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Bug#426947: xserver-xorg-core should conflict only with fglrx-driver << 8.37.6

Package: xserver-xorg-core
Version: 2:

As of fglrx 8.37.6, Xorg 1.3 is supported (I've successfully installed
the debs with --force-conflicts and it's running).
So could you please change the conflict to a versioned one? <<8.37.6-1
should be fine I think (no, it is not yet in Debian, but as soon it
will be, xorg should be installable again ;]).


   ^^^    | Evgeni -SargentD- Golov (sargentd@die-welt.net)
 d(O_o)b  | GPG/PGP-Key-ID: 0xAC15B50C
  >-|-<   | 0C04 F872 0963 ADC9 AA83 882B 24A0 1418 AC15 B50C
   / \    | http://www.die-welt.net - sargentd@jabber.die-welt.net

<siyb> foreach gf array_get(gf) { alloc(time+money) }

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