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Re: Bug#385976: strange (and annoying) delay on startup

On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 10:23:15AM +0200, Loïc Minier wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2006, Robert Millan wrote:
> > Thanks for the ellaboration.  This sounds like a strange race, though.  It
> > would require the user to launch the client before the server has finished its
> > startup, which AFAICT can only be done from a shell that doesn't belong to
> > this server session.
>  I think the race is possible, otherwise there wouldn't be a special
>  case for it in the code.  But perhaps it's possible to avoid the race
>  at a higher level.
> > Is this hack required for the initial X client?  If this is so, waiting 5s is
> > not a good solution to workaround lack of syncronisation anyway.
>  The 5 second wait is coded in a generic fashion when the underlying
>  transport said connection is to be retried.  The problem is not the 5
>  second wait, but the fact that the transport said to retry, while it's
>  clear that the socket isn't there -- and won't appear.  It's hard to
>  tell whether the socket might appear, but I think this question is for
>  higher level stacks.
>  My opinion is that whoever creates the environment variable which lists
>  the socket should make sure the socket is available before spreading
>  the news,

It did, and at that time the socket was present.  It's just that the socket
is not there anymore.

Robert Millan

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