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Bug#546586: xorg: X server lockup in int10 when booting a secondary card


now some details. As mentioned I did an upgrade and just restarted the system. The configuration is as described in


and worked with the packages on hold together with the respective latest 2.6.32-kernel (currently 2.6.32-3-686) from unstable w/o problems.

The restart with the upgraded packages gave me the GDM login screen. I was able to logon successfully but everything was a bit slow. The reason for this was that *everything* was *simultaneously* on *both* seats! In other words a separate login was not possible any more. Finally both X server froze at some point. I could not find anything at the end of the Xorg*log files but will send them asap.

As a next step I left out the first, dummy X server but the effects were just the same.

Starting just one X on just one seat with something like

8< ------------------------------------------------------------------ >8
name=Standard server
command=/usr/bin/X0 -config xorg-X0.conf -layout X0 -audit 0
# Multiseat:
#command=/usr/bin/X0 -config xorg-X0.conf -layout X0 -audit 0 vt7 -noreset -sharevts -novtswitch
8< ------------------------------------------------------------------ >8

and reduced xorg.conf works fine for the NV seat, a bit fiddling in the conf seems to be necessary for the ATI seat as it showed poor 2D performance.

Still, any help is very much appreciated :-)

Best regards,
Alexander Mader

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