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Bug#549953: xterm: Font tracking over wide.

Don Pellegrino <don@drexel.edu> wrote:
> Compare the width of the sentence in xterm versus gnome-terminal or 
> gedit.  Xterm will be longer.  GNOME applications produce nicer output, 
> therefore I have filed this as a bug in xterm.

I can confirm this bug. The font in xterm (up to 248) used to be the
same as in other programs, e.g. gedit or Emacs. But with xterm 249
the font spacing is much wider. Here are some screenshots for a

xterm 248: http://imgur.com/a7DOp.png
xterm 249: http://imgur.com/o6QvS.png
gedit:     http://imgur.com/Kvp3q.png

In my ~/.Xresources file I've set the following:

xterm*faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=12

For now I've reverted to xterm 248 and set it on hold in my system
because the new font display is really annoying.

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