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Bug#289381: [uxterm] Does not start if locale is not generated

(This bug is the same as #291115.)

I looked at bug #246398 - "xterm: uxterm should fail if en_US.UTF-8
locale not supported on system", closed December 9, 2004, and it seems
like this behaviour is intended.  It is described in the ChangeLog for
xfree86 version 4.3.0.dfsg.1-9:

     + Modify uxterm script to use locale program to verify if the derived
       locale is installed.  (Closes: #246398)

However, on a fresh sarge installation without gnome or kde, uxterm
has the highest priority for x-terminal-emulator (30), and the
en_US.UTF-8 locale is not supported, so in, say, WindowMaker, the
terminal launcher does nothing.  I think either the en_US.UTF-8 locale
should be generated as a dependency of xterm, or uxterm should have
lower priority than xterm for x-terminal-emulator.

Reid Barton

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