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Re: Blutige Selbstjustiz


I'm sorry but you have mailed to one of my email addresses that has
been retired because I was getting spam or worm mail on it.

Please review a recent message from me for a newer response address or
use the form on the following web page to contact me.


I do apologize for this.  I _only_ use these addresses when I send out
mail implying that spammers have ways to harvest addreses from
forwarded jokes or other mail.  If you are interested, here's a piece
I wrote about general email protection.


Vigilance is the price of bandwidth.

Thanks and my apologies again for the necessity,
Gray Watson

|----------------------- Message text follows: -----------------------|
From: debian-x@lists.debian.org
To: gray@256.com
Subject: Blutige Selbstjustiz

Polizeiexperten warnen: Ethnisch abgeschottete Mafia-Clans sind kaum noch zu durchdringen. Die Gerichte tragen Mitschuld.

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