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Re: backporting xserver-xorg-video-intel 1.9.94 + xorg 1.3rc5, usage report

On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 21:17 +0200, emisca wrote:

> xrandr 1.2 is really a dream that become true... but perhaps there is
> no application support by gnome and kde. The geometry of X changes but
> the window manager doesn't read the changes or it's not notified. Do
> you know if there are workarounds for this?

Metacity should respond correctly to the screen changes; they are
reported through the Xinerama extension. I did just notice a bug when
using the old xrandr options where the screen size would be set
incorrectly on rotation. Either use new xrandr options or update the

I'm trying to make the gnome background do something sensible; it's a
pain. Fixing the screen size GUI and other screen size setting bits
needs work at this point.

> Opengl performance is the same, using the legacy driver. I've not
> tried the new i915_tex driver as is still young and unstable and needs
> newer drm and agpgart kernel modules.

Right, there haven't been any significant performance changes in either
2D or 3D drawing.

> I've not seen AIGLX improvements. The overlays (video and gl apps)
> still don't work well, especially simple glut applications. Is there
> any work in progress to solve this?

Yes, but it all relies on moving to the new memory manager.

> Intel EXA acceleration is very slow compared to XAA, and I can often
> notice some artifacts when windows are resized (using kwin 3.5.6).
> Using a compositing manager (beryl 0.2.0, compiz 0.3.6) the
> performance are still slow, compared to XAA.

1.9.94 was sync'ing the hardware after every operation. Not so good for
performance. Current git might be a bit better. EXA could use a lot of
love at this point.


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