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compiz: Changes to 'debian-unstable'

 AUTHORS                                                          |  114 
 CMakeLists.txt                                                   |   22 
 ChangeLog                                                        |19315 +++++++++-
 NEWS                                                             |  501 
 VERSION                                                          |    1 
 cmake/CompizCommon.cmake                                         |  340 
 cmake/CompizPlugin.cmake                                         |   18 
 debian/changelog                                                 |    8 
 debian/control                                                   |    4 
 debian/patches/085_add_grid_plugin.patch                         | 1461 
 debian/patches/086_new_grid_defaults.patch                       |   49 
 debian/patches/series                                            |    2 
 debian/watch                                                     |    2 
 gtk/window-decorator/actionmenu.c                                |    3 
 gtk/window-decorator/cairo.c                                     |    7 
 gtk/window-decorator/decorator.c                                 |  297 
 gtk/window-decorator/decorprops.c                                |   34 
 gtk/window-decorator/frames.c                                    |    2 
 gtk/window-decorator/gtk-window-decorator.c                      |   26 
 gtk/window-decorator/gtk-window-decorator.h                      |   25 
 gtk/window-decorator/metacity.c                                  |   36 
 gtk/window-decorator/wnck.c                                      |   19 
 include/compiz-common.h.in                                       |    6 
 include/compiz.h                                                 |    7 
 include/core/CMakeLists.txt                                      |    3 
 include/core/core.h                                              |    3 
 include/core/option.h                                            |    1 
 include/core/plugin.h                                            |   24 
 include/core/pluginclasshandler.h                                |  122 
 include/core/privateunion.h                                      |   36 
 include/core/rect.h                                              |    2 
 include/core/screen.h                                            |    1 
 include/core/timeouthandler.h                                    |   57 
 include/core/timer.h                                             |   34 
 include/core/valueholder.h                                       |   53 
 include/core/window.h                                            |    9 
 include/decoration.h                                             |   69 
 kde/window-decorator-kde4/decorator.cpp                          |   23 
 kde/window-decorator-kde4/decorator.h                            |   21 
 kde/window-decorator-kde4/switcher.cpp                           |   15 
 kde/window-decorator-kde4/utils.cpp                              |    2 
 kde/window-decorator-kde4/window.cpp                             |  122 
 kde/window-decorator-kde4/window.h                               |    2 
 libdecoration/decoration.c                                       |  188 
 plugins/compiztoolbox/include/compiztoolbox/compiztoolbox.h      |    6 
 plugins/compiztoolbox/src/compiztoolbox.cpp                      |   17 
 plugins/composite/CMakeLists.txt                                 |    2 
 plugins/composite/include/composite/composite.h                  |    8 
 plugins/composite/src/privates.h                                 |    1 
 plugins/composite/src/window.cpp                                 |   20 
 plugins/copytex/src/copytex.cpp                                  |   62 
 plugins/copytex/src/copytex.h                                    |   29 
 plugins/dbus/src/dbus.cpp                                        |    1 
 plugins/decor/src/decor.cpp                                      |  554 
 plugins/decor/src/decor.h                                        |   43 
 plugins/fade/fade.xml.in                                         |    2 
 plugins/fade/src/fade.cpp                                        |   67 
 plugins/fade/src/fade.h                                          |    1 
 plugins/move/src/move.cpp                                        |   32 
 plugins/opengl/src/paint.cpp                                     |    8 
 plugins/opengl/src/window.cpp                                    |   13 
