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Bug#546714: BUG in agp_generic_create_gatt_table

> Just want to notice you that I have solved my problem by adding sisfb
> to /etc/modules .

"""Quote from: http://www.winischhofer.eu/linuxsispart1.shtml#21
The SiS DRM driver has been updated and features a memory manager of its own which will be used instead if sisfb is not activated in the kernel configuration

If this is still the case then the drm driver would depend on sisfb because of the memory manager. If this is what happens then the problem might be found within the sis (DRM module) memory manager where the memory manager is different depending on if sisfb was compiled with the kernel or not. It could create trouble if these defines in sis assume that sisfb is loaded if it is compiled as a module with the kernel. If you want to avoid using sisfb you could try to compile your kernel without the sisfb driver at all, which would make the DRM module not depend on sisfb. It would be interesting to see if that also solved your problem, or if the bug is somewhere else.

About sis-agp crashing. Does it crash if you put the line
sis-agp agp_sis_force_delay=1
in /etc/modules?

Samuel Fogh <gaffa@users.sf.net>

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