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Bug#743015: xinit does not handle starting X correctly

I've tweaked /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90consolekit to do nothing if systemd is pid 1, and now I am able to edit connections in nm-connection-editor.

added this line:
readlink -f $(ps -o cmd -p 1) 2> /dev/null | grep -q systemd && SYSTEMD=1

and changed this line:
if [ -z "$GDMSESSION" ] && [ -x "$CK_LAUNCH_SESSION" ] && \

to this:
if [ "$SYSTEMD" != "1" ] && [ -z "$GDMSESSION" ] && [ -x "$CK_LAUNCH_SESSION" ] && \

Please test if this does not break anything else. 
I have nothing else on my system except Network Manager, that relies on that over-engineered policykit stuff, like udisks, etc.
I'm using udevil and other KISS tools that rely on unix groups.

also "readlink -f $(ps -o cmd -p 1) 2> /dev/null | grep -q systemd" check should theoretically work if systemd-sysv symlinks are in place (think xserverrc).

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