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Bug#447084: Important discovery [was: Re: Any progress on this bug?]

On Fri, 29 Jan 2010 23:52:01 +0100 Francesco Poli wrote:

> On Wed, 27 May 2009 00:42:15 +0200 Francesco Poli wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > Is there any progress on this bug?
> > I still experience it with current libx11-6/2:1.2.1-1
> > 
> > Has this bug report been forwarded upstream?
> Once again, I still experience the bug with current libx11-6/2:1.3.3-1

I found out something very important about this bug!
Something that could be the key to understand the whole issue.

One of the way to reproduce the bug was firing up a UXTerm window and
issuing the following command:

  $ PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0; технологии \007"'

This attempted to set the window title to a UTF-8 string, but failed:
a mess of odd symbols used to appear in the window title.

Well, I found out that the bug goes away, as soon as I insert the
following line in my ~/.Xresources :

  UXTerm*utf8Title: true

and activate this change immediately with:

  $ xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

or otherwise restart my X session.

By looking at the xterm man page, I read that:

|  utf8Title (class Utf8Title)
|        Applications  can  set  xterm's  title  by  writing  a  control
|        sequence.   Normally  this  control  sequence follows the VT220
|        convention, which encodes the string in ISO-8859-1  and  allows
|        for an 8-bit string terminator.  If xterm is started in a UTF-8
|        locale, it translates the ISO-8859-1 string to  UTF-8  to  work
|        with the X libraries which assume the string is UTF-8.
|        However, some users may wish to write a title string encoded in
|        UTF-8.  Set this resource to  “true”  to  allow  UTF-8  encoded
|        title strings.  That cancels the translation to UTF-8, allowing
|        UTF-8 strings to be displayed as is.
|        The default is “false.”

This means that setting this resource to "true" disables the
translation from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 of something that is already a
UTF-8 string, thus preventing the mess of odd symbols to show up!

I noticed that the problem is not completely solved though, not even
for UXTerm: setting

  $ PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0; ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↛ ↜ ↝ ↞

still results in odd symbols like

  "+ ", "* "- !j "U "X "V "Y "W ? ? ? ? ?

in the window title (but not in the taskbar item).
This is awkward.

Anyway, as I previously stated in this same bug log, I reproduced the
bug with various applications, not only with UXTerm.

Now, I retested Galeon: seems to show UTF-8 correctly in window
titles, except for the damn arrows...
I also retested root-tail: it seems to work, except for the damn arrows
and some other characters (such as some phonetic symbols and some
mathematical symbols).

In summary, it seems that a significant part of this bug has vanished
and/or been solved by setting UXTerm*utf8Title: true in ~/.Xresources

The bug is not entirely fixed, though: the damn arrows do not work yet
(despite the fact that most of them are correctly shown by the same
font in xfontsel).

Any thoughts?
Does this additional information help in pinpointing the problem?
Is there a way to solve the issue once and for all?

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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