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Bug#528608: xdm crashes with a nonexisting homedir, before running pam_mkhomedir

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 15:47:40 +1000, Alexander Zangerl wrote:

> xdm reproducibly crashes when the user's home directory does not exist,
> before actually doing any pam session handling - so that pam_mkhomedir can't
> take care of the missing homedir.
> it's easy to reproduce:
> apt-get install xdm
> 	(nothing special, everything out of the box)
> adduser dummy
> ...
> rm -rf /home/dummy 
> cat /etc/pam.d/common-session
> 	session optional        pam_mkhomedir.so
> 	session required        pam_unix.so
> and that's it. you try to login as dummy, the password is accepted,
> a brief message of  "login successful" or the like flashes on the screen,
> and then the greeter part of xdm sigsegvs, and the main xdm shuts 
> itself and the x server down.

any chance you could reproduce this in gdb, rather than strace?
Ideally with debug symbols for xdm.


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