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Bug#362112: xserver-xorg - german keymap lacks any modifier entries

Package: xserver-xorg
Version: 1:7.0.10
Severity: normal

After the xorg upgrade, the german keymap (xorg/de/pc105/nodeadkeys)
lacks any entries for keys with alt-gr (mapped to alt_r) modifier.

Dump of the new keymap:
| There are 4 KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from 8 to 255.
|     KeyCode	Keysym (Keysym)	...
|     Value  	Value   (Name) 	...
|       8    	
|       9    	0xff1b (Escape)	
|      10    	0x0031 (1)	0x0021 (exclam)	
|      11    	0x0032 (2)	0x0022 (quotedbl)	
|      12    	0x0033 (3)	0x00a7 (section)	
|      13    	0x0034 (4)	0x0024 (dollar)	
|      14    	0x0035 (5)	0x0025 (percent)	
|      15    	0x0036 (6)	0x0026 (ampersand)	
|      16    	0x0037 (7)	0x002f (slash)	
|      17    	0x0038 (8)	0x0028 (parenleft)	
|      18    	0x0039 (9)	0x0029 (parenright)	
|      19    	0x0030 (0)	0x003d (equal)	
|      20    	0x00df (ssharp)	0x003f (question)	
|      21    	0x0027 (apostrophe)	0x0060 (grave)	
|      22    	0xff08 (BackSpace)	
|      23    	0xff09 (Tab)	
|      24    	0x0071 (q)	0x0051 (Q)	
|      25    	0x0077 (w)	0x0057 (W)	
|      26    	0x0065 (e)	0x0045 (E)	
|      27    	0x0072 (r)	0x0052 (R)	
|      28    	0x0074 (t)	0x0054 (T)	
|      29    	0x007a (z)	0x005a (Z)	
|      30    	0x0075 (u)	0x0055 (U)	
|      31    	0x0069 (i)	0x0049 (I)	
|      32    	0x006f (o)	0x004f (O)	
|      33    	0x0070 (p)	0x0050 (P)	
|      34    	0x00fc (udiaeresis)	0x00dc (Udiaeresis)	
|      35    	0x002b (plus)	0x002a (asterisk)	
|      36    	0xff0d (Return)	
|      37    	0xffe3 (Control_L)	
|      38    	0x0061 (a)	0x0041 (A)	
|      39    	0x0073 (s)	0x0053 (S)	
|      40    	0x0064 (d)	0x0044 (D)	
|      41    	0x0066 (f)	0x0046 (F)	
|      42    	0x0067 (g)	0x0047 (G)	
|      43    	0x0068 (h)	0x0048 (H)	
|      44    	0x006a (j)	0x004a (J)	
|      45    	0x006b (k)	0x004b (K)	
|      46    	0x006c (l)	0x004c (L)	
|      47    	0x00f6 (odiaeresis)	0x00d6 (Odiaeresis)	
|      48    	0x00e4 (adiaeresis)	0x00c4 (Adiaeresis)	
|      49    	0x005e (asciicircum)	0x00b0 (degree)	
|      50    	0xffe1 (Shift_L)	
|      51    	0x0023 (numbersign)	0x0027 (apostrophe)	
|      52    	0x0079 (y)	0x0059 (Y)	
|      53    	0x0078 (x)	0x0058 (X)	
|      54    	0x0063 (c)	0x0043 (C)	
|      55    	0x0076 (v)	0x0056 (V)	
|      56    	0x0062 (b)	0x0042 (B)	
|      57    	0x006e (n)	0x004e (N)	
|      58    	0x006d (m)	0x004d (M)	
|      59    	0x002c (comma)	0x003b (semicolon)	
|      60    	0x002e (period)	0x003a (colon)	
|      61    	0x002d (minus)	0x005f (underscore)	
|      62    	0xffe2 (Shift_R)	
|      63    	0xffaa (KP_Multiply)	
|      64    	0xffe9 (Alt_L)	
