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Bug#487793: xserver-xorg-input-evtouch: TSC-10 missing from udev rules

Package: xserver-xorg-input-evtouch
Version: 0.8.7-3ubuntu1
Severity: minor

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The udev rules (69-touchscreen.rules) should also support my touch screen 
:-)  Adding the following line solves this:

KERNEL=="event*", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="TSC-10 DM TSC-10 DM", 

BTW. instead of listing every single touch screen on the market, would it 
be possible to simply create a /dev/input/evtouch_event device when it uses 
the 'usbtouchscreen' kernel module? Something like:

KERNEL=="event*", SUBSYSTEM=="input", DRIVER=="usbtouchscreen", 


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