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dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in "sid" seems to be missing steps?

Apologies if this has gone around before. I'm not exactly a regular reader of this newsgroup. While trying to help somebody using Debian Sid to install and operate the X.org ATi driver (version 6.9), I was rather confused when his usage of the command dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg completely skipped the steps of selecting a driver. I referred him to one of the guides I have posted ( http://www.mepisguides.com/Mepis-7/fglrx/dpkg-7-b5/dpkg-os-betafive-fglrx-1.html ) to confirm that there was indeed a problem.

I then "upgraded" the package xserver-xorg-core on an etch machine to the sid xserver-xorg-core package and promptly ran into an identical problem. The selection process for sid's version of dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg started about step 14 in the guide I had written.

Is this is a known problem with the sid distribution? Is there a timeline on when the setup procedure will be fixed?

jason frothingham
gamenikki.com / mepisguides.com

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