|      65    	0x0020 (space)	
|      66    	0xffe5 (Caps_Lock)	
|      67    	0xffbe (F1)	0xffca (F13)	
|      68    	0xffbf (F2)	0xffcb (F14)	
|      69    	0xffc0 (F3)	0xffcc (F15)	
|      70    	0xffc1 (F4)	0xffcd (F16)	
|      71    	0xffc2 (F5)	0xffce (F17)	
|      72    	0xffc3 (F6)	0xffcf (F18)	
|      73    	0xffc4 (F7)	0xffd0 (F19)	
|      74    	0xffc5 (F8)	0xffd1 (F20)	
|      75    	0xffc6 (F9)	
|      76    	0xffc7 (F10)	
|      77    	0xff7f (Num_Lock)	
|      78    	0xff14 (Scroll_Lock)	
|      79    	0xffb7 (KP_7)	
|      80    	0xffb8 (KP_8)	
|      81    	0xffb9 (KP_9)	
|      82    	0xffad (KP_Subtract)	
|      83    	0xffb4 (KP_4)	
|      84    	0xffb5 (KP_5)	
|      85    	0xffb6 (KP_6)	
|      86    	0xffab (KP_Add)	
|      87    	0xffb1 (KP_1)	
|      88    	0xffb2 (KP_2)	
|      89    	0xffb3 (KP_3)	
|      90    	0xffb0 (KP_0)	
|      91    	0xffac (KP_Separator)	
|      92    	
|      93    	
|      94    	0x003c (less)	0x003e (greater)	
|      95    	0xffc8 (F11)	
|      96    	0xffc9 (F12)	
|      97    	0xff50 (Home)	
|      98    	0xff52 (Up)	
|      99    	0xff55 (Prior)	
|     100    	0xff51 (Left)	
|     101    	
|     102    	0xff53 (Right)	
|     103    	0xff57 (End)	
|     104    	0xff54 (Down)	
|     105    	0xff56 (Next)	
|     106    	0xff63 (Insert)	
|     107    	0xffff (Delete)	
|     108    	0xff8d (KP_Enter)	
|     109    	0xffe4 (Control_R)	
|     110    	0xff13 (Pause)	
|     111    	
|     112    	0xffaf (KP_Divide)	
|     113    	0xffea (Alt_R)	
|     114    	0xff6b (Break)	

Dump of the keymap with latest xorg 6.9:
| There are 6 KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from 8 to 255.
|     KeyCode	Keysym (Keysym)	...
|     Value  	Value   (Name) 	...
|       8    	
|       9    	0xff1b (Escape)	
|      10    	0x0031 (1)	0x0021 (exclam)	0x00b9 (onesuperior)	0x00a1 (exclamdown)	0x00b9 (onesuperior)	0x00a1 (exclamdown)	
|      11    	0x0032 (2)	0x0022 (quotedbl)	0x00b2 (twosuperior)	0x0ac3 (oneeighth)	0x00b2 (twosuperior)	0x0ac3 (oneeighth)	
|      12    	0x0033 (3)	0x00a7 (section)	0x00b3 (threesuperior)	0x00a3 (sterling)	0x00b3 (threesuperior)	0x00a3 (sterling)	
|      13    	0x0034 (4)	0x0024 (dollar)	0x00bc (onequarter)	0x00a4 (currency)	0x00bc (onequarter)	0x00a4 (currency)	
|      14    	0x0035 (5)	0x0025 (percent)	0x00bd (onehalf)	0x0ac4 (threeeighths)	0x00bd (onehalf)	0x0ac4 (threeeighths)	
|      15    	0x0036 (6)	0x0026 (ampersand)	0x00ac (notsign)	0x0ac5 (fiveeighths)	0x00ac (notsign)	0x0ac5 (fiveeighths)	
|      16    	0x0037 (7)	0x002f (slash)	0x007b (braceleft)	0x0ac6 (seveneighths)	0x007b (braceleft)	0x0ac6 (seveneighths)	
|      17    	0x0038 (8)	0x0028 (parenleft)	0x005b (bracketleft)	0x0ac9 (trademark)	0x005b (bracketleft)	0x0ac9 (trademark)	
