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Bug#233670: AOL

  I get this too -- the XFree86.0.log file claims DRI was initialized
successfully, but GL programs use indirect rendering.  I think this
might have something to do with it:

torrent:~> LIBGL_DEBUG=1 glxinfo>/dev/null
libGL error: dlopen /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/mga_dri.so failed
(/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/mga_dri.so: undefined symbol: sse_test_dummy)
libGL error: unable to find driver: mga_dri.so
libGL error: dlopen /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/mga_dri.so failed
(/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/mga_dri.so: undefined symbol: sse_test_dummy)
libGL error: unable to find driver: mga_dri.so


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org> -------------------\
|                  "When you have heard a joke, you have a                    |
|                   key to the secret of the universe, and                    |
|                   you have power for all time against the                   |
|                   force of evil." -- Garrison Keillor                       |
\------- (if (not (understand-this)) (go-to http://www.schemers.org)) --------/

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