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Bug#226180: not ameanable to configuration with readline frontend; lack of defaults

retitle 226180: xserver-xfree86: [debconfage rewrite] not ameanable to configuration with readline frontend; lack of defaults

On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 05:13:17PM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
> Package: xserver-xfree86
> Version: 4.2.1-14
> Severity: normal
> The debconf configuration for xserver-xfree86 has a large number of
> questions that are missing any default option. Some of these are not
> obvious when xserver-xfree86 is configured using debconf's dialog
> frontend. For example:
>   Note that mouse buttons in excess of five (counting a scroll wheel as two 
>   buttons, one each for "up" and "down", and a third if the wheel "clicks") are 
>   not yet supported with this configuration tool.
>   :-) Emulate 3 button mouse? 
>   :-) Emulate 3 button mouse?
> There is no reason why there cannot be a default value for this question.
> Moreover, there _is_ an implicit default, when using the dialog frontend:
> Whatever button dialog decides to highlight when it's not specified. Only
> with the text frontend do boolean and select questions have no default
> value. So you should go through and add reasonable defaults for all such
> things.

I used to have them.  I had to rip them all out when I added the
autodetection code.  My testing experience showed me that I couldn't
both do autodetection cleanly and have defaults in the debconf database.

I forget what all the scenarios were, but it was very frustrating to
write, as you can probably see from the amount of indirection and
messiness in the current xserver-xfree86.config script.

I think that script is in a hopeless state and it needs to be rewritten
from scratch.

> Here is another one, using the string type:
>   Users of U.S. English keyboards should generally enter "pc104".
>   :-) Please select your keyboard model.
>   Please enter a value for the entry.
>   A null entry is not permitted.
>   <proceeds to redislay the whole question>

As opposed to only part of it?  How would I accomplish that without yet
another template?  Wouldn't omitting the long description be a frontend

>   Users of U.S. English keyboards should generally enter "pc104".
>   :-) Please select your keyboard model.
> So, why not use "pc104" as a default. Better, why not come up with a
> good default based on the selected keymap in console-tools. Or, you could
> try to get the value of debian-installer/keymap, which will be available
> in the debconf db on systems installed by debian-installer. Anyway,
> there should be a reasonable default provided.

Ooh, debian-installer/keymap.  That sounds nice.  I've seen you
complaining about 1 billion different packages that ask what country
people live in, too.

You should probably mail debian-devel-announce a heads up to people
regarding what configuration data is available in debian-installer
debconf templates.  Once a few people have moved on this (you have my
support, FWIW), you can say its current practice and ram a Policy
proposal through.  Perhaps in the release *after* sarge we can get some
stuff nicely centralized.

And I hope that d-i absolutely, unconditionally, always always always
sets the hostname.  Everybody seems to assume it's set, and nobody
*EVER* bothers to do any error handling if it isn't.  They're wrong, but
they're also terminally lazy and we'll never get them all fixed.

G. Branden Robinson                |       The last Christian died on the
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       cross.
branden@debian.org                 |       -- Friedrich Nietzsche
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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