|      18    	0x0039 (9)	0x0029 (parenright)	0x005d (bracketright)	0x00b1 (plusminus)	0x005d (bracketright)	0x00b1 (plusminus)	
|      19    	0x0030 (0)	0x003d (equal)	0x007d (braceright)	0x00b0 (degree)	0x007d (braceright)	0x00b0 (degree)	
|      20    	0x00df (ssharp)	0x003f (question)	0x005c (backslash)	0x00bf (questiondown)	0x005c (backslash)	0x00bf (questiondown)	
|      21    	0x0027 (apostrophe)	0x0060 (grave)	0x00b8 (cedilla)	0x00b8 (cedilla)	0x00b8 (cedilla)	0x00b8 (cedilla)	
|      22    	0xff08 (BackSpace)	0xfed5 (Terminate_Server)	
|      23    	0xff09 (Tab)	0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab)	
|      24    	0x0071 (q)	0x0051 (Q)	0x0040 (at)	0x07d9 (Greek_OMEGA)	0x0040 (at)	0x07d9 (Greek_OMEGA)	
|      25    	0x0077 (w)	0x0057 (W)	0x01b3 (lstroke)	0x01a3 (Lstroke)	0x01b3 (lstroke)	0x01a3 (Lstroke)	
|      26    	0x0065 (e)	0x0045 (E)	0x20ac (EuroSign)	0x20ac (EuroSign)	0x20ac (EuroSign)	0x20ac (EuroSign)	
|      27    	0x0072 (r)	0x0052 (R)	0x00b6 (paragraph)	0x00ae (registered)	0x00b6 (paragraph)	0x00ae (registered)	
|      28    	0x0074 (t)	0x0054 (T)	0x03bc (tslash)	0x03ac (Tslash)	0x03bc (tslash)	0x03ac (Tslash)	
|      29    	0x007a (z)	0x005a (Z)	0x08fb (leftarrow)	0x00a5 (yen)	0x08fb (leftarrow)	0x00a5 (yen)	
|      30    	0x0075 (u)	0x0055 (U)	0x08fe (downarrow)	0x08fc (uparrow)	0x08fe (downarrow)	0x08fc (uparrow)	
|      31    	0x0069 (i)	0x0049 (I)	0x08fd (rightarrow)	0x02b9 (idotless)	0x08fd (rightarrow)	0x02b9 (idotless)	
|      32    	0x006f (o)	0x004f (O)	0x00f8 (oslash)	0x00d8 (Oslash)	0x00f8 (oslash)	0x00d8 (Oslash)	
|      33    	0x0070 (p)	0x0050 (P)	0x00fe (thorn)	0x00de (THORN)	0x00fe (thorn)	0x00de (THORN)	
|      34    	0x00fc (udiaeresis)	0x00dc (Udiaeresis)	0x00a8 (diaeresis)	0x00a8 (diaeresis)	0x00a8 (diaeresis)	0x00a8 (diaeresis)	
|      35    	0x002b (plus)	0x002a (asterisk)	0x007e (asciitilde)	0x00af (macron)	0x007e (asciitilde)	0x00af (macron)	
|      36    	0xff0d (Return)	
|      37    	0xffe3 (Control_L)	
|      38    	0x0061 (a)	0x0041 (A)	0x00e6 (ae)	0x00c6 (AE)	0x00e6 (ae)	0x00c6 (AE)	
|      39    	0x0073 (s)	0x0053 (S)	0x00df (ssharp)	0x00a7 (section)	0x00df (ssharp)	0x00a7 (section)	
|      40    	0x0064 (d)	0x0044 (D)	0x00f0 (eth)	0x00d0 (ETH)	0x00f0 (eth)	0x00d0 (ETH)	
|      41    	0x0066 (f)	0x0046 (F)	0x01f0 (dstroke)	0x00aa (ordfeminine)	0x01f0 (dstroke)	0x00aa (ordfeminine)	
|      42    	0x0067 (g)	0x0047 (G)	0x03bf (eng)	0x03bd (ENG)	0x03bf (eng)	0x03bd (ENG)	
|      43    	0x0068 (h)	0x0048 (H)	0x02b1 (hstroke)	0x02a1 (Hstroke)	0x02b1 (hstroke)	0x02a1 (Hstroke)	
|      44    	0x006a (j)	0x004a (J)	
|      45    	0x006b (k)	0x004b (K)	0x03a2 (kra)	0x0026 (ampersand)	0x03a2 (kra)	0x0026 (ampersand)	
