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Bug#578406: embedded checks and fallback: apparently wrong solution

On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 20:27 +0400, Michael Tokarev wrote: 
>  2.  There's a limitation of max texture size in most radeon cards,
>    which is 2048.  Which means that in case a (virtual) resolution of
>    the screen is >2048 (which is not uncommon), new compiz will refuse
>    to start.  Previously compiz-manager has a feature to SKIP_CHECKS
>    and run compiz anyway.  Now that feature does not exist anymore.
>    Just today we were discussed this problem on irc with some ubuntu
>    user, -- the prob was nautilus trying to display background picture.
>    The solution for that user was to recompile compiz without the
>    above-mentioned patch and specify SKIP_CHECKS.  (It is because
>    almost all radeon cards actually works just fine with larger
>    texture sizes).

Compiz doesn't check these limits just for fun. If everything works
properly by simply disabling a check, that means either:

      * Compiz checks the wrong limit (e.g. texture size instead of
        viewport size) somewhere and needs to be fixed to check the
        right limit. 
      * The value checked doesn't accurately reflect the hardware
        capabilities, and the Mesa driver needs to be fixed.

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |                http://www.vmware.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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