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mesa-demos: Changes to 'debian-unstable'

 .gitignore                               |   36 
 CMakeLists.txt                           |  154 
 Makefile.am                              |    3 
 SConstruct                               |  144 
 autogen.sh                               |   13 
 common.py                                |   64 
 configure.ac                             |  137 
 debian/changelog                         |    7 
 debian/control                           |    2 
 dev/null                                 |binary
 index.html                               |  172 
 m4/ac_define_dir.m4                      |   49 
 src/CMakeLists.txt                       |   31 
 src/Makefile.am                          |    2 
 src/SConscript                           |   54 
 src/data/CMakeLists.txt                  |    3 
 src/data/Makefile.am                     |   40 
 src/data/arch.rgb                        |binary
 src/data/bw.rgb                          |binary
 src/data/geartrain.dat                   |  119 
 src/data/girl.rgb                        |binary
 src/data/girl2.rgb                       |binary
 src/data/isosurf.dat                     | 7179 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/data/reflect.rgb                     |binary
 src/data/s128.rgb                        |binary
 src/data/terrain.dat                     |    1 
 src/data/tile.rgb                        |binary
 src/data/tree2.rgba                      |binary
 src/data/tree3.rgb                       |binary
 src/data/wrs_logo.rgb                    |binary
 src/demos/.gitignore                     |    4 
 src/demos/CMakeLists.txt                 |   89 
 src/demos/Makefile.am                    |    9 
 src/demos/Makefile.cygnus                |    1 
 src/demos/Makefile.win                   |  131 
 src/demos/SConscript                     |   81 
 src/demos/arbfplight.c                   |    2 
 src/demos/arbfslight.c                   |  403 -
 src/demos/arbocclude.c                   |    2 
 src/demos/arbocclude2.c                  |  177 
 src/demos/bounce.c                       |    2 
 src/demos/clearspd.c                     |    2 
 src/demos/copypix.c                      |    4 
 src/demos/cubemap.c                      |    4 
 src/demos/cuberender.c                   |  586 ++
 src/demos/dinoshade.c                    |   18 
 src/demos/dissolve.c                     |    6 
 src/demos/drawpix.c                      |    4 
 src/demos/engine.c                       |    4 
 src/demos/fbo_firecube.c                 |   10 
 src/demos/fbotexture.c                   |    2 
 src/demos/fire.c                         |   11 
 src/demos/fogcoord.c                     |    2 
 src/demos/fplight.c                      |    2 
 src/demos/fslight.c                      |    8 
 src/demos/gamma.c                        |    2 
 src/demos/gearbox.c                      |    2 
 src/demos/gears.c                        |    2 
 src/demos/geartrain.c                    |  179 
 src/demos/geartrain.dat                  |  119 
 src/demos/glinfo.c                       |   15 
 src/demos/gloss.c                        |    6 
 src/demos/gltestperf.c                   |    2 
 src/demos/ipers.c                        |    9 
 src/demos/isosurf.c                      |   40 
 src/demos/isosurf.dat                    | 7179 -------------------------------
 src/demos/lodbias.c                      |    6 
 src/demos/morph3d.c                      |    2 
 src/demos/multiarb.c                     |    6 
 src/demos/normal.c                       |  596 ++
 src/demos/paltex.c                       |    2 
 src/demos/particles.h                    |    2 
 src/demos/pixeltest.c                    |  467 ++
 src/demos/pointblast.c                   |    2 
 src/demos/projtex.c                      |   10 
 src/demos/rain.cxx                       |    5 
 src/demos/ray.c                          |    3 
 src/demos/readpix.c                      |    4 
 src/demos/reflect.c                      |    4 
 src/demos/renormal.c                     |    3 
 src/demos/shadowtex.c                    |    2 
 src/demos/singlebuffer.c                 |    2 
 src/demos/spectex.c                      |    2 
 src/demos/spriteblast.c                  |  126 
 src/demos/stex3d.c                       |    9 
 src/demos/teapot.c                       |    7 
 src/demos/terrain.c                      |    5 
 src/demos/terrain.dat                    |    1 
 src/demos/tessdemo.c                     |   46 
 src/demos/texcyl.c                       |    4 
 src/demos/texenv.c                       |    3 
 src/demos/textures.c                     |   13 
 src/demos/trispd.c                       |    2 
 src/demos/tunnel.c                       |    7 
 src/demos/tunnel2.c                      |    7 
 src/demos/vao_demo.c                     |    2 
 src/demos/winpos.c                       |    4 
 src/egl/CMakeLists.txt                   |   20 
 src/egl/Makefile.am                      |    3 
 src/egl/eglut/CMakeLists.txt             |   17 
 src/egl/eglut/Makefile.am                |   15 
 src/egl/eglut/eglut.c                    |   25 
 src/egl/eglut/eglut.h                    |   25 
 src/egl/eglut/eglut_screen.c             |   26 
 src/egl/eglut/eglut_wayland.c            |  135 
 src/egl/eglut/eglut_x11.c                |   36 
 src/egl/eglut/eglutint.h                 |   25 
 src/egl/oes_vg/.gitignore                |    2 
 src/egl/oes_vg/CMakeLists.txt            |   20 
 src/egl/oes_vg/Makefile.am               |   48 
 src/egl/oes_vg/tex2vgimage.c             |  428 +
 src/egl/oes_vg/vgimage2tex.c             |  425 +
 src/egl/opengl/.gitignore                |    1 
 src/egl/opengl/CMakeLists.txt            |   55 
 src/egl/opengl/Makefile.am               |   19 
 src/egl/opengl/demo2.c                   |    2 
 src/egl/opengl/demo3.c                   |    2 
 src/egl/opengl/eglgears.c                |    2 
