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Bug#229628: xserver-xfree86-dbg: 82845G/GL: Frequent crashes: `Fatal server error: lockup'

Eric Hanchrow wrote:
> I haven't repro'd this recently, but I'm 85% sure that if I tried, it
> would repro.  It's pretty catastrophic (it forces me to reboot, iirc)
> that I don't want to do so unless you really think it'd be helpful.

What do you prefer me to do? Keep open until you get a chance to try to
reproduce? Or close it with an invitation to reopen in case anybody ever

Since NoAccel makes the problem disappear, it is very likely related to
DRI and/or your board driver. Both got a lot of changes during the last
3 years. I would personally vote for 85% chance of not being able to
reproduce :)


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