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Re: X Strike Force X.Org X11 SVN commit: r3514 [...]

* X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin wrote:
> Author: beatle
> Date: 2006-09-26 06:26:34 -0400 (Tue, 26 Sep 2006)
> New Revision: 3514
> Added:
> Log:
> Added some more watch files.

Most packages in the trunk should now have watch files. There are a few

  - app/xterm: I only just saw that upstream keeps old versions on the FTP
  server, so I'll add this right away.

  - app/xbase-clients, app/xprint-utils, app/xutils, util/xutils-dev and
  font/*: these are collections of more than one upstream package and I
  haven't yet figured out how to tell uscan to account for that.

  - app/mesa-utils, lib/mesa: since Mesa is not an XSF package, I haven't
  added watch-files to these.

  - data/xkb-data-legacy: not provided by upstream anymore.

  - doc/xorg-sgml-doctools-X11R7.0-1.0.1 and doc/xorg-docs-X11R7.0-1.0.1:
  maybe these should be renamed to xorg-sgml-doctools and xorg-docs

  - driver/xserver-xorg-video-ast: this directory doesn't contain any Debian
  packaging files, so no need to add a watch file.

For the above, I used a small script (available here[0]) which can check all
the packages against the watch file (using uscan) and scan for missing watch
files. It can also generate a "dummy" watch file if none exists yet, but that
usually requires manual tweaking.

One idea I was playing with was to enhance the script so that it would send
an email notification of new upstream releases, then run the script as a
cronjob. I'm not sure how useful this would be, though.

 - Thierry

[0]: http://beatle.dotsec.net/debian/scripts/check-watch.pl

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