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Bug#575965: xserver-xorg-video-intel: Random complete freezes of whole system

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 20:41:54 +0000, Juha Jäykkä wrote:

> > Hi, what's the current status now, please?
> I cannot be sure: while there are still random lockups, but no more crashes 
> for 116 days (thats the age of my current X process). So, I am not sure if the 
> freezes are the same thing: at least I can ping the machine now during a 
> freeze.
Sound like different issues then.  If I understand correctly, the
"freezes" that still happen resolve themselves after some time?

> On one hand, that sounds even more like an X bug than a possible kernel issue 
> since only the VT where X runs is frozen.
> On the other hand, I cannot do C-A-F1 to change virtual terminals during a 
> freeze either: is the kernel not supposed to be handling this, not X? So that 
> would point to a kernel issue.
X is involved in the vt switch (when you press C-A-F1, X gets SIGUSR1,
then does some work and notifies the kernel it's ready to release the
VT, so if it's busy somewhere else the switch won't happen).

> What would be the smartest way to proceed? Close this and reopen the same bug 
> against both kernel and X (since I cannot tell which one it is)?
Do you get anything in the X or kernel log when these freezes happen?
What if you set /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug to 6?  If the machine
is reachable over the network, can you connect over ssh and attach gdb
to the X process to get a stack trace?


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