 plugins/place/src/place.cpp                                      |  147 
 plugins/place/src/place.h                                        |    6 
 plugins/resize/resize.xml.in                                     |  263 
 plugins/resize/src/resize.cpp                                    |  167 
 plugins/scale/src/scale.cpp                                      |    3 
 plugins/switcher/src/switcher.cpp                                |   10 
 plugins/switcher/switcher.xml.in                                 |    4 
 plugins/water/src/water.cpp                                      |    6 
 plugins/wobbly/src/wobbly.cpp                                    |   50 
 src/CMakeLists.txt                                               |    5 
 src/event.cpp                                                    |  233 
 src/logmessage.cpp                                               |   85 
 src/privateeventsource.h                                         |   56 
 src/privateiosource.h                                            |   55 
 src/privatescreen.h                                              |   97 
 src/privatetimeouthandler.h                                      |   36 
 src/privatetimeoutsource.h                                       |   57 
 src/privatetimer.h                                               |   48 
 src/privatewindow.h                                              |   28 
 src/rect.cpp                                                     |    2 
 src/screen.cpp                                                   |  203 
 src/session.cpp                                                  |    2 
 src/timeouthandler.cpp                                           |   94 
 src/timer.cpp                                                    |  185 
 src/valueholder.cpp                                              |  110 
 src/valueholder.h                                                |   41 
 src/window.cpp                                                   |  454 
 src/windowgeometry.cpp                                           |   63 
 tests/CMakeLists.txt                                             |    2 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/CMakeLists.txt                          |    6 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/construct/CMakeLists.txt                |   25 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/construct/test-pch-construct.cpp        |   64 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/get/CMakeLists.txt                      |   25 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/get/test-pch-get.cpp                    |   64 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/indexes/CMakeLists.txt                  |   28 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/indexes/test-pch-indexes.cpp            |  434 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/test-pluginclasshandler.cpp             |  101 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/test-pluginclasshandler.h               |  114 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/typenames/CMakeLists.txt                |   25 
 tests/pluginclasshandler/typenames/test-pch-typenames.cpp        |   83 
 tests/timer/CMakeLists.txt                                       |   15 
 tests/timer/callbacks/CMakeLists.txt                             |   23 
 tests/timer/callbacks/test-timer-callbacks.cpp                   |  106 
 tests/timer/diffs/CMakeLists.txt                                 |   23 
 tests/timer/diffs/test-timer-diffs.cpp                           |   82 
 tests/timer/set-values/CMakeLists.txt                            |   23 
 tests/timer/set-values/test-timer-set-values.cpp                 |  139 
 tests/timer/test-timer.cpp                                       |   61 
 tests/timer/test-timer.h                                         |   89 
 tests/timer/while-calling/CMakeLists.txt                         |   23 
 tests/timer/while-calling/test-timer-set-times-while-calling.cpp |  124 
 xslt/bcop.xslt                                                   |    2 
 113 files changed, 23391 insertions(+), 4752 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 9f9188e26727ea648fb49015462ca9c61fcaf529
Author: Janos Guljas <janos@resenje.org>
Date:   Wed Aug 3 23:08:30 2011 +0200

    Prepare changelog, bump Standards-Version and remove grid plugin.

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 077696e..d4cfb67 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+compiz ( experimental; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Remove 085_add_grid_plugin.patch and 086_new_grid_defaults.patch.
