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Handling of installation reports with Xorg installation issues

On debian-boot we fairly regularly see installation reports that mention 
issues with the installation of X. In general the d-i team lacks both the 
time and the expertise to deal with these issues.

In a lot of cases this is "solved" by saying X installation and 
configuration is outside the scope of d-i (which fundamentally is true) 
and to close the installation report with a suggestion to ask for help on 
debian-user and/or file a separate bug against X. Only in some cases, 
mostly if the issue is clear, the report is reassigned to X or discover.
For users this is not always satisfactory.

With the new modular Xorg 7.0 packages soon to hit testing and the major 
changes in that (mostly packaging, but also code), it is likely that we 
will see more installation issues involving X.

I have spoken with David Nusinow (Debian Xorg release manager) about how 
best to deal with this, and here is our proposal.

- For installations of Sarge and installations involving Xorg versions
  older than 7.0, we continue to refer users to d-user in most cases.
- For Desktop installations of Etch that use Xorg 7.0, we will either 
  reassign or clone (if there are other issues) the installation report
  to package *xserver-xorg-core*.
- The X Strike Force (XSF) will try their best to follow up on these
  reports and take appropriate action.

So, people processing installation reports are requested to carefully 
check which version of Xorg was used in the installation. In most cases 
this can be determined by looking at installation method, version of the 
installer used and installation date.

Currently installation of the Desktop task in testing is broken (gdm 
cannot find the x server). I have noted this on the D-I "Today" wiki [1].
As Xorg is very much a moving target at the moment, I don't feel we need 
to solve this now.
As soon as Xorg has migrated to testing and things have settled down, we 
should perform some installation tests to see what tuning is needed in 
Xorg dependencies, definition of tasks or whatever else is needed to get 
a good default Desktop installation again.
This includes determining which packages need to be (pre-)installed for 
optimal auto-detection of hardware.


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