|      46    	0x006c (l)	0x004c (L)	0x01b3 (lstroke)	0x01a3 (Lstroke)	0x01b3 (lstroke)	0x01a3 (Lstroke)	
|      47    	0x00f6 (odiaeresis)	0x00d6 (Odiaeresis)	0x01bd (doubleacute)	0x01bd (doubleacute)	0x01bd (doubleacute)	0x01bd (doubleacute)	
|      48    	0x00e4 (adiaeresis)	0x00c4 (Adiaeresis)	0x005e (asciicircum)	0x005e (asciicircum)	0x005e (asciicircum)	0x005e (asciicircum)	
|      49    	0x005e (asciicircum)	0x00b0 (degree)	0x00ac (notsign)	0x00ac (notsign)	0x00ac (notsign)	0x00ac (notsign)	
|      50    	0xffe1 (Shift_L)	
|      51    	0x0023 (numbersign)	0x0027 (apostrophe)	0x0060 (grave)	0x0060 (grave)	0x0060 (grave)	0x0060 (grave)	
|      52    	0x0079 (y)	0x0059 (Y)	0x00ab (guillemotleft)	0x003c (less)	0x00ab (guillemotleft)	0x003c (less)	
|      53    	0x0078 (x)	0x0058 (X)	0x00bb (guillemotright)	0x003e (greater)	0x00bb (guillemotright)	0x003e (greater)	
|      54    	0x0063 (c)	0x0043 (C)	0x00a2 (cent)	0x00a9 (copyright)	0x00a2 (cent)	0x00a9 (copyright)	
|      55    	0x0076 (v)	0x0056 (V)	0x0ad2 (leftdoublequotemark)	0x0060 (grave)	0x0ad2 (leftdoublequotemark)	0x0060 (grave)	
|      56    	0x0062 (b)	0x0042 (B)	0x0ad3 (rightdoublequotemark)	0x0027 (apostrophe)	0x0ad3 (rightdoublequotemark)	0x0027 (apostrophe)	
|      57    	0x006e (n)	0x004e (N)	
|      58    	0x006d (m)	0x004d (M)	0x00b5 (mu)	0x00ba (masculine)	0x00b5 (mu)	0x00ba (masculine)	
|      59    	0x002c (comma)	0x003b (semicolon)	0x08a3 (horizconnector)	0x00d7 (multiply)	0x08a3 (horizconnector)	0x00d7 (multiply)	
|      60    	0x002e (period)	0x003a (colon)	0x00b7 (periodcentered)	0x00f7 (division)	0x00b7 (periodcentered)	0x00f7 (division)	
|      61    	0x002d (minus)	0x005f (underscore)	0xfe60 (dead_belowdot)	0x01ff (abovedot)	0xfe60 (dead_belowdot)	0x01ff (abovedot)	
|      62    	0xffe2 (Shift_R)	
|      63    	0xffaa (KP_Multiply)	0x1008fe21 (XF86_ClearGrab)	
|      64    	0xffe9 (Alt_L)	0xffe7 (Meta_L)	
|      65    	0x0020 (space)	
|      66    	0xffe5 (Caps_Lock)	
|      67    	0xffbe (F1)	0x1008fe01 (XF86_Switch_VT_1)	
|      68    	0xffbf (F2)	0x1008fe02 (XF86_Switch_VT_2)	
|      69    	0xffc0 (F3)	0x1008fe03 (XF86_Switch_VT_3)	
|      70    	0xffc1 (F4)	0x1008fe04 (XF86_Switch_VT_4)	
|      71    	0xffc2 (F5)	0x1008fe05 (XF86_Switch_VT_5)	
|      72    	0xffc3 (F6)	0x1008fe06 (XF86_Switch_VT_6)	
|      73    	0xffc4 (F7)	0x1008fe07 (XF86_Switch_VT_7)	
|      74    	0xffc5 (F8)	0x1008fe08 (XF86_Switch_VT_8)	
|      75    	0xffc6 (F9)	0x1008fe09 (XF86_Switch_VT_9)	
|      76    	0xffc7 (F10)	0x1008fe0a (XF86_Switch_VT_10)	
|      77    	0xff7f (Num_Lock)	0xfef9 (Pointer_EnableKeys)	
|      78    	0xff14 (Scroll_Lock)	
|      79    	0xff95 (KP_Home)	0xffb7 (KP_7)	