+ -- Janos Guljas <janos@resenje.org>  Tue, 02 Aug 2011 04:11:24 +0200
 compiz (0.9.4-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index e461fc4..a718b41 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Build-Depends: cmake (>= 2.6), debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), intltool, libtool,
  libdbus-glib-1-dev, libgconf2-dev, 
  libgl1-mesa-dev (>= 6.5.1) | libgl-dev, libglib2.0-dev, libgnome-desktop-dev,
- libboost1.42-dev, libboost-serialization1.42-dev,
+ libboost-dev, libboost-serialization-dev,
  libgnome-window-settings-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, libice-dev (>= 1:1.0.1), 
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Build-Depends: cmake (>= 2.6), debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), intltool, libtool,
  kdebase-workspace-dev, kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.2.2),
  metacity-common, libx11-xcb-dev
-Standards-Version: 3.9.1
+Standards-Version: 3.9.2
 Homepage: http://www.compiz.org/
 Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/app/compiz.git
 Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/app/compiz.git
diff --git a/debian/patches/085_add_grid_plugin.patch b/debian/patches/085_add_grid_plugin.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 54cd027..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/085_add_grid_plugin.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1461 +0,0 @@
-Index: compiz-0.9.4/plugins/grid/CMakeLists.txt
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ compiz-0.9.4/plugins/grid/CMakeLists.txt	2011-02-24 12:12:42.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-+find_package (Compiz REQUIRED)
-+include (CompizPlugin)
-+compiz_plugin(grid PLUGINDEPS composite opengl)
-Index: compiz-0.9.4/plugins/grid/grid.xml.in
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ compiz-0.9.4/plugins/grid/grid.xml.in	2011-02-24 12:12:42.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0"?>
-+    <plugin name="grid" useBcop="true">
-+	<_short>Grid</_short>
-+	<_long>Warp and resize windows to fit an imaginary grid.</_long>
-+	<category>Window Management</category>
-+	<deps>
-+	    <requirement>
-+		<plugin>opengl</plugin>
-+	    </requirement>
-+	    <relation type="before">
-+		<plugin>wobbly</plugin>
-+	    </relation>
-+	    <relation type="after">
-+		<plugin>composite</plugin>
-+		<plugin>opengl</plugin>
-+		<plugin>decor</plugin>
-+	    </relation>
-+	</deps>
-+	<options>
-+	    <group>
-+		<_short>Bindings</_short>
-+		<option name="put_center_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Put Center</_short>
-+		    <_long>Move window to the center</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_5</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_left_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Put Left</_short>
-+		    <_long>Move window to the left edge</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_4</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_right_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Put Right</_short>
-+		    <_long>Move window to the right edge</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_6</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_top_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Put Top</_short>
-+		    <_long>Move window to the top edge</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_8</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_bottom_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Put Bottom</_short>
-+		    <_long>Move window to the bottom edge</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_2</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_topleft_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Put Top Left</_short>
-+		    <_long>Move window to the top left corner</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_7</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_topright_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Put Top Right</_short>
-+		    <_long>Move window to the top right corner</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_9</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_bottomleft_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Put Bottom Left</_short>
-+		    <_long>Move window to the bottom left corner</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_1</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_bottomright_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Put Bottom Right</_short>
-+		    <_long>Move window to the bottom right corner</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_3</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_maximize_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Maximize</_short>
-+		    <_long>Maximize window</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_0</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="put_restore_key" type="key">
-+		    <_short>Restore</_short>
-+		    <_long>Restore window to it's original size</_long>
-+		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;r</default>
-+		</option>
-+	    </group>
-+	    <group>
-+		<_short>Edges</_short>
-+		<subgroup>
-+			<_short>Resize Actions</_short>
-+			<_long>Window resize action</_long>
-+			<option name="top_left_corner_action" type="int">
-+			    <_short>Upper Left Corner</_short>
-+			    <_long>Action to be performed when window is dropped on the top left corner</_long>
-+			    <default>7</default>
-+			    <min>0</min>
-+			    <max>10</max>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>0</value>
-+				<_name>None</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>1</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>2</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>3</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>4</value>
