Bug#567874: xserver-xorg: hard redraw of screen elements when leaving fullscreen
reassign 567874 nvidia-glx
thank you
Mark Poks wrote:
> Package: xserver-xorg
> Version: 1:7.4+4
> Severity: normal
> first of all i am not sure if this issue is classified to the right package.
> when leaving fullscreen, there is wallpaper visible for a while without any desktop element. than gnome-panel is redrawing and all other windows right after. all that issue lasts some about one second.
> it is visible in one another case: when having application (such as smplayer) in fullscreen and some popup window from the other application is to be shown up (e.g. kadu) - right before popup shows, fullscreen window disapears for a moment so the wallpaper is visible and than fullscreen windows displays again but with the popup window now.
We can't debug the nvidia binary driver.
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