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Re: About the libvgahw.a and volatile issue.

El Martes, 19 de Julio de 2005 00:42, David Nusinow escribió:
> Well, in the meantime I've just gotten a report that we didn't fully fix
> this in -3 like I thought. Could you post the patch you used to make the
> lib that you're having everyone download and try out? I used one from the
> redhat bug report, but it may be different that the one you're using,
> because the bug reporter said that while -3 didn't work for him, replacing
> the lib with yours did work.

	I am sad to say that the libvgahw.a was extracted from your -0pre1v1 
packages. Thus, it is the same file, but compiled with gcc-3.3.

	I think that, definitely, we will need to de-optimize that building. I will 
try to take a look to the SVN and locate the corresponding bits in the source 
ir order to prepare a patch to compile libvgahw.a with -O0, but I do not 
promise anything.

	Best regards,

En la noche de tu sangre los glóbulos son estrellas, cometas los hematíes y
planetas los átomos de hierro.
		-- La palmera transparente (Mario Satz)
Debian developer

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