 src/egl/opengl/eglkms.c                  |  289 +
 src/egl/opengl/eglscreen.c               |    2 
 src/egl/opengl/egltri.c                  |    2 
 src/egl/opengl/peglgears.c               |   18 
 src/egl/opengl/xeglgears.c               |   62 
 src/egl/opengl/xeglthreads.c             |    2 
 src/egl/opengles1/.gitignore             |   10 
 src/egl/opengles1/CMakeLists.txt         |   62 
 src/egl/opengles1/Makefile.am            |    6 
 src/egl/opengles1/clear.c                |   95 
 src/egl/opengles1/drawtex.c              |    2 
 src/egl/opengles1/eglfbdev.c             |  338 +
 src/egl/opengles1/es1_info.c             |   23 
 src/egl/opengles1/msaa.c                 |    2 
 src/egl/opengles1/texture_from_pixmap.c  |   46 
 src/egl/opengles1/tri.c                  |    2 
 src/egl/opengles2/.gitignore             |    4 
 src/egl/opengles2/CMakeLists.txt         |   40 
 src/egl/opengles2/Makefile.am            |   26 
 src/egl/opengles2/es2gears.c             |  656 ++
 src/egl/opengles2/es2tri.c               |  525 ++
 src/egl/opengles2/tri.c                  |  516 --
 src/egl/openvg/.gitignore                |    7 
 src/egl/openvg/CMakeLists.txt            |   44 
 src/egl/openvg/Makefile.am               |   13 
 src/egl/openvg/lion.c                    |   22 
 src/egl/openvg/text.c                    |  430 +
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/CMakeLists.txt    |   50 
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/Makefile.am       |   13 
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/blend.c           |  278 +
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/color_transform.c |  136 
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/eglcommon.c       |   15 
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/eglcommon.h       |    5 
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/image.c           |   81 
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/layer.c           |  109 
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/mask_render.c     |  134 
 src/egl/openvg/trivial/paint.c           |  155 
 src/fp/CMakeLists.txt                    |   41 
 src/fp/SConscript                        |   27 
 src/fp/fp-tri.c                          |    8 
 src/fp/point-position.c                  |    2 
 src/fp/tri-depth.c                       |    2 
 src/fp/tri-depth2.c                      |    2 
 src/fp/tri-depthwrite.c                  |    2 
 src/fp/tri-depthwrite2.c                 |    2 
 src/fp/tri-param.c                       |    2 
 src/fp/tri-tex.c                         |    4 
 src/fpglsl/CMakeLists.txt                |   34 
 src/fpglsl/SConscript                    |   13 
 src/fpglsl/depth-read.glsl               |    4 
 src/fpglsl/fp-tri.c                      |   20 
 src/fpglsl/infinite-loop.glsl            |    7 
 src/glsl/.gitignore                      |    9 
 src/glsl/CMakeLists.txt                  |   69 
 src/glsl/Makefile.am                     |   14 
 src/glsl/SConscript                      |   40 
 src/glsl/array.c                         |    2 
 src/glsl/bezier.c                        |    8 
 src/glsl/bitmap.c                        |    2 
 src/glsl/blinking-teapot.c               |  177 
 src/glsl/blinking-teapot.frag            |   31 
 src/glsl/blinking-teapot.vert            |   16 
 src/glsl/brick.c                         |   18 
 src/glsl/bump.c                          |    4 
 src/glsl/convolutions.c                  |    4 
 src/glsl/deriv.c                         |    2 
 src/glsl/fragcoord.c                     |    2 
 src/glsl/fsraytrace.c                    |   14 
 src/glsl/geom-outlining-130.c            |  302 +
 src/glsl/geom-outlining-150.c            |  380 +
 src/glsl/geom-sprites.c                  |  307 +
 src/glsl/geom-stipple-lines.c            |  323 +
 src/glsl/geom-wide-lines.c               |  319 +
 src/glsl/identity.c                      |   99 
 src/glsl/linktest.c                      |    2 
 src/glsl/mandelbrot.c                    |    2 
 src/glsl/multinoise.c                    |    6 
 src/glsl/multitex.c                      |   18 
 src/glsl/multitex.shtest                 |    4 
 src/glsl/noise.c                         |    2 
 src/glsl/noise2.c                        |  188 
 src/glsl/pointcoord.c                    |   15 
 src/glsl/points.c                        |    2 
 src/glsl/samplers.c                      |    6 
 src/glsl/shadow_sampler.c                |   20 
 src/glsl/shtest.c                        |   42 
 src/glsl/simplex-noise.c                 |  235 +
 src/glsl/simplex-noise.glsl              |  279 +
 src/glsl/skinning.c                      |    2 
 src/glsl/texaaline.c                     |    9 
 src/glsl/texdemo1.c                      |   10 
 src/glsl/toyball.c                       |    2 
 src/glsl/trirast.c                       |    3 
 src/glsl/twoside.c                       |    2 
 src/glsl/vert-or-frag-only.c             |    2 
 src/glsl/vert-tex.c                      |    2 
 src/glsl/vsraytrace.c                    |   14 
 src/gs/.gitignore                        |    1 
 src/gs/CMakeLists.txt                    |   34 
 src/gs/SConscript                        |   13 
 src/gs/gs-tri.c                          |    2 
 src/images/Makefile.am                   |   35 
 src/images/SConscript                    |   10 
 src/objviewer/.gitignore                 |    1 
 src/objviewer/CMakeLists.txt             |   31 
 src/objviewer/glmdraw.c                  |    9 
 src/objviewer/objview.c                  |   23 
 src/objviewer/skybox.c                   |    1 
 src/osdemos/osdemo.c                     |    2 
 src/osdemos/osdemo16.c                   |    2 
 src/osdemos/osdemo32.c                   |    2 
 src/osdemos/ostest1.c                    |    1 
 src/perf/.gitignore                      |    1 
 src/perf/CMakeLists.txt                  |   39 
 src/perf/Makefile.am                     |   16 
 src/perf/SConscript                      |   25 
