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Bug#351948: bug report for libxpm-dev

Title: bug report for libxpm-dev

Package: libxpm-dev

Version: 4.3.0.dfsg.1-14sarge1

I have been using Xpm routines to read pixmap data from a file.  The example given here focuses on the XpmReadFiletoPixmap, but every function that involved reading a pixmap file triggered the bug.

This code works:

#include <X11/Xlib.h>

#include <X11/Xutil.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/time.h>

#include <string.h>



        Display *display;

        int depth, screen;

        int width, height, w, h;

        Window window, rootwindow;

        Pixmap *pixmap, *shape;

        char xpmfile[BUFSIZ];

        struct timespec t;

        struct timeval td1, td2, td3;

        and some other declarations

        display = XOpenDisplay (NULL);

        screen = DefaultScreen (display);

        width = DisplayWidth (display, screen);

        height = DisplayHeight (display, screen);

        rootwindow = RootWindow (display, screen);

        window = XCreateSimpleWindow (display, rootwindow, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, 0);

        strcpy (xpmfile, "filename.xpm");

        XpmReadFileToPixmap (display, window, xpmfile, pixmap, shape /* or NULL */, NULL);


compiled with:

gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -Xlib -Xpm

If, however, you declare the timespec and timeval variables before "display", this produces a segmentation fault.

Of note, the pixfile in question is large - it is the size of the screen (1600x1200) and I suspect that there are hidden limits

to pixmap sizes in Xpm that are  triggering this bug.

Pixmaps are generated from a jpeg file using mogrify:

mogrify -resize 1600x1200 -scale 1600x1200 -depth 24 -format xpm <file.jpg>





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