-+				<_name>Left Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>5</value>
-+				<_name>Fill Screen</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>6</value>
-+				<_name>Right Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>7</value>
-+				<_name>Top Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>8</value>
-+				<_name>Top Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>9</value>
-+				<_name>Top Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>10</value>
-+				<_name>Maximize</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="top_edge_action" type="int">
-+			    <_short>Top Edge</_short>
-+			    <_long>Action to be performed when window is dropped on the top edge</_long>
-+			    <default>10</default>
-+			    <min>0</min>
-+			    <max>10</max>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>0</value>
-+				<_name>None</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>1</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>2</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>3</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>4</value>
-+				<_name>Left Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>5</value>
-+				<_name>Fill Screen</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>6</value>
-+				<_name>Right Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>7</value>
-+				<_name>Top Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>8</value>
-+				<_name>Top Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>9</value>
-+				<_name>Top Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>10</value>
-+				<_name>Maximize</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="top_right_corner_action" type="int">
-+			    <_short>Upper Right Corner</_short>
-+			    <_long>Action to be performed when window is dropped on the top right corner</_long>
-+			    <default>9</default>
-+			    <min>0</min>
-+			    <max>10</max>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>0</value>
-+				<_name>None</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>1</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>2</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>3</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>4</value>
-+				<_name>Left Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>5</value>
-+				<_name>Fill Screen</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>6</value>
-+				<_name>Right Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>7</value>
-+				<_name>Top Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>8</value>
-+				<_name>Top Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>9</value>
-+				<_name>Top Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>10</value>
-+				<_name>Maximize</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="left_edge_action" type="int">
-+			    <_short>Left Edge</_short>
-+			    <_long>Action to be performed when window is dropped on the left edge</_long>
-+			    <default>4</default>
-+			    <min>0</min>
-+			    <max>10</max>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>0</value>
-+				<_name>None</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>1</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>2</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>3</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>4</value>
-+				<_name>Left Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>5</value>
-+				<_name>Fill Screen</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>6</value>
-+				<_name>Right Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>7</value>
-+				<_name>Top Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>8</value>
-+				<_name>Top Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>9</value>
-+				<_name>Top Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>10</value>
-+				<_name>Maximize</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="right_edge_action" type="int">
-+			    <_short>Right Edge</_short>
-+			    <_long>Action to be performed when window is dropped on the right edge</_long>
-+			    <default>6</default>
-+			    <min>0</min>
-+			    <max>10</max>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>0</value>
-+				<_name>None</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>1</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>2</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>3</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>4</value>
-+				<_name>Left Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>5</value>
-+				<_name>Fill Screen</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>6</value>
-+				<_name>Right Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>7</value>
-+				<_name>Top Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>8</value>
-+				<_name>Top Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>9</value>
-+				<_name>Top Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>10</value>
-+				<_name>Maximize</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="bottom_left_corner_action" type="int">
-+			    <_short>Bottom Left Corner</_short>
-+			    <_long>Action to be performed when window is dropped on the bottom left corner</_long>
-+			    <default>1</default>
-+			    <min>0</min>
-+			    <max>10</max>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>0</value>
-+				<_name>None</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>1</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>2</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>3</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>4</value>
-+				<_name>Left Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>5</value>
-+				<_name>Fill Screen</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>6</value>
-+				<_name>Right Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>7</value>
