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Bug#514245: Similar problem with "de,us" "nodeadkeys,altgr-intl"

I want to be able to switch between german keyboardlayout and
US-layout (the altgr-intl version). I'm using a standard german
105keys keyboard.
Using setxkbmap works perfect:
setxkbmap -layout de,us -variant nodeadkeys,altgr-intl -option grp:rwin_toggle
lets me switch between the layouts with the right windows key and the
layouts are working fine.

I want to have this setting permanently, so I added the changed the
xorg.conf accordingly:
Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver          "kbd"
        Option          "XkbRules"      "xorg"
        Option          "XkbModel"      "pc105"
        Option          "XkbLayout"     "de,us"
        Option          "XkbVariant"    "nodeadkeys,altgr-intl"
        Option          "XkbOptions"    "grp:rwin_toggle"
I'd expect this to work the same way as the setxbkmap-line above.
It does not: With US-layout activated some keys produce output I'd
expect when pressing altgr simultaneously.
Pressing the 'd'-key results in "ð" (instead of "d"), pressing '1'
results in "¹" (instead of "1"), pressing 's' results in "ß" (instead
of "s"). Other keys work fine, '2' results in "2" (and not "²" or
something) etc.
Using the altgr-key however works as expected: altgr-q produces "ä",
altgr-d still produces "ð" (what it's supposed to do) etc.
The german layout still works fine.
If I change "altgr-intl" to "basic" in the xorg.conf, all keys work as
expected with us-layout activated - however the altgr-combinations
don't work, of course.

I'm using Debian Lenny (I can this bug on i386 and amd64),
xserver-xorg-input-kbd version is 1:1.3.1-1, xserver-xorg version is
Please let me know if you need additional information.

- Daniel

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