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libxfont: Changes to 'refs/tags/libXfont-1.2.4'

Tag 'libXfont-1.2.4' created by Daniel Stone <daniels@endtroducing.fooishbar.org> at 2006-11-30 22:36 +0100

libXfont 1.2.4

Changes since libXfont-1.2.3:
Daniel Stone:
      remove CID font support (bug #5553)
      bump to 1.2.4

 configure.ac                    |   18 
 include/X11/fonts/fontconf.h.in |    3 
 src/Type1/AFM.h                 |   62 --
 src/Type1/Makefile.am           |    4 
 src/Type1/afm.c                 |  201 --------
 src/Type1/cidchar.c             |  621 ---------------------------
 src/Type1/fontfcn.c             |  393 -----------------
 src/Type1/fontfcn.h             |  145 ------
 src/Type1/objects.h             |   24 -
 src/Type1/range.h               |   48 --
 src/Type1/scanfont.c            |  845 ------------------------------------
 src/Type1/t1funcs.c             |  914 ----------------------------------------
 src/Type1/t1info.c              |  603 --------------------------
 src/Type1/t1intf.h              |   88 ---
 src/Type1/t1io.c                |   89 ---
 src/Type1/t1stdio.h             |    7 
 src/Type1/type1.c               |   94 ----
 src/Type1/util.c                |   28 -
 src/Type1/util.h                |   30 -
 src/fontfile/ffcheck.c          |    3 
 src/fontfile/register.c         |    6 
 21 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 4224 deletions(-)

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