|      80    	0xff97 (KP_Up)	0xffb8 (KP_8)	
|      81    	0xff9a (KP_Prior)	0xffb9 (KP_9)	
|      82    	0xffad (KP_Subtract)	0x1008fe23 (XF86_Prev_VMode)	
|      83    	0xff96 (KP_Left)	0xffb4 (KP_4)	
|      84    	0xff9d (KP_Begin)	0xffb5 (KP_5)	
|      85    	0xff98 (KP_Right)	0xffb6 (KP_6)	
|      86    	0xffab (KP_Add)	0x1008fe22 (XF86_Next_VMode)	
|      87    	0xff9c (KP_End)	0xffb1 (KP_1)	
|      88    	0xff99 (KP_Down)	0xffb2 (KP_2)	
|      89    	0xff9b (KP_Next)	0xffb3 (KP_3)	
|      90    	0xff9e (KP_Insert)	0xffb0 (KP_0)	
|      91    	0xff9f (KP_Delete)	0xffac (KP_Separator)	
|      92    	0xff61 (Print)	0xff15 (Sys_Req)	
|      93    	0xff7e (Mode_switch)	
|      94    	0x003c (less)	0x003e (greater)	0x007c (bar)	0x00a6 (brokenbar)	0x007c (bar)	0x00a6 (brokenbar)	
|      95    	0xffc8 (F11)	0x1008fe0b (XF86_Switch_VT_11)	
|      96    	0xffc9 (F12)	0x1008fe0c (XF86_Switch_VT_12)	
|      97    	0xff50 (Home)	
|      98    	0xff52 (Up)	
|      99    	0xff55 (Prior)	
|     100    	0xff51 (Left)	
|     101    	
|     102    	0xff53 (Right)	
|     103    	0xff57 (End)	
|     104    	0xff54 (Down)	
|     105    	0xff56 (Next)	
|     106    	0xff63 (Insert)	
|     107    	0xffff (Delete)	
|     108    	0xff8d (KP_Enter)	
|     109    	0xffe4 (Control_R)	
|     110    	0xff13 (Pause)	0xff6b (Break)	
|     111    	0xff61 (Print)	0xff15 (Sys_Req)	
|     112    	0xffaf (KP_Divide)	0x1008fe20 (XF86_Ungrab)	
|     113    	0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)	
|     114    	0xff13 (Pause)	0xff6b (Break)	
|     115    	0xffeb (Super_L)	
|     116    	0xffec (Super_R)	
|     117    	0xff67 (Menu)	
|     118    	
|     119    	
|     120    	
|     121    	
|     122    	
|     123    	
|     124    	0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)	
|     125    	0x0000 (NoSymbol)	0xffe9 (Alt_L)	
|     126    	0xffbd (KP_Equal)	
|     127    	0x0000 (NoSymbol)	0xffeb (Super_L)	
|     128    	0x0000 (NoSymbol)	0xffed (Hyper_L)	
|     129    	
|     130    	
|     131    	
|     132    	
|     133    	
|     134    	
|     135    	
|     136    	
|     137    	
|     138    	
|     139    	
|     140    	
|     141    	
|     142    	
|     143    	
|     144    	
|     145    	
|     146    	
|     147    	
|     148    	
|     149    	
|     150    	
|     151    	
|     152    	
|     153    	
|     154    	
|     155    	
|     156    	0x0000 (NoSymbol)	0xffe7 (Meta_L)	

As the german keyboard layout have essential keys like @ or | as keys
with alt-gr, this makes it rather useless.


Death, when unnecessary, is a tragic thing.
		-- Flint, "Requiem for Methuselah", stardate 5843.7

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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