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6.8 Freeze and 6.9

Hi all,
   You may have noticed that 6.8 has finally entered testing. That means
it's time to freeze the trunk. That doesn't mean we're going to stop
updating it, but it does mean two things:

   1) No changes can go in without me approving them. The easiest way to do
      this is to manage it like debian-release does, where you can post a
	  diff and request that it be allowed to enter the trunk. You should
	  include the reason for wanting it in, and any bug #'s it'll fix. I'll
	  then approve it and you can commit it yourself, or I'll reject it
	  with a reason why, and we'll go from there. If you commit something
	  without my approval I'll revert it without even looking at it.

   2) All major changes should be targeted to the 6.9 tree. That means no
      new patches or backports unless really necessary, no major changes to
      the build system.

The goal of this is to not rock the 6.8 boat now that we've got something
solid. We can still do work on it, but I feel that the majority of the work
should be targeted at 6.9 at this point.

The 6.9 tree remains completely open for anyone to hack on as they will.
Feel free to break it and fix it as necessary to get things in good shape,
although please don't break it too badly since I've put a lot of effort in
to getting it working :-) The primary goal for the next 6.9 updates will be
to get them building on all arches. That means getting updated manifests
and .install files for every arch. I already have the necessary build log
from amd64, courtesy of Ari Pollak, but that leaves a lot to be desired.
I'll send out a call to the porter lists in the next day or so to request
failed build logs so we can get things going, although if someone wants to
take the initiative and just volunteer to build 6.9 on a missing arch, they
should feel free :-)

I also plan on immediately importing 6.9rc1 when it's released. Daniel has
imported a bunch of our patches directly in to the main tree, so we can
happily chuck a few of them for rc1. At a certain point, I'm going to try
and make regular CVS drops in to the repo so as to minimize the delta
between us and upstream. This should allow us to get 6.9 in to unstable
very soon after it is actually released.

I haven't had time to look at 7.0 yet, although I've talked to Daniel about
it a little bit. I want to get to work on it as soon as 6.9 has entered
basic maintainance mode. That's a little ways off, so we don't have to
think about it yet, but we need to start heading that way as soon as
possible. The modular packages are the forseeable future, so our time is
much better spent polishing those than the 6.8/6.9 series.

 - David Nusinow

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