 src/perf/glmain.c                        |   12 
 src/perf/glslstateschange.c              |  272 +
 src/perf/glslstateschange1.frag          |   19 
 src/perf/glslstateschange1.vert          |   14 
 src/perf/glslstateschange2.frag          |   17 
 src/perf/glslstateschange2.vert          |   14 
 src/redbook/CMakeLists.txt               |  105 
 src/redbook/Makefile.am                  |   12 
 src/redbook/Makefile.win                 |   78 
 src/redbook/SConscript                   |   86 
 src/redbook/aaindex.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/aapoly.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/aargb.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/accanti.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/accpersp.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/alpha.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/alpha3D.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/anti.c                       |    2 
 src/redbook/bezcurve.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/bezmesh.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/checker.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/clip.c                       |    2 
 src/redbook/colormat.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/combiner.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/convolution.c                |    2 
 src/redbook/cube.c                       |    2 
 src/redbook/cubemap.c                    |    3 
 src/redbook/depthcue.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/dof.c                        |    2 
 src/redbook/double.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/drawf.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/feedback.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/fog.c                        |    2 
 src/redbook/fogcoord.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/fogindex.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/font.c                       |    2 
 src/redbook/hello.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/histogram.c                  |    2 
 src/redbook/image.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/light.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/lines.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/list.c                       |    2 
 src/redbook/material.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/minmax.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/mipmap.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/model.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/movelight.c                  |    2 
 src/redbook/multisamp.c                  |    3 
 src/redbook/multitex.c                   |    2 
 src/redbook/mvarray.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/nurbs.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/pickdepth.c                  |    2 
 src/redbook/picksquare.c                 |    2 
 src/redbook/plane.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/planet.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/pointp.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/polyoff.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/polys.c                      |    7 
 src/redbook/quadric.c                    |   12 
 src/redbook/robot.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/sccolorlight.c               |    2 
 src/redbook/scene.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/scenebamb.c                  |    2 
 src/redbook/sceneflat.c                  |    2 
 src/redbook/select.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/shadowmap.c                  |    2 
 src/redbook/smooth.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/stencil.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/stroke.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/surface.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/surfpoints.c                 |   16 
 src/redbook/teaambient.c                 |    2 
 src/redbook/teapots.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/tess.c                       |   44 
 src/redbook/tesswind.c                   |   30 
 src/redbook/texbind.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/texgen.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/texprox.c                    |    2 
 src/redbook/texsub.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/texture3d.c                  |    2 
 src/redbook/texturesurf.c                |    2 
 src/redbook/torus.c                      |    2 
 src/redbook/trim.c                       |   12 
 src/redbook/unproject.c                  |    2 
 src/redbook/varray.c                     |    2 
 src/redbook/wrap.c                       |    2 
 src/samples/CMakeLists.txt               |   82 
 src/samples/Makefile.win                 |   41 
 src/samples/SConscript                   |   40 
 src/samples/accum.c                      |    2 
 src/samples/bitmap1.c                    |    2 
 src/samples/bitmap2.c                    |    2 
 src/samples/blendeq.c                    |    2 
 src/samples/blendxor.c                   |    2 
 src/samples/copy.c                       |    2 
 src/samples/cursor.c                     |    2 
 src/samples/depth.c                      |    2 
 src/samples/eval.c                       |    2 
 src/samples/fog.c                        |    2 
 src/samples/font.c                       |    2 
 src/samples/line.c                       |    2 
 src/samples/logo.c                       |    2 
 src/samples/nurb.c                       |   13 
 src/samples/oglinfo.c                    |    1 
 src/samples/olympic.c                    |    2 
 src/samples/overlay.c                    |    2 
 src/samples/point.c                      |    2 
 src/samples/prim.c                       |    2 
 src/samples/quad.c                       |   13 
 src/samples/rgbtoppm.c                   |    2 
 src/samples/select.c                     |    2 
 src/samples/shape.c                      |    2 
