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Bug#588785: #588785 xterm: consider supporting freedesktop.org style clipboard behavior

On Sun, 29 Aug 2010, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:

[Sorry for resending, I mistyped the bugs.debian.org address...]

Thomas Dickey <dickey@his.com> writes:
Shift Ctrl <KeyPress> c:select-end(CLIPBOARD)\n

That should work...


XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override\n\
Shift Ctrl <KeyPress> v:insert-selection(CLIPBOARD)\n\
Shift Ctrl <KeyPress> c:select-end(CLIPBOARD)\n

step 2 fails: clipboard contents does not change at all.

Are you getting different behavior?

Just to check, I tested this in a slightly different way, to ensure that I had exactly these translations (by capturing the result from "appres XTerm", and editing that, using XENVIRONMENT environment variable on the resulting file):

*VT100*translations:    #override \n\
 Shift Ctrl <KeyPress> v:insert-selection(CLIPBOARD)\n\
 Shift Ctrl <KeyPress> c:select-end(CLIPBOARD)\n

...and it seems to work. If you did not invoke the select-end, and started selecting again with the mouse, then that would discard the

I compiled xterm with (--enable-trace) debugging traces to check if I might see anything odd, e.g., events passing into the keyboard input from an incomplete coverage of the translations, and don't see any of that.

Thomas E. Dickey

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