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Bug#532253: xkb-data: pc(pc105) maps <RWIN> instead of Super_R

Package: xkb-data,x11-xkb-utils
Version: 1.6-1
Severity: important

In /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc, one can read:

    key <LWIN> {	[ Super_L			]	};
    modifier_map Mod4   { <LWIN> };

    key <RWIN> {	[ Super_R			]	};
    modifier_map Mod4   { <RWIN> };

And a couple of similar stanzas.

I use the following xkb definition for my keyboard:

    default xkb_keymap "mad_fr" {
	xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
	xkb_types     { include "complete" };
	xkb_compat    { include "complete" };
	xkb_symbols   {
	    include "pc(pc105)+us+inet(logiaccess)"
	    replace key <CAPS> { [ Super_L,   Super_L   ] };
	    replace key <LWIN> { [ Super_L,   Super_L   ] };

	    replace key <RALT> { [ Multi_key, Multi_key ] };
	    replace key <RWIN> { [ Multi_key, Multi_key ] };
	    replace key <RCTL> { [ Insert,    Insert    ] };
	    replace key <MENU> { [ Multi_key, Multi_key ] };
	    modifier_map Lock    { Caps_Lock };
	    modifier_map Control { <LCTL>, Control_L };
	    modifier_map Mod1    { <LALT>, Alt_L };
	    modifier_map Mod2    { Num_Lock };
	    modifier_map Mod4    { <LWIN>, <CAPS>, Super_L };
	xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)" };

    // vim:set ft=xkb:

Sadly, because <RWIN> is put in the modifier_map Mod4, even when I remap
<RWIN> to Multi_key, it remains in the modifier_map as <RWIN> which
yields really broken configuration for me. I've been forced to
temporarily add:

    modifier_map Mod5    { <RWIN> };

to avoid the problem, which yields a warning from xkbcomp because RWIN
is associated to two maps.

I would suggest to use Super_R in the Mod4 map (and Super_L for the same
reason, and probably some other similar fixes would be nice across the
files), or that xkbcomp provides some way to empty a given modifier_map,
instead of _only_ providing the "extend" semantics.

Without one or the other, it makes it pretty difficult to remap magic
keys, which is really important for some quite broken (as in badly
placed keys) laptop keyboards...

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