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Bug#457965: closed by Brice Goglin <Brice.Goglin@ens-lyon.org> (Re: Bug#457965: The same bug)

A Mennucc wrote:
> what about adding a few lines to /usr/bin/compiz, such as
> if grep -qi 'driver.*"ati"' /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; then
>   if ! grep -qi XAANoOffscreenPixmaps /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; then
>     echo "To succesfully use compiz on your ATI card, you probably need"
>     echo " to add the option XAANoOffscreenPixmaps to the Device"
>     echo " section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf . Read .... for details"
>   fi
> fi

It's not that simple unfortunately:
* It's not clear that only "ati" needs this, some other driver probably
like XAANoOffscreenPixmaps too.
* Also "ati" may be too vague here, you may just be talking about the
"radeon" submodule. But "ati" also contain some other submodules.
* The server can auto-detect the driver nowadays, most future xorg.conf
will have no Driver line at all.
* XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps is just a hack to improve Compiz while
decreasing other stuff performance. I am not sure recommending it that
much would be a good idea in the end.
* EXA is the way to go, XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps should only be a temporary
workaround for the time where EXA is not perfect (which may be too long


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