 src/samples/sphere.c                     |    4 
 src/samples/star.c                       |    2 
 src/samples/stencil.c                    |    2 
 src/samples/stretch.c                    |    2 
 src/samples/texture.c                    |    2 
 src/samples/tri.c                        |    2 
 src/samples/wave.c                       |    2 
 src/slang/CMakeLists.txt                 |   34 
 src/slang/Makefile.am                    |    3 
 src/slang/framework.c                    |   80 
 src/slang/framework.h                    |   66 
 src/slang/sotest.c                       |    4 
 src/slang/vstest.c                       |    8 
 src/slang/windows/vc60/cltest.dsp        |   94 
 src/slang/windows/vc60/framework.dsp     |   92 
 src/slang/windows/vc60/slang.dsw         |   74 
 src/slang/windows/vc60/sotest.dsp        |   90 
 src/slang/windows/vc60/vstest.dsp        |   93 
 src/tests/.gitignore                     |   10 
 src/tests/CMakeLists.txt                 |  177 
 src/tests/Makefile.am                    |   13 
 src/tests/Makefile.win                   |   43 
 src/tests/SConscript                     |  124 
 src/tests/afsmultiarb.c                  |    6 
 src/tests/antialias.c                    |    2 
 src/tests/api_speed.c                    |    2 
 src/tests/arbfpspec.c                    |    2 
 src/tests/arbfptest1.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/arbfptexture.c                 |    4 
 src/tests/arbfptrig.c                    |    4 
 src/tests/arbgpuprog.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/arbnpot-mipmap.c               |    2 
 src/tests/arbnpot.c                      |    4 
 src/tests/arbvparray.c                   |  302 +
 src/tests/arbvptest1.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/arbvptest3.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/arbvptorus.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/arbvpwarpmesh.c                |    2 
 src/tests/arraytexture.c                 |   20 
 src/tests/blendxor.c                     |    4 
 src/tests/blitfb.c                       |    2 
 src/tests/bufferobj.c                    |   12 
 src/tests/bug_3050.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/bug_3101.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/bug_3195.c                     |    4 
 src/tests/bug_texstore_i8.c              |    2 
 src/tests/bumpmap.c                      |    6 
 src/tests/calibrate_rast.c               |    2 
 src/tests/clip.c                         |  199 
 src/tests/condrender.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/copypixrate.c                  |    2 
 src/tests/cva.c                          |   18 
 src/tests/cva_huge.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/cylwrap.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/debugger.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/drawbuffers.c                  |    9 
 src/tests/drawbuffers2.c                 |    5 
 src/tests/drawstencil.c                  |  224 
 src/tests/exactrast.c                    |    2 
 src/tests/ext422square.c                 |    4 
 src/tests/fbotest1.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/fbotest2.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/fbotest3.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/fillrate.c                     |    6 
 src/tests/floattex.c                     |    8 
 src/tests/fog.c                          |  200 
 src/tests/fogcoord.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/fptest1.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/fptexture.c                    |    4 
 src/tests/getteximage.c                  |    2 
 src/tests/glutfx.c                       |    2 
 src/tests/gremedy.c                      |  156 
 src/tests/interleave.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/invert.c                       |    4 
 src/tests/lineclip.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/linehacks.c                    |  330 +
 src/tests/manytex.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/mapbufrange.c                  |    2 
 src/tests/minmag.c                       |    2 
 src/tests/mipgen.c                       |    2 
 src/tests/mipmap_comp.c                  |    2 
 src/tests/mipmap_comp_tests.c            |    2 
 src/tests/mipmap_limits.c                |  124 
 src/tests/mipmap_tunnel.c                |  274 +
 src/tests/mipmap_view.c                  |    4 
 src/tests/multipal.c                     |    6 
 src/tests/multitexarray.c                |    2 
 src/tests/multiwindow.c                  |    2 
 src/tests/no_s3tc.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/occlude.c                      |  234 -
 src/tests/packedpixels.c                 |    2 
 src/tests/pbo.c                          |    4 
 src/tests/persp_hint.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/prim.c                         |    2 
 src/tests/prog_parameter.c               |   33 
 src/tests/quads.c                        |    2 
 src/tests/random.c                       |    2 
 src/tests/readrate.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/rubberband.c                   |    7 
 src/tests/scissor-viewport.c             |    2 
 src/tests/scissor.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/seccolor.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/shader-interp.c                |  213 
 src/tests/shader_api.c                   |   13 
 src/tests/shadow-sample.c                |  319 +
 src/tests/stencilreaddraw.c              |    2 
 src/tests/stencilwrap.c                  |    2 
 src/tests/step.c                         |  180 
 src/tests/streaming_rect.c               |    2 
 src/tests/subtex.c                       |    2 
 src/tests/subtexrate.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/tex1d.c                        |    2 
 src/tests/texcmp.c                       |    4 
 src/tests/texcompress2.c                 |    4 
 src/tests/texcompsub.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/texdown.c                      |    3 
