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Bug#566825: Bug#695903: razorqt-session: sessions choosing a specific window manager do not work from gdm3

2012/12/14 Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo@gmail.com>:
> This seems to be an error from upstream .desktop files:
> https://groups.google.com/group/razor-qt/browse_thread/thread/9555a74cf7188ad2
> It's fixed in newer versions by commenting out the "TryExec", which
> (even if it works -- it doesn't for me when modifying my .desktop
> files by hand) is not very optimal, since then one has entries for
> window managers not really available in the system:
> https://github.com/Razor-qt/razor-qt/commit/bc8148c5e7741de9400f7436f188e178a51b5b96

I had thought that the above might be the problem, but I think now
that what I said above is wrong.

I think that the actual issue is the following one:

> I guess that this is a duplicate of #653327 , due to the following
> line having several arguments:
>   Exec=razor-session -w openbox

#694832 and #566825 also seem duplicates of #653327 .

Sending a copy of this message to all of these bug reports, some of
them quite old; to see if submitters, triagers and maintainers concur
and we can get it fixed.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo@gmail.com>

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