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-4 This Weekend?

Hi everyone,
   I'm hoping to upload -4 to unstable this weekend. Since I'm pretty well
bowing out of 6.9 for a while (provided this one is good enough to make it
in to testing) I wanted to know if you guys had anything you wanted to get
in to this upload that you're currently working on. We're currently
blocking a few transitions right now because we can't build on mips(el) and
migrate in to testing, which is why I'm interested in doing the upload so
soon. The missing init scripts fix, Denis' keymaps fixes, and Ender's
Freebsd patches are things I'd like to get in to unstable asap also.

   We do have a few unresolved issues that I'd love to see get taken care
of, but I'm not going to tackle myself right now. Things like the keyboard
switching problem for gnome users and the radeon second monitor troubles
both need a solution, but I'm not planning to work on them myself until
we've got our modular packages in order. If anyone is working on these
issues or similarly important ones and wants me to delay the upload for it,
please let me know and we can hold off until you're ready. If not, I'll try
and make the upload either Sunday or Monday.

 - David Nusinow

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