-+				<_name>Top Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>8</value>
-+				<_name>Top Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>9</value>
-+				<_name>Top Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>10</value>
-+				<_name>Maximize</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="bottom_edge_action" type="int">
-+			    <_short>Bottom Edge</_short>
-+			    <_long>Action to be performed when window is dropped on the bottom edge</_long>
-+			    <default>2</default>
-+			    <min>0</min>
-+			    <max>10</max>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>0</value>
-+				<_name>None</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>1</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>2</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>3</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>4</value>
-+				<_name>Left Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>5</value>
-+				<_name>Fill Screen</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>6</value>
-+				<_name>Right Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>7</value>
-+				<_name>Top Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>8</value>
-+				<_name>Top Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>9</value>
-+				<_name>Top Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>10</value>
-+				<_name>Maximize</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="bottom_right_corner_action" type="int">
-+			    <_short>Bottom Right Corner</_short>
-+			    <_long>Action to be performed when window is dropped on the bottom right corner</_long>
-+			    <default>3</default>
-+			    <min>0</min>
-+			    <max>10</max>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>0</value>
-+				<_name>None</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>1</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>2</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>3</value>
-+				<_name>Bottom Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>4</value>
-+				<_name>Left Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>5</value>
-+				<_name>Fill Screen</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>6</value>
-+				<_name>Right Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>7</value>
-+				<_name>Top Left Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>8</value>
-+				<_name>Top Half</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>9</value>
-+				<_name>Top Right Corner</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			    <desc>
-+				<value>10</value>
-+				<_name>Maximize</_name>
-+			    </desc>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="snapoff_maximized" type="bool">
-+				<_short>Snapoff maximized windows</_short>
-+				<_long>Snapoff maximized windows when pulling to edge.</_long>
-+				<default>false</default>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="snapback_windows" type="bool">
-+				<_short>Snap windows back to original size</_short>
-+				<_long>Snaps windows back to their original size if dragged away from their gridded position.</_long>
-+				<default>true</default>
-+			</option>
-+		</subgroup>
-+		<subgroup>
-+			<_short>Thresholds</_short>
-+			<option name="left_edge_threshold" type="int">
-+				<_short>Left Edge</_short>
-+				<_long>Maximum number of pixels from the left edge a window can be dropped</_long>
-+				<default>5</default>
-+				<min>0</min>
-+				<max>500</max>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="right_edge_threshold" type="int">
-+				<_short>Right Edge</_short>
-+				<_long>Maximum number of pixels from the right edge a window can be dropped</_long>
-+				<default>5</default>
-+				<min>0</min>
-+				<max>500</max>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="top_edge_threshold" type="int">
-+				<_short>Top Edge</_short>
-+				<_long>Maximum number of pixels from the top edge a window can be dropped</_long>
-+				<default>5</default>
-+				<min>0</min>
-+				<max>500</max>
-+			</option>
-+			<option name="bottom_edge_threshold" type="int">
-+				<_short>Bottom Edge</_short>
-+				<_long>Maximum number of pixels from the Bottom edge a window can be dropped</_long>
-+				<default>5</default>
-+				<min>0</min>
-+				<max>500</max>
-+			</option>
-+		</subgroup>
-+	    </group>
-+	    <group>
-+		<_short>Appearance</_short>
-+		<option name="draw_indicator" type="bool">
-+			<_short>Draw Indicator</_short>
-+			<_long>Draw Window Resize Indicator</_long>
-+			<default>true</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="outline_color" type="color">
-+			<_short>Outline Color</_short>
-+			<_long>Color of the resize indicator outline</_long>
-+			<default>
-+			    <red>0x2f2f</red>
-+			    <green>0x2f2f</green>
-+			    <blue>0x4f4f</blue>
-+			    <alpha>0x9f9f</alpha>
-+			</default>
-+		</option>
-+		<option name="fill_color" type="color">
-+			<_short>Fill Color</_short>
-+			<_long>Fill color of the resize indicator</_long>
-+			<default>
-+			    <red>0x2f2f</red>
-+			    <green>0x2f2f</green>
-+			    <blue>0x4f4f</blue>
-+			    <alpha>0x4f4f</alpha>
-+			</default>
-+		</option>
-+	    </group>
-+	</options>
-+    </plugin>
-Index: compiz-0.9.4/plugins/grid/src/grid.cpp
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ compiz-0.9.4/plugins/grid/src/grid.cpp	2011-02-24 12:12:42.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
-+ * Compiz Fusion Grid plugin
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (c) 2008 Stephen Kennedy <suasol@gmail.com>
-+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Scott Moreau <oreaus@gmail.com>
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ *
-+ * Plugin to act like winsplit revolution (http://www.winsplit-revolution.com/)
-+ * use <Control><Alt>NUMPAD_KEY to move and tile your windows.
-+ *
-+ * Press the tiling keys several times to cycle through some tiling options.
