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Bug#525736: console-setup: kbd actions on seat2 show up on console of seat1

Aivils Stoss has a work-around for this problem: install faketty and use its VT's on seat 2:

Except the version attached of faketty has to be used.

  1. compile and install faketty
  2. install xserver-xorg-input-kbd
  3. modify xorg.conf for seat2 to use driver=kbd
  4. modify gdm.conf for seat 2 to say: command=/usr/bin/X0 :1 -layout X0 -dpi 110 -isolateDevice PCI:0:8:0 vt51
Note the 'vt51' in step 4.

Result: problem goes away. Thanks Aivils!

Attachment: faketty-2.6.29.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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