41a)
diff --git a/hw/vfb/Makefile.am b/hw/vfb/Makefile.am
index c9ac35e..f0f9fee 100644
--- a/hw/vfb/Makefile.am
+++ b/hw/vfb/Makefile.am
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ XVFB_LIBS = \
$(AM_V_at)rm -f Xvfb$(EXEEXT) && $(MAKE) Xvfb$(EXEEXT)
commit fb8ddcf1cb0f47257370c3d6a895a5a41bea8dc0
Author: Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com>
Date: Wed Mar 16 10:45:54 2016 +1000
glamor: swizzle RED to 0 for alpha textures
I'm pretty sure Eric suspected this could cause a problem, and we
couldn't find a test. Well loading feedly in firefox seems to trigger
badness that this solves.
bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94554
Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com>
Tested-by: Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@ubuntu.com>
(cherry picked from commit a288cf58a0dc0f965a6f964c76bb86bb1989d797)
diff --git a/glamor/glamor_fbo.c b/glamor/glamor_fbo.c
index 5bfffe5..c6ba095 100644
--- a/glamor/glamor_fbo.c
+++ b/glamor/glamor_fbo.c
@@ -340,8 +340,10 @@ _glamor_create_tex(glamor_screen_private *glamor_priv,
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
- if (format == glamor_priv->one_channel_format && format == GL_RED)
+ if (format == glamor_priv->one_channel_format && format == GL_RED) {
+ }
glamor_priv->suppress_gl_out_of_memory_logging = true;
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, w, h, 0,
commit 1bffe77769a9dce623e4a587ed3895ba003c257b
Author: Chris Wilson <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk>
Date: Sun Mar 13 13:54:01 2016 +0000
Xext/vidmode: Reduce verbosity of GetModeLine debug messages
In commit f175cf45aebcdda53f3ae49c0eaf27da1f194e92
Author: Olivier Fourdan <ofourdan@redhat.com>
Date: Wed Feb 10 09:34:34 2016 +0100
vidmode: move to a separate library of its own
the verbosity of some old debug messages (which print the reply to every
GetModeLine client request and others) was increased leading to lots of
log spam. Downgrade the logging back to DebugF.
[ajax: Fix a typo so it compiles.]
Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
References: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94515
Signed-off-by: Chris Wilson <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk>
Cc: Olivier Fourdan <ofourdan@redhat.com>
(cherry picked from commit 75eecf28ae3709181a51571132b0accd9cae316e)
diff --git a/Xext/vidmode.c b/Xext/vidmode.c
index 7c838f4..499a2a8 100644
--- a/Xext/vidmode.c
+++ b/Xext/vidmode.c
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ typedef struct {
dixSetPrivate(&(c)->devPrivates, VidModeClientPrivateKey, p)
#ifdef DEBUG
-#define DEBUG_P(x) LogMessage(X_INFO, x"\n");
+#define DEBUG_P(x) DebugF(x"\n")
#define DEBUG_P(x) /**/
@@ -267,13 +267,13 @@ ProcVidModeGetModeLine(ClientPtr client)
rep.vtotal = VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_V_TOTAL);
rep.flags = VidModeGetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_FLAGS);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, "GetModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
- stuff->screen, (unsigned long) rep.dotclock);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, "GetModeLine - hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
- rep.hdisplay, rep.hsyncstart, rep.hsyncend, rep.htotal);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
- rep.vdisplay, rep.vsyncstart, rep.vsyncend,
- rep.vtotal, (unsigned long) rep.flags);
+ DebugF("GetModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
+ stuff->screen, (unsigned long) rep.dotclock);
+ DebugF("GetModeLine - hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
+ rep.hdisplay, rep.hsyncstart, rep.hsyncend, rep.htotal);
+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
+ rep.vdisplay, rep.vsyncstart, rep.vsyncend,
+ rep.vtotal, (unsigned long) rep.flags);
* Older servers sometimes had server privates that the VidMode
@@ -483,23 +483,23 @@ ProcVidModeAddModeLine(ClientPtr client)
stuff->after_vtotal = oldstuff->after_vtotal;
stuff->after_flags = oldstuff->after_flags;
- LogMessage(X_INFO, "AddModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
- (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, "AddModeLine - hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
- stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
- stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
- stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend,
- stuff->vtotal, (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, " after - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
- (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->after_dotclock);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, " hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
- stuff->after_hdisplay, stuff->after_hsyncstart,
- stuff->after_hsyncend, stuff->after_htotal);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, " vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
- stuff->after_vdisplay, stuff->after_vsyncstart,
- stuff->after_vsyncend, stuff->after_vtotal,
- (unsigned long) stuff->after_flags);
+ DebugF("AddModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
+ (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
+ DebugF("AddModeLine - hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
+ stuff->hdisplay, stuff->hsyncstart,
+ stuff->hsyncend, stuff->htotal);
+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
+ stuff->vdisplay, stuff->vsyncstart, stuff->vsyncend,
+ stuff->vtotal, (unsigned long) stuff->flags);
+ DebugF(" after - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
+ (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->after_dotclock);
+ DebugF(" hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
+ stuff->after_hdisplay, stuff->after_hsyncstart,
+ stuff->after_hsyncend, stuff->after_htotal);
+ DebugF(" vdsp: %d vbeg: %d vend: %d vttl: %d flags: %ld\n",
+ stuff->after_vdisplay, stuff->after_vsyncstart,
+ stuff->after_vsyncend, stuff->after_vtotal,
+ (unsigned long) stuff->after_flags);
if (ver < 2) {
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ ProcVidModeAddModeLine(ClientPtr client)
VidModeSetModeValue(mode, VIDMODE_FLAGS, stuff->flags);
if (stuff->privsize)
- LogMessage(X_INFO, "AddModeLine - Privates in request have been ignored\n");
+ DebugF("AddModeLine - Privates in request have been ignored\n");
/* Check that the mode is consistent with the monitor specs */
switch (pVidMode->CheckModeForMonitor(pScreen, mode)) {
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ ProcVidModeAddModeLine(ClientPtr client)
pVidMode->AddModeline(pScreen, mode);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, "AddModeLine - Succeeded\n");
+ DebugF("AddModeLine - Succeeded\n");
return Success;
@@ -640,14 +640,14 @@ ProcVidModeDeleteModeLine(ClientPtr client)
stuff->flags = oldstuff->flags;
stuff->privsize = oldstuff->privsize;
- LogMessage(X_INFO, "DeleteModeLine - scrn: %d clock: %ld\n",
- (int) stuff->screen, (unsigned long) stuff->dotclock);
- LogMessage(X_INFO, " hdsp: %d hbeg: %d hend: %d httl: %d\n",
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