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Bug#461760: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics: I confirm this bug


I also can ocnfirm this bug and have done some further testing.

* Mattia Dongili <malattia@linux.it> [080201 13:15]:
> this really puzzles me... completely dead?
> does synclient report any activity?

synclient does output identical numbers for older version (truly
working) and buggy version (not working at all)

> what happens if you just try to run with the default options?
> i.e.: comment everything except

Options seem to be irrelavant to the problem.

You can make the touchpad working by setting GrabEventDevice to off,
but this only passes on standard events, so the net result is
funtionality equal to not loading synaptics driver at all. This shows
the driver per se is working and processing input from the touchpad.

Additional testing shows that events are not accepted by XOrg. I've
faked dx to always 100 in HandleState just before Post events in line
1873. Debug output says xf86PostMotionEvent is called but the mouse
pointer does not move.

My impression is that something with registering the device must have
gone wrong.


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