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Terminals in cursor mode

Dear X maintainers,

I think that during the upgrade of xorg-server to version 1.14.5, the graphic 
terminals switched from terminfo "application mode" to "cursor mode" (I'm not 
sure of the terminology).

I noticed this because my zsh configuration (using zpresto) partially stopped 
working. The up arrow used to search the typed string in the history. Zpresto 
bind the up arrow to an internal function:

 $ bindkey | grep history-substring-search-up
 "^P" history-substring-search-up
 "^[OA" history-substring-search-up

This used to work but now under graphic terminals (tested with Konsole and 
xterm), the up arrow sends "^[[A" which is the "cursor mode" key code. I've 
tested under Archlinux, and there the up arrow sends the "application mode" 
key code "^[OA".

Do you experience the same behaviour? Was this change on purpose? If it's a 
bug, against which package should I report it?



PS: On Debian, zsh should run in application mode (see /etc/zsh/zshrc), what 
it does when initializing as zprezto asks for the terminfo key codes for the 
arrows instead of hard-coding the key codes. zsh was also recently updated but 
as I noticed bash is also in "cursor mode" I reported the issue here. Are 
graphical terminals supposed to be in cursor or application mode?


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