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Unmaintained Driver Deprecation

Hi everyone,

   I think it's time to start dealing with driver deprecation on a more
active level. I'm not sure how far off server 1.5 is, but I'd like to be
well ahead of it in dealing with the changes it brings. It should be
obvious now that almost all the input drivers are going away, and a few of
the video drivers as well. My feeling is that we should give people a
chance to try and save these drivers though, so we should work up a mail to
debian-devel-announce detailing why these drivers will be going away, and
what people can do about it.

   This week I'll come up with a list of the drivers that haven't been
ported to the new input and pci-rework frameworks and also compose a draft
of the mail. I'll send it here for comments so we can make sure it's well
written before it's sent. If you guys have any thoughts on the matter, or
suggestions for writing the mail, please let me know.

 - David Nusinow

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