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Bug#513286: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics: Since 0.99, does not user xorg.conf configuration

Apart from nothing appearing in the log about
MinSpeed/MaxSpeed/AccelFactor (ZAxisMapping doesn't exist for synaptics
anyway), does your touchpad actually behave incorrectly? The synaptic
driver seems to handle float options in non-standard way. So it could
actually be using your float config options without printing anything in
the log. One way to check that would be to run "synclient -l". But
you'll have to enable SHMConfig first, using
     <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">on</merge>
(beware that this is considered a security risk, so you want to remove
it afterwards).

It seems to work fine here, but nothing appears in the log.


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