 src/tests/texfilt.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/texgenmix.c                    |    2 
 src/tests/texleak.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/texline.c                      |    4 
 src/tests/texobj.c                       |    2 
 src/tests/texrect.c                      |    6 
 src/tests/texwrap.c                      |  354 -
 src/tests/unfilledclip.c                 |    2 
 src/tests/viewmemory.c                   |  208 
 src/tests/vparray.c                      |    8 
 src/tests/vpeval.c                       |    2 
 src/tests/vptest1.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/vptest2.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/vptest3.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/vptorus.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/vpwarpmesh.c                   |    2 
 src/tests/yuvrect.c                      |    4 
 src/tests/yuvsquare.c                    |    4 
 src/tests/zbitmap.c                      |    2 
 src/tests/zcomp.c                        |    2 
 src/tests/zdrawpix.c                     |    2 
 src/tests/zreaddraw.c                    |    2 
 src/tools/trace/gltrace.py               |   13 
 src/trivial/.gitignore                   |   49 
 src/trivial/CMakeLists.txt               |  203 
 src/trivial/Makefile.am                  |   17 
 src/trivial/SConscript                   |  174 
 src/trivial/clear-color.c                |  128 
 src/trivial/clear-fbo-scissor.c          |    3 
 src/trivial/clear-fbo-tex.c              |    4 
 src/trivial/clear-fbo.c                  |  108 
 src/trivial/clear-random.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/clear-repeat.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/clear-scissor.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/clear-undefined.c            |    2 
 src/trivial/clear.c                      |  128 
 src/trivial/createwin.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-begin-call-end.c       |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-dangling.c             |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-degenerate.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-edgeflag-dangling.c    |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-edgeflag.c             |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-flat-tri.c             |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-mat-tri.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-recursive-call.c       |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-tri-flat-tri.c         |    2 
 src/trivial/dlist-tri-mat-tri.c          |    2 
 src/trivial/draw2arrays.c                |    2 
 src/trivial/drawarrays.c                 |    2 
 src/trivial/drawelements-large.c         |  121 
 src/trivial/drawelements.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/drawrange.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/flat-clip.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/fs-tri.c                     |    8 
 src/trivial/line-clip.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/line-cull.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/line-flat.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/line-smooth.c                |   13 
 src/trivial/line-stipple-wide.c          |    2 
 src/trivial/line-userclip-clip.c         |    2 
 src/trivial/line-userclip-nop-clip.c     |    2 
 src/trivial/line-userclip-nop.c          |    2 
 src/trivial/line-userclip.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/line-wide.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/line-xor.c                   |  128 
 src/trivial/line.c                       |    2 
 src/trivial/lineloop-clip.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/lineloop-elts.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/lineloop.c                   |    2 
 src/trivial/linestrip-clip.c             |    2 
 src/trivial/linestrip-flat-stipple.c     |    2 
 src/trivial/linestrip-stipple-wide.c     |    2 
 src/trivial/linestrip-stipple.c          |    2 
 src/trivial/linestrip.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/long-fixed-func.c            |    2 
 src/trivial/pgon-mode.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/point-clip.c                 |    2 
 src/trivial/point-param.c                |    2 
 src/trivial/point-sprite.c               |  150 
 src/trivial/point-wide-smooth.c          |    2 
 src/trivial/point-wide.c                 |    2 
 src/trivial/point.c                      |    2 
 src/trivial/poly-flat-clip.c             |    2 
 src/trivial/poly-flat-unfilled-clip.c    |    2 
 src/trivial/poly-flat.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/poly-unfilled.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/poly.c                       |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-clip-all-vertices.c     |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-clip-nearplane.c        |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-clip.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-degenerate.c            |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-flat.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-offset-factor.c         |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-offset-unfilled.c       |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-offset-units.c          |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-tex-2d.c                |    3 
 src/trivial/quad-tex-3d.c                |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-tex-alpha.c             |    3 
 src/trivial/quad-tex-pbo.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-tex-sub.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-unfilled-clip.c         |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-unfilled-stipple.c      |    2 
 src/trivial/quad-unfilled.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/quad.c                       |    2 
