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Bug#423090: xserver-xorg-input-evdev: selecting evdev for keyboard driver crashes

Brice Goglin writes:
tags 423090 +moreinfo
thank you

On Sat, May 12, 2007 at 09:54:28AM +0200, Brice Goglin wrote:
We need a nice backtrace of the crash (when evdev is used for the
keyboard). Could you install xserver-xorg-core-dbg and rebuild the evdev
driver with debugging enabled (you might want to look at
http://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace to do so, and replace "hello"
with "xserver-xorg-input-evdev").
Then try to capture a backtrace in gdb. Once the crash occurs, do "bt
full" and send us the output.
Since the server crashes immediatly, this method might work. If it does
not, you might want to do that from another machine through ssh. Let me
know if you need help.

Still the same problem with latest xserver-xorg-core and driver sfrom
unstable? If not, can you catch a backtrace with gdb? Brice

Hi Brice, I just tested latest Xorg in testing and git version of the driver, and it is still there. I also opened call with freedesktop bugzilla, but nobody replied :((( https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13180

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