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Bug#372077: re the debconf note on upgrade


I noticed the current debconf message which is displayed with priority 
critical. Well I have no information about the upgrade problems here and 
therefore I am sorry to make noise at this bugreport, I don't want to 
interrupt the constructive discussion about this problem, but I want to 
remark that the current debconf priority for the message is IMHO too high.
IMHO it shouldn't be displayed during a fresh installation, which happens for 
instance currently in Debian-Edu. Would you mind to change the priority to 

--- x11-common.config.in.old    2006-06-28 14:16:21.000000000 +0200
+++ x11-common.config.in        2006-06-28 14:16:31.000000000 +0200
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 set -e

 if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt "1:7.0.11"; then
-      run db_input critical x11-common/upgrade_issues
+      run db_input high x11-common/upgrade_issues
       run db_go

Then the message wouldn't show up on a fresh installation of Debian-Edu which 
is intended, because I guess it just confuses the teacher who installs it.
(Please keep in mind that a Debian-Edu installation should be as simple as 
possible and only show 4 questions which are absoluteley neccessary for a 
user to answer and of course easy to understand:) ).

Greetings and thanks in advance

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