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Bug#673349: xserver-xorg: Memory leak in process /usr/bin/X

I'm still experiencing this bug.

I've offered to diagnose it by running valgrind but I don't know how to start kdm under valgrind.


Yasir Assam<yassam@gmail.com>  (18/05/2012):
Over the last week or so I've noticed that /usr/bin/X uses loads of
memory, i.e.

$ ps aux | grep X
root      1558  1.7 74.5 3459428 1535756 tty7  Ssl+ 08:46   1:10 /usr/bin/X :0 vt7 -br -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-zFHYma

After about an hour of use, it's using around 1.5G. I get to this
point by running KDE, emacs, Konsole and Chromium. If I quit emacs,
Konsole and Chromium, X still uses loads of memory.

Within a couple of hours my system grinds to a halt and I have to
restart X (by restarting kdm)
Wild guess, one of your virtualbox devices (input or video) is doing


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