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Bug#379292: xkb-data hr layout broke the normal AltGr+numbers behaviour

Denis Barbier wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 06:32:07PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
> [...]
>>> Denis, please redefine the whole row then (AE01 - AE12), not just 1,3,5 and 7.
>> That would be fine by me, presuming this is what fully restores the layout
>> to the one from old X.
> symbols/pc/hr used to define
>   key <AE01>  { [         1,     exclam,   asciitilde,   dead_tilde ] };
>   key <AE02>  { [         2,   quotedbl,   dead_caron,        caron ] };
>   key <AE03>  { [         3, numbersign,  asciicircum, dead_circumflex ] };
>   key <AE04>  { [         4,     dollar,   dead_breve,        breve ] };
>   key <AE05>  { [         5,    percent,       degree, dead_abovering ] };
>   key <AE06>  { [         6,  ampersand,  dead_ogonek,       ogonek ] };
>   key <AE07>  { [         7,      slash,        grave,   dead_grave ] };
>   key <AE08>  { [         8,  parenleft, dead_abovedot,    abovedot ] };
>   key <AE09>  { [         9, parenright,   dead_acute,   apostrophe ] };
>   key <AE10>  { [         0,      equal, dead_doubleacute, doubleacute ] };
>   key <AE11>  { [apostrophe,   question, dead_diaeresis,  diaeresis ] };
>   key <AE12>  { [      plus,   asterisk, dead_cedilla,      cedilla ] };
> 3rd and 4th levels are now defined in symbols/cs(level3)
>   key <AE01> {   [ any,any,     dead_tilde,          asciitilde  ]   };
>   key <AE02> {   [ any,any,     dead_caron,          caron       ]   };
>   key <AE03> {   [ any,any,     dead_circumflex,     asciicircum ]   };
>   key <AE04> {   [ any,any,     dead_breve,          breve       ]   };
>   key <AE05> {   [ any,any,     dead_abovering,      degree      ]   };
>   key <AE06> {   [ any,any,     dead_ogonek,         ogonek      ]   };
>   key <AE07> {   [ any,any,     dead_grave,          grave       ]   };
>   key <AE08> {   [ any,any,     dead_abovedot,       abovedot    ]   };
>   key <AE09> {   [ any,any,     dead_acute,          apostrophe  ]   };
>   key <AE10> {   [ any,any,     dead_doubleacute,    doubleacute ]   };
>   key <AE11> {   [ any,any,     dead_diaeresis,      diaeresis   ]   };
>   key <AE12> {   [ any,any,     dead_cedilla,        cedilla     ]   };
> So unless I am mistaken, only 1, 3, 5 and 7 have to be redefined.

That's true, but I can't see any good reason for having deadkeys mixed in
3rd and 4th level.
In my opinion it's logical to have one level (4th in this case) composed
solely of deadkeys. It's easier to remember.


Vedran Furač

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