 src/trivial/quads.c                      |    2 
 src/trivial/quadstrip-clip.c             |    2 
 src/trivial/quadstrip-cont.c             |    2 
 src/trivial/quadstrip-flat.c             |    2 
 src/trivial/quadstrip.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/readpixels.c                 |    2 
 src/trivial/sub-tex.c                    |    2 
 src/trivial/tex-quads.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-2101010-dlist.c          |  174 
 src/trivial/tri-2101010.c                |  163 
 src/trivial/tri-alpha-tex.c              |    5 
 src/trivial/tri-alpha.c                  |    4 
 src/trivial/tri-array-interleaved.c      |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-blend-color.c            |    4 
 src/trivial/tri-blend-max.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-blend-min.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-blend-revsub.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-blend-sub.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-blend.c                  |    4 
 src/trivial/tri-clear.c                  |    4 
 src/trivial/tri-clip.c                   |    4 
 src/trivial/tri-cull-both.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-cull.c                   |    4 
 src/trivial/tri-dlist.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-edgeflag-array.c         |  119 
 src/trivial/tri-edgeflag-pv.c            |  150 
 src/trivial/tri-edgeflag.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-fbo-tex-mip.c            |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-fbo-tex.c                |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-fbo.c                    |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-flat-clip.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-flat.c                   |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-fog.c                    |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-fp-const-imm.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-fp.c                     |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-lit-material.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-lit.c                    |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-logicop-none.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-logicop-xor.c            |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-mask-tri.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-multitex-vbo.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-orig.c                   |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-point-line-clipped.c     |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-query.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-repeat.c                 |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-scissor-tri.c            |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-square.c                 |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-stencil.c                |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-stipple.c                |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-tex-1d.c                 |  186 
 src/trivial/tri-tex-3d.c                 |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-tex.c                    |    5 
 src/trivial/tri-tri.c                    |    4 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled-clip.c          |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled-edgeflag.c      |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled-fog.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled-point.c         |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled-smooth.c        |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled-tri-lit.c       |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled-tri.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled-userclip-stip.c |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled-userclip.c      |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-unfilled.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-userclip.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-viewport.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-z-9.c                    |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-z-clip.c                 |   77 
 src/trivial/tri-z-eq.c                   |    2 
 src/trivial/tri-z.c                      |    2 
 src/trivial/tri.c                        |    2 
 src/trivial/trifan-flat-clip.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/trifan-flat-unfilled-clip.c  |    2 
 src/trivial/trifan-flat.c                |    2 
 src/trivial/trifan-unfilled.c            |    2 
 src/trivial/trifan.c                     |    4 
 src/trivial/tristrip-clip.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/tristrip-flat.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/tristrip.c                   |    2 
 src/trivial/vbo-drawarrays-2101010.c     |  190 
 src/trivial/vbo-drawarrays.c             |    2 
 src/trivial/vbo-drawelements.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/vbo-drawrange.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/vbo-noninterleaved.c         |    2 
 src/trivial/vbo-tri.c                    |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-array-hf.c                |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-array-int.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-array.c                   |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-clip.c                    |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-line-clip.c               |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-tri-cb-pos.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-tri-cb-tex.c              |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-tri-cb.c                  |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-tri-imm.c                 |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-tri-invariant.c           |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-tri-swap.c                |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-tri-tex.c                 |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-tri.c                     |    2 