-+ */
-+#include "grid.h"
-+static const GridProps gridProps[] =
-+    {0,1, 1,1},
-+    {0,1, 2,2},
-+    {0,1, 1,2},
-+    {1,1, 2,2},
-+    {0,0, 2,1},
-+    {0,0, 1,1},
-+    {1,0, 2,1},
-+    {0,0, 2,2},
-+    {0,0, 1,2},
-+    {1,0, 2,2},
-+    {0,0, 1,1},
-+GridScreen::slotToRect (CompWindow      *w,
-+			const CompRect& slot)
-+    return CompRect (slot.x () + w->input ().left,
-+		     slot.y () + w->input ().top,
-+		     slot.width () - (w->input ().left + w->input ().right),
-+		     slot.height () - (w->input ().top + w->input ().bottom));
-+GridScreen::constrainSize (CompWindow      *w,
-+			   const CompRect& slot)
-+    CompRect result;
-+    int      cw, ch;
-+    result = slotToRect (w, slot);
-+    if (w->constrainNewWindowSize (result.width (), result.height (), &cw, &ch))
-+    {
-+	/* constrained size may put window offscreen, adjust for that case */
-+	int dx = result.x () + cw - workarea.right () + w->input ().right;
-+	int dy = result.y () + ch - workarea.bottom () + w->input ().bottom;
-+	if (dx > 0)
-+	    result.setX (result.x () - dx);
-+	if (dy > 0)
-+	    result.setY (result.y () - dy);
-+	result.setWidth (cw);
-+	result.setHeight (ch);
-+    }
-+    return result;
-+GridScreen::getPaintRectangle (CompRect &cRect)
-+    if (edgeToGridType () != GridUnknown && optionGetDrawIndicator ())
-+	cRect = desiredSlot;
-+    else
-+	cRect.setGeometry (0, 0, 0, 0);
-+GridScreen::initiateCommon (CompAction         *action,
-+			    CompAction::State  state,
-+			    CompOption::Vector &option,
-+			    GridType           where,
-+			    bool               resize)
-+    Window     xid;
-+    CompWindow *cw = 0;
-+    xid = CompOption::getIntOptionNamed (option, "window");
-+    cw  = screen->findWindow (xid);
-+    if (where == GridUnknown || screen->otherGrabExist ("move", NULL))
-+	return false;
-+    if (cw)
-+    {
-+	XWindowChanges xwc;
-+	GRID_WINDOW (cw);
-+	if (gw->lastTarget != where)
-+	    gw->resizeCount = 0;
-+	props = gridProps[where];
-+	/* get current available area */
-+	if (gw->grabIsMove)
-+	    workarea = screen->getWorkareaForOutput
-+			    (screen->outputDeviceForPoint (pointerX, pointerY));
-+	else
-+	{
-+	    workarea = screen->getWorkareaForOutput (cw->outputDevice ());
-+	    if (props.numCellsX == 1)
-+		centerCheck = true;
-+	    if (!gw->isGridResized)
-+		/* Store size not including borders when using a keybinding */
-+		gw->originalSize = slotToRect(cw, cw->serverInputRect ());
-+	}
-+	if ((cw->state () & MAXIMIZE_STATE) &&
-+	    (resize || optionGetSnapoffMaximized ()))
-+	{
-+	    /* maximized state interferes with us, clear it */
-+	    cw->maximize (0);
-+	}
-+	if (where == GridMaximize && resize)
-+	{
-+	    /* move the window to the correct output */
-+	    if (GridWindow::get (cw)->grabIsMove)
-+	    {
-+		xwc.x = workarea.x () + 50;
-+		xwc.y = workarea.y () + 50;
-+		xwc.width = workarea.width ();
-+		xwc.height = workarea.height ();
-+		cw->configureXWindow (CWX | CWY, &xwc);
-+	    }
-+	    cw->maximize (MAXIMIZE_STATE);
-+	    gw->isGridResized = true;
-+	    gw->isGridMaximized = true;
-+	    return true;
-+	}
-+	/* Convention:
