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Bug#343129: xemacs / libX11 / NVIDIA crashes on opteron under kernel 2.6.14-2

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Wing <ben@xemacs.org> writes:

    Ben> the best way to know for sure is for you to compille XEmacs
    Ben> yourself, with debugging support.

Also, Debian supplies -dbg packages for the X libraries, so you would
be able to get useful traces.  You just use LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or
something like that) to get the debug libraries loaded instead of the
usual ones.

    Ben> that way we'd see if XEmacs is somehow passing a bad value
    Ben> (which i seriously doubt, since this code hasn't been touched
    Ben> in years and no one else is seeing your bug).

But note that not only is he running 64 bits, he's also got an
Opteron.  It's still very unlikely, but 64 bit issues in XEmacs are
unlikely to have all been weeded out yet, and this is the first report
I can recall for an Opteron host.  So it would be good to check.

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