 src/trivial/vp-unfilled.c                |    2 
 src/util/CMakeLists.txt                  |   17 
 src/util/Makefile.am                     |    7 
 src/util/SConscript                      |   15 
 src/util/dumpstate.c                     |    4 
 src/util/errcheck.c                      |    3 
 src/util/extfuncs.h                      |  277 -
 src/util/gl_wrap.h                       |   16 
 src/util/glstate.c                       |    4 
 src/util/glstate.h                       |    2 
 src/util/glut_wrap.h                     |   14 
 src/util/glutskel.c                      |    2 
 src/util/readtex.c                       |    3 
 src/util/readtex.h                       |    2 
 src/util/shaderutil.c                    |  153 
 src/util/shaderutil.h                    |   30 
 src/util/showbuffer.c                    |    2 
 src/util/showbuffer.h                    |    2 
 src/vp/CMakeLists.txt                    |   34 
 src/vp/SConscript                        |   15 
 src/vp/vp-tris.c                         |    5 
 src/vpglsl/CMakeLists.txt                |   34 
 src/vpglsl/SConscript                    |    6 
 src/vpglsl/infinite-loop.glsl            |    8 
 src/vpglsl/vp-tris.c                     |    2 
 src/wgl/CMakeLists.txt                   |   20 
 src/wgl/Makefile.am                      |    4 
 src/wgl/SConscript                       |   27 
 src/wgl/sharedtex_mt.c                   |  565 ++
 src/wgl/sharedtex_mt/sharedtex_mt.c      |  565 --
 src/wgl/wglcontext.c                     |  273 +
 src/wgl/wglinfo.c                        |  265 -
 src/wgl/wglthreads.c                     |  636 ++
 src/wgl/wglthreads/wglthreads.c          |  636 --
 src/xdemos/.gitignore                    |    3 
 src/xdemos/CMakeLists.txt                |   77 
 src/xdemos/SConscript                    |   75 
 src/xdemos/glsync.c                      |    1 
 src/xdemos/glthreads.c                   |   18 
 src/xdemos/glxcontexts.c                 |    7 
 src/xdemos/glxgears.c                    |   85 
 src/xdemos/glxgears_fbconfig.c           |    7 
 src/xdemos/glxgears_pixmap.c             |    7 
 src/xdemos/glxinfo.c                     |  872 ++-
 src/xdemos/glxsnoop.c                    |    6 
 src/xdemos/glxswapcontrol.c              |   15 
 src/xdemos/msctest.c                     |    1 
 src/xdemos/multictx.c                    |    6 
 src/xdemos/omlsync.c                     |    1 
 src/xdemos/overlay.c                     |    8 
 src/xdemos/yuvrect_client.c              |   10 
 714 files changed, 26357 insertions(+), 14623 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit c08ffee97b7c79ca708c9aaf898775a2b900a482
Author: Sven Joachim <svenjoac@gmx.de>
Date:   Wed Apr 24 18:21:30 2013 +0200

    Remove directory src/wgl/rtotex
    There are a bunch of other files not shipped in the 8.1.0 tarball, but
    since those do not cause dpkg-source to fail, I leave them in for now.

diff --git a/src/wgl/rtotex/CMakeLists.txt b/src/wgl/rtotex/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ba5e5e6..0000000
--- a/src/wgl/rtotex/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-include_directories (
-link_libraries (
-	${GLUT_glut_LIBRARY}
-	${GLEW_glew_LIBRARY}
-add_executable (rtotex WIN32
-	fps_counter.cpp
-	image.cpp
-	interactor.cpp
-	log.cpp
-	main.cpp
-	pbuffer.cpp
-	timer.cpp
-	window.cpp
-	maths/color.cpp
-	maths/matrix4x4.cpp
-	maths/plane.cpp
-	maths/vector2d.cpp
-	maths/vector3d.cpp
-	maths/vector4d.cpp
-install (TARGETS rtotex DESTINATION wgl/rtotex)
-install (FILES decal.bmp DESTINATION wgl/rtotex)
diff --git a/src/wgl/rtotex/LICENSE.txt b/src/wgl/rtotex/LICENSE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b6cd6a5..0000000
--- a/src/wgl/rtotex/LICENSE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2006, Paul Baker
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-    * Neither the name of paulsprojects.net nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/src/wgl/rtotex/README.txt b/src/wgl/rtotex/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d92b18..0000000
--- a/src/wgl/rtotex/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-**	Render to texture
-**	www.paulsprojects.net
-**	paul@paulsprojects.net
-This is my first use of pbuffers. It is a simple project which creates a render-to-texture-enabled pbuffer, and a texture object related to it. When rendering, the pbuffer is made the current context, and two wire tori are rendered into it. The window is then made current, and the pbuffer is used to texture a single rectangle. The camera can be moved around this rectangle.
-If the SGIS_generate_mipmap extension is supported, it is used to automatically generate mipmaps for the texture each time it is updated, and a LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR filter is used. Otherwise, a LINEAR filter is used.
-If anisotropic filtering is supported, the maximum degree of anisotropy is enabled at start-up. The anisotropy level can be altered to show the difference this filtering has on the textured quad.
-It is also possible to render a second scene into the pbuffer, a textured teapot instead of the wire torus. This demonstrates rendering using textures in the pbuffer, then using the pbuffer image itself as a texture. The important thing to note here is that the texture object which will use the pbuffer image is part of the window context. The image on the teapot is part of the pbuffer context. It is important to load the image when the pbuffer context is current since in this demo, the two contexts do not share textures.
-"Using pbuffers for off-screen rendering", Chris Wynn. From developer.nvidia.com
-"OpenGL Render-to-Texture", Chris Wynn. From developer.nvidia.com
-Extension specifications for the above WGL extensions.
