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libsm: Changes to 'refs/tags/libsm-2_1.1.1-1'

Tag 'libsm-2_1.1.1-1' created by Julien Cristau <jcristau@debian.org> at 2009-08-25 16:00 +0000

Tagging upload of libsm 2:1.1.1-1 to unstable.

Changes since libsm-2_1.1.0-2:
Adam Jackson (1):
      Avoid memcpy(foo, NULL, n), that's just nonsense.

Alan Coopersmith (1):
      Add README with pointers to mailing list, bugzilla & git repos

Caolan McNamara (1):
      Bug #17644: Fix valgrind warning in _SmcProcessMessage

David Nusinow (1):
      Add README.source

Diego Elio 'Flameeyes' Pettenò (1):
      Use FreeBSD uuid functions when available.

Julien Cristau (18):
      If we don't have libuuid, build without it instead of failing
      xsfbs: add a repack script for uscan
      Typo fix
      xsfbs.sh: kill {,de}register_x_lib_dir_with_ld_so
      xsfbs: repack.sh needs to be executable
      xsfbs: don't run dpkg --print-installation-architecture
      Kill custom readlink function
      Merge tag 'libSM-1.1.1' into debian-unstable
      Update changelogs
      Move libsm6-dbg to 'debug' section.
      Drop x11-common (pre-)dependencies, this isn't needed anymore.
      debian/control: wrap the Build-Depends field
      Bump libice-dev build-dep to 2:1.0.5.
      Bump xutils-dev build-dep to 1:7.4+4 for new util-macros.
      Merge branch 'debian-unstable' of git.debian.org:/git/pkg-xorg/xsfbs into debian-unstable
      Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3.
      Look for space-separated DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS.
      Prepare changelog for upload

Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade (2):
      avoid gcc warnings for libSM
      Janitor: ansification, make distcheck, compiler warnings.

Rémi Cardona (1):
      libSM 1.1.1, update libtool version

 .gitignore             |    7 ++
 ChangeLog              |   69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Makefile.am            |    6 --
 README                 |   30 ++++++++++
 configure.ac           |   27 +++++----
 debian/README.source   |   73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/changelog       |   12 ++++
 debian/control         |   21 +++++--
 debian/rules           |    2 
 debian/xsfbs/repack.sh |   32 +++++++++++
 debian/xsfbs/xsfbs.sh  |   78 ----------------------------
 src/.gitignore         |    6 --
 src/Makefile.am        |    3 -
 src/SMlibint.h         |   37 ++++++++-----
 src/globals.h          |   49 -----------------
 src/sm_client.c        |  136 +++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 src/sm_error.c         |   40 ++------------
 src/sm_genid.c         |   28 ++++++++--
 src/sm_manager.c       |   75 +++++----------------------
 src/sm_misc.c          |   61 ++++-----------------
 src/sm_process.c       |   24 +-------
 21 files changed, 388 insertions(+), 428 deletions(-)

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