-+	 * xxxSlot include decorations (it's the screen area occupied)
-+	 * xxxRect are undecorated (it's the constrained position
-+	                            of the contents)
-+	 */
-+	/* slice and dice to get desired slot - including decorations */
-+	desiredSlot.setY (workarea.y () + props.gravityDown *
-+			  (workarea.height () / props.numCellsY));
-+	desiredSlot.setHeight (workarea.height () / props.numCellsY);
-+	desiredSlot.setX (workarea.x () + props.gravityRight *
-+			  (workarea.width () / props.numCellsX));
-+	desiredSlot.setWidth (workarea.width () / props.numCellsX);
-+	/* Adjust for constraints and decorations */
-+	desiredRect = constrainSize (cw, desiredSlot);
-+	/* Get current rect not including decorations */
-+	currentRect.setGeometry (cw->serverX (), cw->serverY (),
-+				 cw->serverWidth (),
-+				 cw->serverHeight ());
-+	if (desiredRect.y () == currentRect.y () &&
-+	    desiredRect.height () == currentRect.height () &&
-+	    where != GridMaximize && gw->lastTarget == where)
-+	{
-+	    int slotWidth25  = workarea.width () / 4;
-+	    int slotWidth33  = (workarea.width () / 3) + cw->input ().left;
-+	    int slotWidth17  = slotWidth33 - slotWidth25;
-+	    int slotWidth66  = workarea.width () - slotWidth33;
-+	    int slotWidth75  = workarea.width () - slotWidth25;
-+	    CompRect rect25, rect33, rect66, rect75,
-+		     slot25, slot33, slot66, slot75;
-+	    slot25 = desiredSlot;
-+	    slot25.setX (workarea.x () +
-+			 props.gravityRight * slotWidth75);
-+	    slot25.setWidth (slotWidth25);
-+	    rect25 = constrainSize (cw, slot25);
-+	    slot33 = desiredSlot;
-+	    slot33.setX (workarea.x () +
-+			 props.gravityRight * slotWidth66);
-+	    slot33.setWidth (slotWidth33);
-+	    rect33 = constrainSize (cw, slot33);
-+	    slot66 = desiredSlot;
-+	    slot66.setX (workarea.x () +
-+			 props.gravityRight * slotWidth33);
-+	    slot66.setWidth (slotWidth66);
-+	    rect66 = constrainSize (cw, slot66);
-+	    slot75 = desiredSlot;
-+	    slot75.setX (workarea.x () +
-+			 props.gravityRight * slotWidth25);
-+	    slot75.setWidth (slotWidth75);
-+	    rect75 = constrainSize (cw, slot75);
-+	    if (props.numCellsX == 2) /* keys (1, 4, 7, 3, 6, 9) */
-+	    {
-+		if ((currentRect.width () == desiredRect.width () &&
-+		    currentRect.x () == desiredRect.x ()) ||
-+		    (gw->resizeCount < 1) || (gw->resizeCount > 5))
-+		    gw->resizeCount = 3;
-+		/* tricky, have to allow for window constraints when
-+		 * computing what the 33% and 66% offsets would be
-+		 */
-+		switch (gw->resizeCount)
-+		{
-+		    case 1:
-+			desiredSlot.setWidth (slotWidth33);
-+			desiredSlot.setX (workarea.x () +
-+					  props.gravityRight * slotWidth66);
-+			gw->resizeCount++;
-+			break;
-+		    case 2:
-+			gw->resizeCount++;
-+			break;
-+		    case 3:
-+			desiredSlot.setWidth (slotWidth66);
-+			desiredSlot.setX (workarea.x () +
-+					  props.gravityRight * slotWidth33);
-+			gw->resizeCount++;
-+			break;
-+		    case 4:
-+			desiredSlot.setWidth (slotWidth75);
-+			desiredSlot.setX (workarea.x () +
-+					  props.gravityRight * slotWidth25);
-+			gw->resizeCount++;
-+			break;

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