-F1	-	Take a screenshot
-Escape	-	Quit
-1	-	Draw wire torus shape
-2	-	Draw textured teapot
-Up	-	Increase texture max anisotropy (if anisotropic filtering is supported)
-Down	-	Decrease texture max anisotropy (if anisotropic filtering is supported)
-M	-	Use LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR filtering, if SGIS_generate_mipmap is supported
-L	-	Use LINEAR filtering
-P	-	Pause
-U	-	Unpause
diff --git a/src/wgl/rtotex/decal.bmp b/src/wgl/rtotex/decal.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index b54edf4..0000000
Binary files a/src/wgl/rtotex/decal.bmp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/wgl/rtotex/fps_counter.cpp b/src/wgl/rtotex/fps_counter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b518ce6..0000000
--- a/src/wgl/rtotex/fps_counter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-//	functions to calculate frames per second
-//	Downloaded from: www.paulsprojects.net
-//	Created:	20th July 2002
-//	Copyright (c) 2006, Paul Baker
-//	Distributed under the New BSD Licence. (See accompanying file License.txt or copy at
-//	http://www.paulsprojects.net/NewBSDLicense.txt)
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "fps_counter.h"
-extern LOG errorLog;
-void FPS_COUNTER::Update(void)
-	//keep track of time lapse and frame count
-	time = timeGetTime()*0.001f;							//get current time in seconds
-	++frames;												//increase frame count
-	if(time-lastTime>1.0f)									//if it has been 1 second
-	{
-		fps		= frames/(time-lastTime);					//update fps number
-		lastTime= time;										//set beginning count
-		frames	= 0L;										//reset frames this second
-	}
diff --git a/src/wgl/rtotex/fps_counter.h b/src/wgl/rtotex/fps_counter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c9114f8..0000000
--- a/src/wgl/rtotex/fps_counter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-//	class to calculate frames per second
-//	Downloaded from: www.paulsprojects.net
-//	Created:	20th July 2002
-//	Copyright (c) 2006, Paul Baker
-//	Distributed under the New BSD Licence. (See accompanying file License.txt or copy at
-//	http://www.paulsprojects.net/NewBSDLicense.txt)
-#ifndef FPS_COUNTER_H
-#define FPS_COUNTER_H
-	void Update(void);									//updates counter - call once per frame
-	void Shutdown(void);								//send max, min, average to log
-	float GetFps(void)	{		return fps;		}
-	FPS_COUNTER() : fps(0.0f), lastTime(0.0f), frames(0L), time(0.0f) 
-	{}
-	float fps;
-	float lastTime;
-	long frames;
-	float time;
-#endif	//FPS_COUNTER_H
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wgl/rtotex/image.cpp b/src/wgl/rtotex/image.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7598b5f..0000000
--- a/src/wgl/rtotex/image.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,980 +0,0 @@
-//	image.cpp
-//	functions for image for a texture
-//	Downloaded from: www.paulsprojects.net
-//	Created:	20th July 2002
-//	Copyright (c) 2006, Paul Baker
-//	Distributed under the New BSD Licence. (See accompanying file License.txt or copy at
-//	http://www.paulsprojects.net/NewBSDLicense.txt)
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <GL/gl.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "image.h"
-extern LOG errorLog;
-//Load - load a texture from a file
-bool IMAGE::Load(char * filename)
-	//Clear the data if already used
-	if(data)
-		delete [] data;
-	data=NULL;
-	bpp=0;
-	width=0;
-	height=0;
-	format=0;
-	int filenameLength=strlen(filename);
-	if(	strncmp((filename+filenameLength-3), "BMP", 3)==0 ||
-		strncmp((filename+filenameLength-3), "bmp", 3)==0)
-		return LoadBMP(filename);
-	if(	strncmp((filename+filenameLength-3), "PCX", 3)==0 ||
-		strncmp((filename+filenameLength-3), "pcx", 3)==0)
-		return LoadPCX(filename);
-	if(	strncmp((filename+filenameLength-3), "TGA", 3)==0 ||
-		strncmp((filename+filenameLength-3), "tga", 3)==0)
-		return LoadTGA(filename);
-	errorLog.OutputError("%s does not end in \".tga\", \".bmp\" or \"pcx\"", filename);
-	return false;
-bool IMAGE::LoadBMP(char * filename)
-	FILE * file;												//the texture file
-	BITMAPFILEHEADER fileHeader;								//bitmap file header
-	BITMAPINFOHEADER infoHeader;								//bitmap info header
-	//open file for reading
-	file=fopen(filename, "rb");
-	if(file==NULL)
-	{
-		errorLog.OutputError("Unable to open %s", filename);
-		return false;
-	}
-	//read the file header
-	fread(&fileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, file);
-	//check it's a bitmap
-	if(fileHeader.bfType != BITMAP_ID)
-	{
-		fclose(file);
-		errorLog.OutputError("%s is not a legal .BMP", filename);

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